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  1. C

    What's your brain sex?

    I scored 50 on the male side. But apparently I am a gay male, cuz, I seemed to prefer the masculine faces.
  2. C

    What is your favorite Quote??

    Warrick: Who brings a gun to a knifefight? Grissom: The Winner __________________________ Catherine: Watch it wiggle, see it jiggle, yeah, I get it. __________________________ And I love: Greg: Hehhehheheh He said skidmarks. (funny story, the first time that I saw that episode, there...
  3. C

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    My hubby wanted to buy a new SUV, he was looking at several, a 4runner, Pathfinder, Suburban ETC, but I kept saying that I did not like them. We got a Tahoe (same colour as the CSI ones)
  4. C

    One thing that annoys me the most...

    He he he, I do that all the time, we just bought a Tahoe and whenever I call it a car, my husband gets mad. "IT IS NOT A CAR!!!!!!" The thing that really annoys me is when they end an episode, and it seems like they just tacked on the ending. Like they were going along and all of a sudden...
  5. C

    you know you're addicted to CSI when...#2

    Re: you know you're addicted to CSI....#2 When someone ( and I have no idea who) puts crime scene tape around my desk at work!!!! :D I kinda like it and think I'll keep it. When someone sayes "did you watch . . . last night?" and my answer is always the same, nope I was watching CSI repeats...
  6. C

    Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of Love

    Re: #1 Fave Ship -- Nick/Sara -- #19 Public Declaration of L I am glad that others saw the same thing that I did in that G/S/N conversation, I thought that maybe I was reading more into this than was meant to be. I felt like Grissom was sort of letting Nick know that maybe things were not...
  7. C

    "Gum Drops: The Un Seen Scene

    Loved it. I could so see Greg sitting watching Spongebob and playing gameboy (he sort of reminds me of my 11 year old :lol: ) Oh and Nick in glasses (yummy) I LOVE a man in glasses, there is something super sexy about that. :devil:
  8. C

    What's the last thing you ate?

    Right now I am eating plain potato chips. I just finished a salad that I made this morning. It was awesome, it had tri-colour spiral pasta, red and yellow peppers, purple onion, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, chicken, crumbled bacon, ranch...
  9. C

    Any secrets?

    I am afraid of the dark (I am over 30)
  10. C

    CSI Shipper Melting Pot

    I think that the group is a great idea, as long as people understand that just because someone says something negative about your ship it is not a personal attack. And there are ways to express your ideas about a ship without attacking the shipper. As long as we all agree to disagree and still...
  11. C

    The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

    I went to see Cars. My kids wanted to go see it. It was ok funny but it was no Toy Story. The last movie before that was Hoodwinked. Seems like every movie I go see in the Movie Theatre is a kids movie. I need to get some friends.
  12. C

    Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology class?]

    Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas We dissected all sorts of things in 10 grade biology. My lab partner was a crybaby and she would go "Oh, I feel ill, I can't do this." (think really bad actress) And then I would have to do it myself. I got in trouble for making...
  13. C

    Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

    It is 12 C (53 F for the Americans) and it has been raining or over cast for about a month and a half. I can literally count the number of nice days on one hand. I wanted to get a tan before my sister-in-law's wedding in two weeks, so I finally had to break down and buy a bottle of self...
  14. C

    Allergies Anyone?

    I am allergic to pollen (really bad right now) It really sux, cuz I live in the country. I am allergic to mosquito bites, I get these HUGE welts when I get bit. I am allergic to a lot of shampoos, (they give me a rash on the back of my neck) and I am allergic to most laundry soaps (good...
  15. C

    Anyone here an actual CSI?

    I used to work in the police impound yard. So I used to get them coming in when there were stolen cars, or accidents, or a murder (the murder part didn't happen all that often)
  16. C

    P2 - You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When..

    Re: You Know You've Watched To Much CSI When.. I start a lot of sentences with "one time on CSI. . ." or "Grissom said . . ." In my job I talk to people from Coronor, and ME offices all the time and once I asked one is LV if Grissom was there. (NOTE TO SELF: Don't do that again, they don't...
  17. C

    Favorite TV Show Quotes

    NCIS TONY: Ziva, did you mean it when you said that I smelled bad? ZIVA: No, Tony, I was just teasing you TONY: (farts) How about now? I laughed about that for an hour. And then for a week later, every time I thought about it, I cracked up. (People at work thought that I was going insane)
  18. C

    Movies that Traumatized You!

    The Shining scared the hell out of me. And ever since I saw Signs, I can't look out the window at night. Flatliners freaked me out completely. And The Lost Boys creeped me out. Nightmare of Elm Street, Chuckie, Final Destination cracked my up, they were hilarious. (Oh and The House on...
  19. C

    Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

    It has been raining here so long that I am getting ready to build an ark. I have not been able to put in my garden, and I am not happy about it. I had it all tilled up and now it is a big mud puddle. All of my son's little league games for the last two weeks have been rained out. We have had...
  20. C

    #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written off

    Re: #1 Fave Ship - Nick/Sara - #18 Chemistry cant be written YAY new thread, I come bearing gifts look of love I love this one