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  1. LibertyBell

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

    To my supervisor's right hand: Okay, you live in Canada now, and here we speak English. Please learn it. I do not appreciate being treated like an invalid because I can't understand your broken english. I don't know how exactly you got to the position you're in now without being able to...
  2. LibertyBell

    CSI: Hangman #11

    I'll take an S please.
  3. LibertyBell

    Directors/Writers/SAG Contracts & The Effects

    Re: Directors/Writers/SAG Contracts & The Effects I completely agree, Destiny. These union members are just getting ridiculous. Part of the reason I hate unions is they abuse their power like this. They say they're all about fighting for the little guy and getting what's fair, but then they...
  4. LibertyBell


    I'm slowly getting into it. And by slowly I mean I'm only up to the third episode. :lol: But I like it. Lucy's smart and sassy, and I like characters like that. Courteney does a great job. Lucy's so far removed from Monica.:)
  5. LibertyBell

    Bones *Spoilers*

    YES!!! I'm loving this storyline. On most procedurals when they add character storylines in they usually spend a lot of time building up to it and then expose everything ridiculously fast, but Bones is avoiding that here, so I'm glad. Can't wait to see what happens!
  6. LibertyBell

    Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

    Gotta love the spoilers. This is more like it. ;) ...Actually, how many eps are we supposed to be getting post-strike? 3x14 and 3x15 look intriguing. Yay for character episodes. :) What is it about Texas though? They seem to have so many cases there.:confused: So, how do we all feel about...
  7. LibertyBell

    Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

    I doubt that she'd come back as soon as the season finale. But if I was a betting girl I'd put money on a return in season 9.;) cocoa, I hope you enjoyed those first two season eight eps, because the Snickers action pretty much stops after that.:( kissmesweet, that sucks that you had to take...
  8. LibertyBell

    Survivor? We Call It Camping ~ Canadian Thread #5

    Oh, my mom took my little sister to see that. She said it was impressive. Apparently they bike ride across the ice at one point.:lol: I don't know where all you people are getting this "okay" weather. I had a conversation at the front door yesterday and was freezing in seconds! But luckily I...
  9. LibertyBell

    "I still have a question about an episode" thread #2

    Re: "I still have a question about an episode" thread #2 I think there's only three, and then supervisor is sort of in a class all by its own. But I'm not sure about that.... As for the main characters levels, they're all pretty much level threes, aren't they? Catherine certainly is, Nick...
  10. LibertyBell

    American Idol

    Actually, desertwind, it was Michael who sang Across the Universe. ;) I was a little shocked by the results last night. Kristy's rendition of Eight Days a Week really was awful. The arrangement just did NOT work. At times it seemed like she was competing against the instruments, and she kind...
  11. LibertyBell

    Criminal Minds #2: How May We Save Your Ass Today?

    Hmm, Erin and Aaron. I never thought about that before. Weird. I'm not sure what they'd be trying to tell us. Is it that the two of them are not/could end up not being all that different? Dedicated to their jobs to the point where it alienates their families? I don't know.... Anyhoo, Destiny...
  12. LibertyBell

    Directors/Writers/SAG Contracts & The Effects

    Re: Directors/Writers/SAG Contracts & The Effects Well I think that's a great idea on AFTRA's part. From what I can tell the SAG are still dragging their heels, and honestly, if they think they're going to get the same amount of sympathy as the WGA did, they are sorely mistaken. Everyone got...
  13. LibertyBell

    How old are all CSI fans?

    I'm not really partial to either option, but I suppose it would be nice and neat to be able to see everyone's responses in one place.
  14. LibertyBell

    Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

    LLK, I like that. It's very plausible. What Sara had with him was a fascination, it wasn't like they were soulmates or whatever. Like I've said before, Grissom is just too introverted for a romance like the one Sara wanted. Honestly, I think that when she first fell for him she wasn't ready for...
  15. LibertyBell

    Survivor? We Call It Camping ~ Canadian Thread #5

    I'm with all of you, I am officially sick of all this snow! Is this supposed to be payback for last year when we got almost nothing? If so, I think we're even now. You can stop, mother nature. I made the mistake of going out today, and I got buried in that stuff. At one point I was walking...
  16. LibertyBell

    House#2: 'More Addictive Then Vicodin!'

    Hmm, I don't know about that. I never saw Chase as the one who cared about the patients more than personal advancement. Remember in The Mistake when Foreman told Stacy that "as soon as [Chase] is out of the room, which is as soon as he can be out of the room, he's bad mouthing the patient"? And...
  17. LibertyBell

    American Idol

    Yes, I knew he was in a band. What I was trying to get at there is he's comfortable on stage, unlike many of his competitors. My favourite performance of the entire group would have to be Brooke White's rendition of Love is a Battlefield. It was interesting to see it done so differently than...
  18. LibertyBell

    Tell Me Who, Who

    ^I agree, I'd like for Sophia to come back. It was too bad that because there was so much focus on Sara's departure Sophia just disappeared and it seemed like nobody noticed. From what I understand Louise's show didn't pan out, right? So she's available. I liked seeing her and Brass work...
  19. LibertyBell

    Season 8 *Spoiler Lab* Discussion - Part 3

    Oh dear, here we go again. You'd think TPTB would be getting tired of putting our CSIs in danger like this. We've already seen: Nick get blown up, Sara get buried under a car, Catherine's daughter get kidnapped, Catherine get raped, Nick get pushed out a window, Brass get shot, Brass get...
  20. LibertyBell

    Nick/Sara - -#22- - Sara's Nick's; You Can't Deny It!!

    OMG, Pearl, you're back! (It's Gemmy, btw) Em, I love your optimism, but we have to keep in mind that the writers do not like us Snickers shippers, and therefore are not exactly willing to give us nice shippery scenes, let alone a wedding. But that's what fanfiction is for, right? ;) Y'know...