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  1. K

    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    That's "Code of Silence" By iboneki She's part of our little writing group...however she has not updated much because (chapter 7) when she moved to D.C., she was tapped by a congressman to help promote the peace corps, so she's been busy writing for...
  2. K

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    I read in a spoiler that its just another OC in an eppy who picks up on it, no real CSI character does. They talked about this all ready at YTAW site. And the things this guy says is that Grissom seeks out this affection from another because he's bored, not out of love..which I find interesting...
  3. K

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    I think Nick and Warrick's bond is the strongest on the show. We've seen it develop in so many ways from Season 1, when they were so competitive, but even waaaay back in "Blood Drops" Warrick still checked up on Nick after he punched the door. Through out the series thier banter, ribbing and...
  4. K

    "Built To Kill Part 1" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I still think the whole thing is a swerve. What happened to Cath was planned, and I think its beyond a rape or assult. I think she was drugged and left out like that as a message like, 'you're no protected." I mean if Lindesy is a target then its part of an over all plan. Again I wish the TTB...
  5. K

    "Built To Kill Part 1" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Well if you peice things together, there's more to the murder with the male couple..its just doesn't fit. Cath was drinking maragritas, I bet that guy slipped her his drug, which meant she wasn't raped. I think it has something to do with Sam Bruan, no way that guy is in there and nothing else...
  6. K

    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    Cantcookfood over at "Oh No Nicky" put the interview up on Youtube. Here is the link.
  7. K

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    Allyssa, All very intresting peices of info....I love to learn more about each chracter. We knew from one tiny bit that Brass was in the military but yes this is the first time he mentions Nam. Yes, an eppy that features Nick and Warrick's realtionship....I think they have one of the best...
  8. K

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    Alyssa, What was spoken about over there?
  9. K

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    I tend to like the eppys where they cut down the cast a bit and I love anything with Warrick and Nick, thats awesome news. This means that we'll have the other half in the next eppy so its all balanced.
  10. K

    Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

    Damn Billy looks freakin hot in that and I agree it has a very film noir feel. Loved the color and lightening though I agree that JF's shirt is odd, her wasitline is too high up.
  11. K

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    Its not a real trial, just an inquest..if it was a trial we al know then Greg would be charged for something and he would have no job whatsoever as we learned in "Boom' that if you're arrested your career is over......also sadly Grissom does seem to be amiss when his guys do really need...
  12. K

    Season 7 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion & Posting - Part 2

    So in your mind's eye two close friends who have been through a lot and have known each other can't dance and go out and have a good time? Nick and Cath have always had a great friendship and if you are in this thread then don't forget Catherine tries to encourage Nick to flirt with some...
  13. K

    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    I like the conversation between him and Warrick in "High and Low' WARRICK: So Fred does a number on Jimmy's canopy to keep him from flying. NICK: He's threatened by the guy. It's to keep from getting shown up, you know. WARRICK: He needs to be the Top Dog, huh? NICK: Hmm. WARRICK: Yeah...
  14. K

    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    Nicksarafan, Could you tell us the source of the spoiler info from you e-mail? Thats the first I've heard of it, and just wanted to know where it came from. I've read all the press tour stuff and this gives me a lot of hope, since nothing coming out of it has even hinted ta that. PM if you want...
  15. K

    Richard Lewis: 'CSI' To Take Risks On Season 7

    Wow, so now we're getting more characters? Gawd why on earth why?? And I think personl stoylines is code for GSR and Catherine and her daughter drama, I just bet it is. I've got mixed feelings, I'm not against the whole GSR thing but the ways its done will have a lot to do with how I feel. I'...
  16. K

    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    Oh, it wasn't meant to sound that way. I'm a huge QT fan, so I hated seeing his name atatched to that movie so it could sell more. Oddly enough he paid to have Hero circulated here as well under a similar deal.
  17. K

    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    QT did not write, nor direct that movie. All he did was pay for it to be circulated here in the States. He had nothing to do with it except get it aired here.
  18. K

    Texan Charm- a Nick/George Discussion Thread Part 4

    Yea, a new thread! Not much to comment on, except that Gary was involved in one major film and began another one during this season and the reason for so little screen time. So, I don't think he pissed off anyone. Not sure why George has not none anything recently, maybe he just wants to enjoy...
  19. K

    "Rashomama" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    From what I've read elsewhere this is like the eppy "Bad Blood" from the X-Files..4 versions of what happened of the same event..though I read that ages who knows. Though I just laughed when I read it was Nick's that got stolen..poor guy. K
  20. K

    "Spellbound" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    I think its ironic. Last week ppl were complaining about no Grissom or Greg...this week no Sara or Nick, or Cath. Its been mentioned a half a dozen times they are doubleing up on filming towards the week we'll see a couple of CSIs centered and the next wekk a switch. It'll be...