Search results

  1. _Hush_

    Do you believe in God?

    Again, you have to take that with a grain of salt. Compare it to the Odyssey. Troy has actually been found by an archeologist (Schliemann, I think). Does that mean everything that is described in the Iliad and the Odyssey is true? No. Has there never been a war between Greece and Troy? Probably...
  2. _Hush_

    Do you believe in God?

    Just to clarify, I did not, in any way, ever think or said you were an idiot. I know you said so too, but I'm just pointing it out. That's all :angel: What I did was not stereotyping, I gave a broader meaning to the idea of christianity (that's the opposite of stereoptyping.). Every real...
  3. _Hush_

    Lie To Me

    I seem to recall there already was a thread, but I can't seem to find it. So, is anybody still watching this? So far, I think it's one of the best shows on tv for the moment. The second season has really strong stories. The cases are interesting, the chemistry between Lightman and Foster is...
  4. _Hush_

    Do you believe in God?

    This is the problem with taken the bible too seriously. The bible is not a chronicle, not document providing real events. The idea of Jesus rising after three days is the normal reaction of friends, family mourning his death for three days and then realise that his message of love, of friendship...
  5. _Hush_

    Do you believe in God?

    ^ A bit similar here. I was wondering why people were putting words in my mouth about what to believe or not. I need a whole lot of convincing before I believe something, with actual substantial proof. Christianity, basicallly any religion or faith in a higher being, or a higher existence, with...
  6. _Hush_

    Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

    Hey, no hushing :p (primarily because it makes me think of my own screenname :lol:)
  7. _Hush_

    Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

    You mean this pose? :guffaw: I think that is him. You can alomost see his face the entire time. Funny as hell :lol:
  8. _Hush_

    Do you believe in God?

    I only glanced over the last page, but I wanted to clarify that the Old Testament is indeed myth, just as the gods on mount Olympus. Jesus, as a living being (not Christ) on the other hand was not mythical. There are still actual Roman records of him. Basically, there are three things we know...
  9. _Hush_

    Do you believe in God?

    The idea of afterlife is a comforting thought so people wouldn't be too afraid of dying, and is also a (old fashioned) way to keep people in line (otherwise you will burn in hell :p). And why wouldn't we judge other people's actions? Yes, I know, He who is free of any blame, cast the first...
  10. _Hush_

    The X-Factor 2009 : Who's it gonna be?

    Hpmf. No offence, but I can't stand the twins :p I thought it was so unfair that Danyl Johnson and Miss Frank were the bottom two! Those were the two best performances of the whole show. How did people not vote for them?
  11. _Hush_

    Do you believe in God?

    I think I'd rather believe that life ain't just a test that will decide my future afterlife. I'd rather know that this is it , and make the best of it. For some reason I find that more... comforting, I guess. Besides, our planet (and the nature disasters that go along with it) is a mess...
  12. _Hush_

    Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 12-Marilyn Monroe-Results

    Re: Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 10-Dirty Dancing - voting' LQ 05: It looks blurry, maybe due to the odd crop? 03: Also blurry, I think because of the colouring/contrast. BQ 01 04
  13. _Hush_

    Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

    ^First season, ep 9, I believe. The boys go back to their old house in Lawrence, and find that the house is haunted. And then there's something with a crazy, but funny fortune teller ("Boy, you put your foot on my coffee table, I'm gonna whack you with a spoon" :lol:). And then other stuff...
  14. _Hush_

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    To my mom: What kind of mean, bitch-like ass comment was that? Oh noes, I spilled some water on the freakin carpet! Apocalypse freakin now! It was uncalled for, and for a moment there, I felt like the worst person in the world. I foresee my actions way better than you do yours, so you don't...
  15. _Hush_

    Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

    Next Thursday, scusi :p We only get to see it on Fridays so I got a little mixed up.
  16. _Hush_

    Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

    Sneak Peek at next Friday's episode right here :D
  17. _Hush_

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #43: Greg/Eric/Hawkes - Voting! Top 3: 06 02 04 Best text: 14 Texture: 15 Color: 04 MC: 02 I would use: 06
  18. _Hush_

    Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

    Welcome to the bunch, Colonel Worf. (And glad to see another Fringe fan ;)) Hmpf. I feel like I'm detoxing. We usually get together on Friday to watch SPN, and now we were kinda.. bummed out. Please tell me there's a new episode next week, I can't keep entertaining them with the SPN quotes I...
  19. _Hush_

    Wallpaper Challenge #56: Orange - Results!

    Re: Wallpaper Challenge #43: Greg/Eric/Hawkes I can't see them either. The thumbnail is fine, but the link to photobucket doesn't work.
  20. _Hush_

    Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

    ^ As long as the story arc keeps me interested, I'm game. I didn't really care for the 'Sammy needs to be saved' story from the second season. Even now when I wanna rewatch epi's, I'll only choose eps of which I know they have only little to do with the general story arc. As for this season...