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  1. P

    Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

    It's rainy and cloudy here.
  2. P

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    I think I'd like to know why Lindsay is so secretive. Is it just her personality, or something a little deeper? The secret: Do you all think anyone on the team knows- even Mac? For some reason, I just think this may be something that she has hidden from everyone, probably in order to try to...
  3. P

    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    ^I am a D/L shipper, and I do completely agree that if/when it happens, it needs to stay in the background. I hope this "intimate" scene is more like a heart to heart- I do not need, nor want, to see them in bed on screen. It just doesn't need to happen. Leave it to people's imaginations. I...
  4. P

    QUIZZES-how much do you know

    royalty- 5/10 fiction 2/10 :(
  5. P

    Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

    It's fairly cool here today.
  6. P

    Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

    Hey everyone! I've managed to find a wireless signal in my apartment, so I can get online until mine is set up. Agreed on leaving some things to the imagination. We don't need to see them in bed on the show. Given that I think Lindsay's secret is going to first be discovered by Danny, would...
  7. P


    Congrats to the winners!
  8. P

    QUIZZES-how much do you know

  9. P

    Icon Challenge #4: LOST - Jack Shephard - WINNERS UP!!

    Re: Icon Challenge #4: LOST - Jack Shephard Congrats to the winners!
  10. P

    Poll Thread 2 - Which One?

    theme park
  11. P

    Danny/Lindsay #10 ~ "Does IT Turn You On?"

    Welcome misery. I loved your fic! How about this- the entire team (maybe we could leave out Mac-he's at a crime scene) plays a game of truth or dare, but the rest of the team game up on DL and force them to admit their feelings for each other. Hmmm, I smell a fic idea! I'll file this one...
  12. P

    QUIZZES-how much do you know

    evil twins 6/10 (yes, English is my native language) columbus 4/8
  13. P

    it really makes me mad when.....

    -when civilians are referred to as "collateral damage"
  14. P

    QUIZZES-how much do you know

    flower 2/5 summer 6/10
  15. P

    How You Discovered CSI

    I started watching Miami during S2 the year after I took a May Term course called "Forensic Science" (more accurately called "Introduction to Spectroscopy"). We had to read mysteries, and I found that I liked them. I started watching NY during S1, but did completely miss some eps (didn't even...
  16. P

    Have you ever... ?

    Nope Have you ever broken a bone playing sports? Yup- playing kickball in gym at school. Broke both my leg and my left pinky finger (not at the same time). Also managed to sprain my wrist.
  17. P

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    ^I think we may have talked about that being her secret before, but maybe I'm just confused. It could still jive with other clues we have, maybe she witnessed the family member (or maybe it was a close friend/family friend) commit the crime- that's why she's seen so much blood. Or maybe she's...
  18. P

    The Wallpaper Thread # 3

    Dingbat, all your wallpapers are excellent. I've never seen one I haven't liked.
  19. P

    Anna/Lindsay #2- Montana Girl in the Big City

    ^She shoots one in Wasted as well, but it's also for testing the ballistics. But we've never seen her with a gun outside of the lab (except for the one time in Bad Beat, but even then it was because she was searching for it). The tough v vulnerable- I tend to think that we'll see some of both...