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  1. F

    The Oregon Trail: CSI NY version

    OMG, I remember playing this game all through elementary school. I think I ended up seeing several different versions. The last one I played actually makes you navigate the river at the end, rather than just getting a screen telling you your oxen died. LOL. All I know is that in computer...
  2. F

    CSI: NY Season Two DVD Party! *DVD Spoilers*

    Ack! Amazon still hasn't shipped mine. :( But then I did order later than I wanted to waiting for my visa card to get approved. ($30 off your first order = cheap CSI:NY S2 for poor student)
  3. F

    Join Top41 And MrsG For A Night With The Suicide Girls!

    Now I'm sad that I live in NYC. But have fun! It sounds like it'll be a night to remember (if you can...)
  4. F

    Grade 'Oedipus Hex'

    Well, it looks like everything I could think of has been said about this ep. I liked it alright, but it wasn't as enthralling as "Not What It Looks Like" or "Hung Out to Dry". I definitely agree with the comment made quite a bit earlier that the writers missed a great opportunity to show Flack...
  5. F

    My CSI:NY encounter - the experience of a lifetime

    I'm jealous! ;) I live in NYC and whenever I go to Manhattan (I'm an outerboro girl, Queens, where strangely a lot of the really wack CSI:NY killers live) and hope to at least see some CSI:NY scene taping, even if it's just exteriors. No such luck yet. Congrats Orison!
  6. F

    Grade 'Hung Out to Dry'

    Ack! I'm posting later than usual. Anyway, I absolutely loved this episode, I gave it an A+. I'm glad that they finally had the whole team working on one case. And me being a big Flack fan, boy was I happy he got mucho screen time. Danny was great in this episode too, he showed empathy for...
  7. F

    "Toe Tags" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    Re: Toe Tag discussion? Well, apparently I'm not the only one who thought 4x4 immediately. While not the most gripping CSI episode, I thought it had it's moments. I liked the tour Grissom gave even though I'm sure Ecklie or the sherriff probably forced him to do it. I'm surprised he didn't...
  8. F

    Grade 'Love Run Cold'

    Hmm...I'm not really sure how I feel about this ep. I think I expected something more from it. I mean, the promos stressed the whole Danny/Lindsay thing, but really it was such a minor part of the episode. I felt bad for Danny getting stood up and when Lindsay wouldn't even look at him when...
  9. F

    Hottest CSI:NY Male and Female

    For male I picked Flack, though Danny is a very close second. They're both such hotties! As for the females, I went with Stella just because her character is so cool. :D
  10. F

    Episode #503 'Death Pool 100' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Re: Episode #503 'Death Pool 100' I enjoyed Miami's 100th episode last night. I was actually surprised that the episode itself wasn't more...bombastic. In fact I thought that the plot was rather typical for Miami, though it did go in more directions than a usual case does. It was clever of...
  11. F

    Former X-Philes, Unite!

    I started watching during Season 4 (the first ep I saw was "Kaddish"), after a friend of mine was completely enamored with DD. Despite starting late, I became utterly obsessed myself with XF and still love it to this day. In fact, I just got S4 for my b-day this year. Yay!
  12. F

    S2 DVDs: When available in US?

    You're very welcome DistractedlyHere! I made that discovery on Amazon by accident! Anyway, now Amazon is listing S2 if you simply search for "CSI:NY".
  13. F

    Grade 'Not What It Looks Like'

    I just remembered something I meant to add when I first put my 2 cents in. I just wanted to comment that it was refreshing to see Mac work the B case for a change, off the top of my head I can't remember the last time I saw that. Of course his case was the more high profile one and he worked...
  14. F

    "Built To Kill Part 2" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    I really, really, really hope they follow up with this episode, especially regarding the model house. I would love to see Grissom find some other model house at a crime scene later on this season or even next season. I personally thought the recurrent Paul Millander, Tammy Felton and Lady...
  15. F

    Grade 'Not What It Looks Like'

    Ok, the season's only 2 episodes old, but after last night, I already can't wait for the s3 dvd's to come out. I think I may have to break down and buy it off iTunes. I was completely in love with it for so many reasons. -Flack got more screentime and we got to see him in Kevlar again! -Sid...
  16. F

    What stuff do YOU want to see?

    Can someone tell me why there is such a lack of CSI (all editions) posters??? I'd love to get a full cast poster for each of the 3 shows. Right now I only have a big poster of the CSI S3 dvd set cover, which I bought at the CBS store in NY. But it's only got Grissom and Catherine...
  17. F

    CSI: autographs advice and how to be successful

    Coolness! I don't know if I can muster up the nerve to write to my favorite actors for an autograph though. Once when I was younger and did that all I got was an invitation to join a fan club, grr.
  18. F

    Forenics books/shows

    Oh, oh I just thought of something else! It's not exactly a forensic science book, but another great read is the book "Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers" by Mary Roach. Fun and educational, just like CSI.
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    S2 DVDs: When available in US?

    DistractedlyHere, sorry if someone already helped you out with this, but to see the CSI:NY S2 dvd's on amazon you actually have to look at the entry for S1. The S2's are mentioned in that entry under the "Other Versions and Languages" section. For some reason, the S2 entry does not appear on...
  20. F

    CSI:NY in the top ten

    Yay! Definitely great news considering the original got beat by both Grey's and Desperate Housewives. I hope NY just keep on movin' up.