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  1. M

    What's better C.S.I. / C.S.I. NY or C.S.I. Miami

    CSI: LV. The others don't even come close.
  2. M

    CSI: The Movie?!

    No. That would suck. Your favorites wouldn't get the right screen time. And if you hate the others CSI's you'll sit there hissing at the screen when they come on. The only way that it could work in one hell of a big case, the whole cast, and done in just the right way. But even then I'm not...
  3. M

    Eric/Greg: Pic Thread 3--This Guy's Too Hot!

    I think it is. It was an interesting case. But I'm also a Nick fan, so if I can't have Greg, I take Nick. But not the point. Watch it, it really was good. I love that scene with him. He was just so cute!
  4. M

    does anyone else?

    I've never heard that. Does it play for everyone? cause I know I have never heard that.
  5. M

    Eric/Greg: Pic Thread 3--This Guy's Too Hot!

    You're only on season 6? I always forget people are so behind us. Sadly, he's not in TUS. Full of Nick, but no Greg at all.
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    "Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Oh good lord. Greg and Nick!! *licks my computer for that one*
  7. M

    "Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

    I thought I would give Nick/Greg fans a heads up, looks like they have a scene together this week! It's sad that they don't work together more. GE and ES have such good chemistry. How to me it looks like this might be a little differnt is looks like sex games/bondage is going on. Which for...
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    "Leggo our Greggo!" - Greg/Eric discussion thread # 9

    That one was up a long time ago, then they took it down. Made me mad at the time. So glad to see it back up!!
  9. M

    "Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

    Yeah, makes me want to puke too. Ewww.
  10. M

    CSI: Las Vegas Music Thread - Questions and Answers

    Yeah, I think a bunch of us on LJ figured out it's something like "In the morning shines..." but that's all you can make out. I've been looking since it aired.
  11. M

    "Leggo our Greggo!" - Greg/Eric discussion thread # 9

    Lmfao...sorry. You're on ericszmanda over there? That's my post. :D
  12. M

    Name That Episode #2

    Nick: You gotta get out more.
  13. M

    Name That Episode #2

    Fannysmackin'. Poor Greggo.
  14. M

    "Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

    This one sounds good. I love basketball so it already has my interest there. and it looks like we'll get some Save the girl!Nick.
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    CSI: Las Vegas Music Thread - Questions and Answers

    I want to know what Greg was listening to on the radio in Fannysmackin'. If someone could help me with this I would love them forever.
  16. M

    Song in "Monster in the Box " episode (#157)

    Yeah, that's it going by those were the lyrics sung.
  17. M

    what makes a good episode?

    A good crime. One that is different, but well thought out, clearly figured out in front of our eyes. Team moments. Few personal tid bits about the cast (Greg!!Nick!!) Humor is a good thing too.
  18. M

    what's your favourite season?

    5. 3 and 4 are tops oo. But I loved 5.
  19. M

    What got you hooked?

    Hoesntly I don't remember what got me hooked. The two that always stand out in my mind are Blood Droops and Butterflied. My mom watched the show and one day I came in sat down and watched. It took a little longer, but then I was hooked.