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  1. M

    Caption Game - Miami Style Pt 3

    Alexx: I'll take care of the body. Natalia, can you drive the car to the impound lot? Natalia: No, these pants are way too tight to drive a car. I'll process the scene while Eric drives the Lamborghini back. Eric: Thinking. *Am I in heaven?* :drool:
  2. M

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

    Down to the wire?
  3. M

    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    6 and 8 were the funniest, but it was a tough picture. 6
  4. M

    Picture Game #3!

    Under Suspicion?
  5. M

    In Plain Sight- Witness. Protection.

    However much we may wish it so! JK, i like that character. I just want him to get a good baseball gig, very far away, and stay there
  6. M

    Skin the Wolfe continued

    Jilly here, just posting so it'll show up with an arrow on my 'new posts' search. Love this fic!
  7. M

    CSI NY Picture Game #9

    I know this is wrong but the moment I looked at it my brain screamed 'Green Piece'. once again, I know its wrong.
  8. M

    In Plain Sight- Witness. Protection.

    I'm a traditionalist. I like canon ships, so Mary/Marshall are obviously my #1 choice. I also love that Raph/Brandi storyline from s1, although I love Peter's character. Of course, I missed One Night Stan, so I don't know what happened there or with this sudden Stan/Eleanor ship, although I...
  9. M

    Who Said It & Which Episode?

    No way that's H. He wouldn't plead. It sounds more like calleigh or ryan, or eric, maybe? Calleigh in under the influence? prob wrong, but y else coffee?
  10. M

    CSI NY Picture Game #9

    Yes please, if not, I have no chance unless I just copy and paste an episode list! :)
  11. M

    The Story of H

    This is good, can't wait for more!
  12. M

    Friendly Reminder- All Read!

    I'm not a writer, I just take great pleasure in reading and thinking hypocritically how much beter I could do than the writers (In case that wasn't clear, I prob couldn't). But, if I ever write, I will be sure to keep that in mind. Read and understood. Is it a requirement to say that, or is it...
  13. M

    Double Standards?

    I believe that what Ryan did was totally justified. Anything he did wrong in 'Wolfe in Sheep's Clothing' should have been either brushed off like it never happened, or he should've been given a medal. He was being blackmailed, after being tortured, and he still managed to come to work, solve the...
  14. M

    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    Flack: Wow, how'd Sinclair end up dead? It looks like someone went to town on him with a baseball bat! Mac: I don't know. Maybe someone lured him to this secluded location saying they had some information he would be interested in. Laughing maniacally. Then, perhaps they told him that he would...
  15. M

    CSI NY Picture Game #9

    I have a strong sense of season 5. Greater Good? I know that's wrong.
  16. M

    Consequences E/C Fanfic

    Eeeek! So is he good or bad?!?! Are you going to write your own ending for seeing red or wait for the show to resolve the conflict?
  17. M

    Caption Game #3 - Shipper Central Style

    Maybe it was pm'ed in?