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  1. EmilyRocks

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    I am so sorry that your bike ride and shower is more important than me. Why do you have to get so pissy when I toss 3 shirts to you to throw into the hamper? I mean really? So yeah, you're getting your clothes organized and want to get into the shower, what is 10 more seconds to throw something...
  2. EmilyRocks

    Pin the tail on the Birthday Thread #7

    Happy Birthday Florry86. Have a wonderful day!
  3. EmilyRocks

    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Feast Your Eyes...'

    ^ I agree with you. It would make it interesting if Jesse ends up being a little "dark". Eric leaving is going to make me more of a Ryan fan too, I believe. I want to meet the Jesse character and see what he has to offer to the team, but I'll miss my Eric.
  4. EmilyRocks

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    When someone trusts you with a secret, it is not cool to post something about it on my Facebook wall! So now basically everybody knows something that I wanted to keep a secret for at least another month. I do not need drama. I'm not in middle school anymore!
  5. EmilyRocks

    Which premiere are you looking forward to?

    I can't wait for Miami. I am ready to get all this drama taken care of and figure out exactly what is going on. It's driving me crazy not knowing!
  6. EmilyRocks

    Emily/Calleigh#12: -'Une très jolie petite blonde''

    Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I'd be done.
  7. EmilyRocks

    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    That was my thinking...that he had 9 more hours left to work for the day. Then I thought about 9 scenes left. Hmmm...who knows! I hope he keeps updating everyday ;)
  8. EmilyRocks

    Season 8 **Spoiler Lab** - 'Quench Your Thirst!'

    ^ I'm wondering if they were asking her stuff like that because the show has been going on for so long. I won't believe anything until I hear it from CBS. **crosses fingers for at least 2 more seasons**
  9. EmilyRocks

    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    Adam just updated on Twitter in case anyone is wondering. :)
  10. EmilyRocks

    Emily/Calleigh#12: -'Une très jolie petite blonde''

    I was so happy to see Emily as number two! It was cool to see a lot of CSI people on that list :)
  11. EmilyRocks

    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    aww thanks for the link delkolover! Only 13th out of 15? I totally disagree...our Adam is waaaay hotter than that LOL
  12. EmilyRocks

    Emily/Calleigh#12: -'Une très jolie petite blonde''

    Thanks TexMex! Interesting article. Never mess with Calleigh Duquesne ;)
  13. EmilyRocks

    Adam/Eric #9 - 'The Perfect Diversion'

    Woo! Nice pics :) Love his arms.
  14. EmilyRocks

    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    ^ Thank you. I wish that too. Can't they just have a normal relationship with a little smile to each other here and there, or maybe even once when there needs to be a little drama, let's say Calleigh can't get in touch w/ Eric and gets worried, or the other way around?
  15. EmilyRocks

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    To the weather, It's July and it isn't even 90 degrees here. What is going on? I expect sunny and at least 95 six days out of the week it can be cloudy once LOL. Oh yeah, and where are my cool thunderstorms this summer? We've barely had any! To whoever stole my peppers, Let's grow up and not...
  16. EmilyRocks

    Pin the tail on the Birthday Thread #7

    Happy Birthday may 200607 Have an awesome day :)
  17. EmilyRocks

    Emily/Calleigh#12: -'Une très jolie petite blonde''

    Loved the clip. I don't think I had seen that one before. Ah she is so funny! I was just watching her on The West Wing this morning. The one where she sings "Blame it on the Bossanova" Hilarious :lol:
  18. EmilyRocks

    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    You may be onto something there, Texmex... hopefully. I'm just waiting for spoilers for the third episode, then I'll feel better. I'm sure we'll still get some good E/C scenes this year.
  19. EmilyRocks

    Post Count/Membership Anniversary thread #4

    Congratulations, blackflag and Mandy! Way to go!
  20. EmilyRocks

    Eric and Calleigh #36 - We're In This Together Now.

    Yes Delkolover, thanks as always for the spoilers, I really hope that we will get some for the third episode soon. :cool: And Texmex, I couldn't have said it better myself.