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  1. that_girl1

    Eric/Calleigh #28: Soon To Become A Major Religion

    I'm writing a fic currently, but its not an up-against-the-wall fic. Sorry. :( Ugh I'm so mad. I have a track meet on Monday and I'm going to get home late(probably miss the episode and any E/C moments, if there are any). I've been trashed with so much homework and such. Because you love us and...
  2. that_girl1

    Road Trip! The Final Frontier.

    Who wouldn't want to help Delko into some jeans? :lol: Awesome updates Geni!
  3. that_girl1

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    Empire Records I really liked this movie mainly because the characters really didn't care what people thought of them and did whatever they wanted to do. It was really cool also to see different actors together because they all are now going in their separate directions and do different kinds...
  4. that_girl1

    The Last 10 Songs You Listened To #4

    Panic! At The Disco - There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet Paramore - For A Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic Boys Like Girls - Hero Heroine Cobra Starship - Kiss My Sass Paramore - Fences Britney Spears - Radar Boys Like Girls - Heels Over...
  5. that_girl1

    The photos of the day!

    wolfesgamergirl + I love how there's one part on the right of the sky that's clear and not cloudy. - I can't really find anything wrong with it. Great job. CalleighD + I love how the colors all kind of mix together. This is an awesome picture. - The trees somehow take away from the sunset...
  6. that_girl1

    CSI: Hangman #10

    Horatio: You see, I think if we connect these two cases, we'll have a shot at probable cause. Tripp: The probable cause is that she's a stripper, she's a junkie, and she's a whore. Horatio: She's also a human being. Tripp: And now she's a corpse. Evidence of Things Unseen If its correct...
  7. that_girl1

    What Category Do I Belong In? Find out here! [Please rate/comment!]

    Re: In what category I belong? - Wallpapers Yeah me too. I really am not sure what to enter when there are only two categories in a challenge.
  8. that_girl1

    One on One challenges! Challenge #12 ~ Results Up!

    Re: One on One challenges - Challenge #8~Join Now Hmm, I'll challenge you CalleighD if you'd like.
  9. that_girl1

    The CSI:Miami Picture Game Thread #1

    Is that 'Darkroom'?
  10. that_girl1

    CSI: Hangman #10

    A W please:)
  11. that_girl1

    Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

    Re: Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something..' I saw Empire Records and it was a pretty good movie. Lucas kind of reminded me of Speedle because he was so laid back and spoke the truth. I was suprised when I saw Johnny Whitworth in it because they worked in CSI:Miami but not...
  12. that_girl1

    CSI: Hangman #10

    Yup you got it right DD. Your turn :)
  13. that_girl1

    One on One challenges! Challenge #12 ~ Results Up!

    Re: One on One challenges - Challenge #8~Join Now I guess I can challenge Adorelo. :)
  14. that_girl1

    The CSI:Miami Picture Game Thread #1

    You got it right fo_poozle! Your turn.
  15. that_girl1

    The Last 10 Songs You Listened To #4

    Lacuna Coil - Closer Paramore - Fences Good Charlotte - The River Boys Like Girls - Heels Over Head The Academy Is... - Slow Down Fall Out Boy - Hum Hallelujah Boys Like Girls - The Great Escape Plain White T's - Hey There Delilah Aventura - El Perdedor The Sounds - Tony the Beat
  16. that_girl1

    What Are You Reading? - #2

    I've started reading The Devil In The White City. Its about the famous World's Columbian Fair (or something like that) Its nonfiction and I'm reading it for my english class. The prologue was interesting, I just hope that the rest of the book is also interesting.
  17. that_girl1

    CSI: Hangman #10

    Miami C1:People mi-ht pla- nice- -ith a -en-e- -en-e- i- the- -ne- th-ee o-t ten people stash a --n in thei- -a-. C2: Is that t--e? C1: -eah. C2: Then I'll thin- a little ha--e- ne-t time -e-o-e I -lip someone the -i--. Guessed letters: A, C, E, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, S, T
  18. that_girl1

    The CSI:Miami Picture Game Thread #1

    Nope sorry Hunter its wrong
  19. that_girl1

    The CSI:Miami Picture Game Thread #1

    I'm bumping up this thread. Here's a new picture.
  20. that_girl1

    CSI: Hangman #10

    Miami C1:People -i--t pla- nice- -it- a -en-e- -en-e- i- t-e- -ne- t--ee o-t ten people -ta-- a --n in t-ei- -a-. C2: I- t-at t--e? C1: -ea-. C2: T-e- I'll t-in- a little -a--e- ne-t ti-e -e-o-e I -lip -o-eone t-e -i--. Guessed letters: A, C, E, I, L, N, O, P, T