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    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    love it cheers
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    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    love this. it's great to see some CSI:NY manips
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    Fan Fiction (story) Banner

    i had mine made by MrsClaus
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    The Smacked Soundtrack Thread #2

    A song for Mac And Stella: Αγριολούλουδο Στίχοι: Πυθαγόρας Μουσική: Χρήστος Νικολόπουλος Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Στέλιος Καζαντζίδης Άλλες ερμηνείες: Χαρούλα Αλεξίου || Γιάννης Κότσιρας Μη με λυπάσαι διώξε με απόψε σαν να 'μαι αγριολούλουδο και τη ζωή μου κόψε Εγώ γυμνός ξεκίνησα εγώ πηγαίνω μόνος...
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    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    :D that's what i was thinking the first time i saw that scene as a still.
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    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    Mac and Stella are like two peas in a pod. i think even Flack stated in an episode "You two have working together for too long" he's talking about Mac & Stella when they both ask about who found a body.
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    new ny story
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    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    love stella and mac in the first season so young and fresh. just going to watch it while i do a few hours of ironing
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    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    it makes me think that the guy in the pool with her is the killer. i cant wait til this ep. Melina rocks, also cant wait until Percy Jackson is on dvd (no longer on at the movies here :( ) Loved melina in this weeks ep. especially her and gary in the first 10 mins of the ep.
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    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    just found this awesome SMACKED vid on youtube love smacked
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    Grade 'Pot of Gold'

    i enjoyed it. pity we have to wait like 3 weeks for the next ep
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    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    awesome pics cheers. maybe the producers should look at our pages
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    Mac <3 Stella #19 - I won't give up if you dont give up.

    WHAT A Month with out any SMAKCED ....F*******k what the h are they doing?
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    Season 6 Ratings

    good to know. so by the time i have watched the ep
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    Stella/Melina #7 'Cause everything sounds better in Greek

    ditto it a nice colour calm. Can wait to watch Pot Of Gold tomorrow night after i get it from at friend at work tomorrow! more MAc and Stella Melina Rocks
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    Season 6 Ratings

    do we know what Pot of Gold's ratings were
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    new ny story

    i'll update it soon. your get to find out some shocking news
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    Grade 'Uncertainty Rules'

    oops my mistake Pot of gold is next week not st paddy's day. loved this ep
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    The CSI: NY vs. L&O SVU showdown!

    i hope NY wins this week with the ratings. SVU aint that great now. lucky for us here they are on different days. atm i'm relying on the USA for NY coz it aint on here