Search results

  1. T'Bonz

    New Admin!

    We've added a new administrator to Talk CSI. Joining Kimmychu in wearing the orange is Elsie. You may comment in the thread located in QSF.
  2. T'Bonz

    Halloween User Names

    Starting tomorrow, I will be granting Halloween name changes. Try to make them clever, The best would be ones that are a play on your own name. I reserve the right to reject names that I feel would be inappropriate. These names will last 'til around Nov 1st (it may take me a few days to change...
  3. T'Bonz

    Jorja/Sara Pic Thread #6: A Beautiful Soul

    Two things. Go this route again and you'll sit out a spell. If you have an issue with PMs, deal with it privately. If someone persists in sending attacking PMs to you, contact me and I will deal with it. I would suggest that you put the person who sent you the offensive PM on ignore. You will...
  4. T'Bonz

    The Great Ship Debate - CSI:Crime Scene Investigation

    Slight sidetrack while I step in here: First - When disagreeing with each other on anything on the board, be it a ship or opinion of a show, politeness should be paramount. EVEN if you think someone is lacking in intelligence. For instance, if you don't like their opinion of a 'ship, state...
  5. T'Bonz

    New Websites Mod

    Joining the talkCSI staff is vegaslights, who will be moderating Websites, replacing yours truly. Yay! You may comment in the thread located in QSF.
  6. T'Bonz

    Moderator Changes

    A few changes here, if I threw the proper switches: Departures ($*#@ to real life!): allstar12 (Websites), MiamiDade (Shipper Central) and Fullman (CSI Music). Thank you so much. You will be missed. Arrivals: - CSI_Kat (transferring over to Shipper Central) - Happilyhappy (Merchandise) -...
  7. T'Bonz

    JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumped.

    Re: JUMP THE SHARK!!! In What Way(s) Do You Think CSI: Miami Has Jumpe It is nothing more than a TV show, no matter how much one likes it. This forum is for discussion of a show. No one is going to have the same likes and dislikes. It is permissible not to like a character or a couple, as...
  8. T'Bonz

    Mod Changes

    Get out your scorecards: MrsGiovinazzo will be leaving CSI: New York. Thanks so much for all that you've done. Hopefully, you'll enjoy relaxing as a regular member! :D Elsie will be moving over to CSI: New York To replace her in Misc will be Jacquie. To replace Elsie in Merchandise will be...
  9. T'Bonz

    TalkCSI Rules

    Until we get the rules in the right place, which will be after I to AntonyF, here is a link to our rules that will suffice: CSI rules
  10. T'Bonz

    A possible CSI Convention

    As long as nothing on your site or over here is soliciting money, it's okay to discuss the convention. If you start linking to PayPal or asking for money prior to the convention, then we can't allow that. I'm sorry to disappoint, but that leaves us open to both liability and hassle in case of...
  11. T'Bonz

    A Few New Goodies

    I noticed that we now have the same smilies as from our sister board. Lots of new smilies for here. I like smilies. Enjoy! :D Also - avatar size has been bumped up from 120x120 to 140x140. Any higher and it would be too overwhelming (I experimented with different sizes before settling for the...
  12. T'Bonz

    Banner Sizes - all with Banners read

    Banner size will remain the same, 220x75.
  13. T'Bonz

    Jorja/Sara: A Passionate Heart #6

    People using duals piss me off. I tend to kick off both the dual and the primary. For future reference for any jackass who thinks that they can use a dual to get around what I tell them NOT TO DO! Again, for any who may have missed this. 'ship any character any way your want, but unless...
  14. T'Bonz

    Processing of victims of sexual assaults

    Just chiming in to back up the mod and to say that the link was a bit too much for this BBS. Ugh. I had to watch that.
  15. T'Bonz

    Lotsa Moderator Changes

    Get your pen and paper, there are a lot of changes this time around. 'Tis the season to go crazy! Departures. Gobbled up by real life, but still to be around the BBS, thankfully: Tinkerbell and wibble. Thank you both for all that you've done. You will be missed. CSI Miami will have a change...
  16. T'Bonz

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

    The waiting is stressful. Why are you taking so long?
  17. T'Bonz

    NCAA Football

    That would be a good thing! Bonz, class of 1980, University of Pittsburgh
  18. T'Bonz


    I've lived in cities and in suburbs. If you're not in the city, you need a car. If you're in the city, for the most part, it's easier to take buses or subways if the city has subways.
  19. T'Bonz

    The War in Iraq

    Er, not really. It was more of a stalemate. We neither lost nor gained anything, although one of the more annoying practices of the British stopped soon after, that of involuntarily impressing American sailors that they came across on the seas. But that is more due to the Napoleonic Wars, which...
  20. T'Bonz

    Danny/Flack #6 - Bottom Line: Flack Wants Danny

    **dies laughing** :lol: