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  1. GoodLittle Wench

    Locker Room #13 - **Muffled Thud** - We're Busy!

    Mmmmmmm, nice surfboard. Now if I could just get a look behind it.
  2. GoodLittle Wench

    Recent Purchases

    Movie ticket (Pirates of the Caribbean 2) Popcorn Soda DVD/VCR combo Cat treats for my cat.
  3. GoodLittle Wench

    We just got married in Vegas.

    I am sure it was a beautiful ceremony. *sniffles* And I am sure jkladis was a lovely bride. :lol:
  4. GoodLittle Wench

    G.A.S. is as Great As S..

    God, how hot is he? There is something about a bass player.
  5. GoodLittle Wench


    Re: Det Vartann We need more Vartann. More Vartann = World peace. We need to know his first name. I am partial to John or Micheal. I call him John. Yeah, I know. Weird. But I do. We need to delve into his past. We know ALL about Brass. How about a little Vartann history lesson. Did I...
  6. GoodLittle Wench

    The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

    Yeah, the casting director should have come here to the LR and asked for volunteers. Hell, I would fly to LA for the chance to chat up Carmine. All I have to do is stand here next to this bar, and be hot for Danny? Sure, I can do that. Want me to kiss him? Because I'll throw that in for...
  7. GoodLittle Wench

    The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

    Got to be the best job in the world. "Just sit here, and pretend to be attracted to Danny." And that would be different from what I do at home how? :lol:
  8. GoodLittle Wench

    The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

    Amen to that. If all I had to do was be attracted to Danny, I wouldn't have to act. :lol:
  9. GoodLittle Wench

    Hill Harper

    Wow, I am in awe of the man. Honestly. He is obviously highly intelligent. But, at the same time, he seems incredibly grounded and down to earth. You get the impression that he would be an absolute joy to be around.
  10. GoodLittle Wench

    Site Columns

    I can feel my arteries clogging just looking at that picture. It looks gross. And...ewwww.
  11. GoodLittle Wench

    The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

    I so want a bobblehead for my car. Wait....Danny might be too distracting. I would spend entirely too much time staring at the doll, and not nearly enough time watching the road. And of course there would be the overwhelming desire to undress the Danny doll, and see if it was.....never mind...
  12. GoodLittle Wench


    Re: Det Vartann I love the man. LOVE him! I think a Vartann marathon sound heavenly. You might not survive. But what a way to go. :devil:
  13. GoodLittle Wench

    First 'Pirates Of The Third Reich' Spoilers

    Wow, I can't wait to see this episode. Although it is a shame that Lady Heather had to return this way. Loosing her daughter and all.
  14. GoodLittle Wench


    Re: Det Vartann Yes, let's get right down to the important stuff. Was the man naked at any time?
  15. GoodLittle Wench

    The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

    Oh, I am willing to take turns. :lol: We all know how he likes to make the rounds. :devil:
  16. GoodLittle Wench

    The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

    Can I sit on his lap, while I help him floss? :devil:
  17. GoodLittle Wench

    The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

    I used to work in a dentist's office. Does that count? Well, either way, I am with you. I would be more than happy to help Danny with his oral hygiene. Or anything else he needs help with. :devil:
  18. GoodLittle Wench

    The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

    Damn, just when we were poised to be Fred free. :lol:
  19. GoodLittle Wench

    George Eads: Why He Grew 'A Horrible Mustache'

    If we hate it nice and proper? I think we have established that we hated it, all nice and proper. Now, if George grows it again; we'll all know it is a definate shout out to us fans. :lol:
  20. GoodLittle Wench

    The Locker Room #10: Danny, People's Sexiest CSI

    I am with Bitten on this one. That is the perfect motto for the LR. It's so perfectly us. :devil: