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  1. D

    Someone else being let go from CSI Miami? *possible spoilers*

    Everybody hates Rick Stetler. He is the character that you love to hate.
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    Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

    Natalia didn't compromise the evidence actually, she was able to get DNA off of the knife without compromising the fingerprint. She should be praised for her experience and resourcefulness. Now, if we could only get Eric back on track. By the way, has anyone on this thread ever really drank a...
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    Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

    Natalia didn't compromise the evidence actually, she was able to get DNA off of the knife without compromising the fingerprint. She should be praised for her experience and resourcefulness. Now, if we could only get Eric back on track.
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    Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

    Where is my head today? I guess I must have left the room or something. Oh well, I sentence myself to watching the latest epi again. Case CLOSED!!
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    Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

    Well folks it looks as if as far as our favorite duo are concerned we are left with nothing. No scenes together. Oh well. No big deal in this episode it wasn't an Eric, or Natalia episode anyway. This episode was for Alex and that's the way it should have been. Let's keep hopin'...
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    Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!"

    Re: Calleigh/Jake #1 - "Some things never change!" Greetings everyone! I don't normally post in this thread but various statements on this board and elsewhere put me into search mode. The absence of Jake Berkley has kind of become a sore spot for some and a reason for celebration for others...
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    Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

    WOW!! Everyone is getting pretty intense in this thread. BUT, it's not as if I don't understand why. Hey, I'm still optimistic. I still don't see any proof positive that E and C have gone anywhere beyond their friendship. The longer I see that, the better I see the chances of Eric and...
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    Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

    "Not Healthy" is right! And I tend to believe things are going to get even more unhealthy for Eric in the coming episodes.
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    Someone else being let go from CSI Miami? *possible spoilers*

    Re: Someone else being let go from CSI Miami? It's possible. However, I'm just not sure.
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    Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

    You mentioned Eric being really needy and obsessive. You hit on something that some of us in this thread see when he's dealing with his 'fixation' with Calleigh. Eric simply isn't himself when this situation comes up. When he's around Natalia he seems more normal, more like the confident...
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    Episode 6x18 - 'Tunnel Vision' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Haven't see the "Tunnel Vision" teaser yet. Driving me nuts!! Would anyone be so kind as to give me a link for it? Much appreciated!!
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    Someone else being let go from CSI Miami? *possible spoilers*

    Re: Someone else being let go from CSI Miami? I'm not trying to give anyone a heart attack at all. I am looking for information that is credible and can be confirmed, like a link to an article or something like that. Like I said the original post that I read this from could be total garbage...
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    Someone else being let go from CSI Miami? *possible spoilers*

    Re: Someone else being let go from CSI Miami? I heard the same thing. It would be useful if we knew whose contracts are up and when. That might be an indicator of who might be leaving. Provided what is being said is true in the first place.
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    Someone else being let go from CSI Miami? *possible spoilers*

    Greetings folks! I am going to throw something out that is unconfirmed. We're all pretty much aware that Khandi Alexander is leaving the show. The TVGuide article is the source that is being used. Well, on another board there was a post that indicated that someone else may be let go at the...
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    Has CSI:Miami evolved more into a soap opera than a forensics show?

    Re: Has CSI:Miami evolved more into a soap opera than a forensics show CSI Miami a soap opera? Not just yet but it is on its way. If anyone has seen soap operas these day, they are pretty ridiculous. CSI Miami isn't there yet but if TPTB isn't careful or does not make some changes it sure as...
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    Khandi Alexander Departs CSI: Miami

    I tend to dismiss the argument that there are too many characters on the show. In previous seasons there were the losses of Meagan, Speedle, and a hodge podge of various detectives that came and went. Since then we've added Ryan, Natalia, and Frank. So character wise we're pretty much at the...
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    Romance on CSI:NY--A Bad Idea?

    There a great many votes in the middle here. As I said previously what seems to be important are: Who is the couple? How they be being portrayed? Are they believable? How's the chemistry? How much of the show does their story take up? And as one poster said, it has to be done right! If you...
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    Romance on CSI:NY--A Bad Idea?

    I agree with some posters here on this thread. It depends on how these relationships are developed, evolve, and the space they take up on the show. It also depends on the couples themselves. Is it a good match? How's the on-screen chemistry? Is it believable? And so on... I always kind of...
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    Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

    Greetings folks!! If anyone is interested a trailer of the movie "Lakeview Terrace" has been posted on YouTube. As y'all may recall Eva is cast as an IAD investigator in the film. Not sure how big her part is. The only problem with it is that she's not in the trailer anywhere. Just sorta...
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    Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

    Well, so much for back to normal. I have posted here and elsewhere that with the episodes that that preceded "You May Now Kill the Bride" it seemed that Eric seemed to be returning to normal regarding Calleigh. I hope everyone would agree that with that once scene in "Ambush" Eric and...