Search results

  1. F

    Paul/Brass: I Got a Coupon #2

    Re: Paul/Brass #2 Yeah, I agree. Brass is the quintessential CSI cop. None of the other detectives, like Vega or Vartan, could come close. He always has such great lines too! When I was looking at the Diner game I noticed Brass was missing, but had hoped the dead character was Hodges. :lol...
  2. F

    Would you go to a CSI convention??

    DEFINITELY! I wouldn't miss it for the world. Of course, if they hold one in NYC it will cost twice as much to get in as anywhere else. :p That's what happened at the X-Files convention. Stupid Javits Center, it's not even that great.
  3. F

    If WP was to leave will csi survive?

    Sure CSI will survive, the only question would be for how long. Honestly, if any main character were to leave the show it would be a big blow. However, we've seen quite a few episodes without Grissom these past couple of seasons and in my opinion they've been just fine. As long as the writing...
  4. F

    "Rashomama" Discussion **Beware Spoilers**

    I really, really enjoyed Rashomama. I love how the writers turned what could have been a very serious episode, with all the evidence missing, into pure comedy. It's those witty episodes when I think CSI is at it's best. It was also nice to see the camraderie between the CSI's again, first at...
  5. F

    Hottest CSI

    Uh, Flack, would I choose anyone else?? He's got those blue eyes...they can melt hearts I tell you. *smirk* Seriously, all the CSI's have such good looking people, eye candy abound.
  6. F

    Forensic Science Trivia Game!

    Good job never_a_promise! Ok, here's another, it's from the world of forensic medicine. What is the best way to clean a head down to the skull bones?
  7. F

    Forensic Science Trivia Game!

    Thank you! :) OK, what does GC/MS stand for and why is it used?
  8. F

    Your Ringtones?

    Unknown people: Star Wars Theme Friends: X-Files Theme I like sci-fi. :p
  9. F

    It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami or CSI:NY

    Re: It has to be asked CSI or CSI:Miami Vegas, definitely. I think it's got the right mix of everything, great cast, science, action, exoticness (is that a word??). And it's just got the coolest cases, really far out stuff. :cool:
  10. F

    Have you guys seen this? *Spoilers*

    Re: Have you guys seen this? *Spoilers* Hehe, I know, I can't wait either! Just one more day and we can find out how Frankie gets finished off. Argh! I don't like Tuesdays, no CSI to watch! Plus it's so far from the weekend, it just so blah.
  11. F

    Forensic Science Trivia Game!

    Fortunatus Fidelis first practiced modern forensic medicine. It became a recognized branch of medicine in the early 19th century.
  12. F

    What's Your Desktop Wallpaper?

    Mine's currently a cool CSI:NY themed one of Flack, Mac & Danny. I got it from PastMyShoulder. I have big plans to make a super-CSI wallpaper from all 3 series, but haven't gotten around to it yet!
  13. F

    Welcome to the CSI:Miami Forum!

    Hey Everyone! I'm a newbie, slowly making my way around the boards. Love all 3 CSI's and have been watching each of them since their respective Day 1's. I was seriously disappointed when Speed's character got knocked off, but I'm still having fun with Miami. Jonathan Togo has not...
  14. F

    Hottest Men from all Three CSI's?

    CSI - Nick CSI:NY - Flack & Danny CSI:Miami - Speed :D
  15. F

    CSIs or the Actors Who Play Them?

    While I'd welcome the opportunity to meet either the CSI's or the Actors, I'd pick the CSI's. This is simply because I'm sure the actors are very different from the characters they play and meeting them might be disappointing. Especially because sometimes the actors are not as enthused about...
  16. F

    Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to ....

    Re: Has Anyone ever audition for a episode or would like to LOL, I'd love to play a lab rat, but a cool one, not someone as lame as Hodges.
  17. F

    Have you guys seen this? *Spoilers*

    Re: Have you guys seen this? *Spoilers* Yeah, Mac, Danny and Flack should whip Frankie's ass and see that Stella gets some butt kicking time as well. I've seen the preview and the commercial on CBS a number of times now and keep hoping that the scene where Mac and Flack start...
  18. F

    Favourite Supervisor

    Well, I'm at a crisis right now because I can't even definitively say which CSI is my fave, it's either LV or NY. Everytime I see an ep of each I'm sure that that one is my fave. So I'd go with Grissom or Mac as my favorite supervisor, although Grissom's the most like me. Regardless, I'd love...
  19. F

    Have you guys seen this? *Spoilers*

    Re: Have you guys seen this? *Spoilers* Thanks for this link! That preview was definitely sick (meant in both senses of the word). I'm definitely excited about seeing how it all plays out next week. CSI:NY just manages to keep topping itself week after week this season. :cool:
  20. F

    Former X-Philes, Unite!

    *sigh* these posts bring back so many great XF memories! I was cleaning up my room the other day and found my stash of XF mags, I had forgotten I had so many! Anyway, for all you DD fans out there, in case you didn't know, he's been doing voiceovers for the Pedigree dog food commercials...