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  1. symbeline

    Grade "Epilogue"

    I was feeling a little bit guilty for giving the episode a C- but then I read your review and you've nicely sum up how I felt about it, so now I'm thinking that I was maybe too generous :lol: I was hoping to see Danny losing it onscreen, not looking like he's already lost it. The whole...
  2. symbeline

    Grade "Epilogue"

    I am so disappointed that I still don't know what to say. I guess I'll come later to write a longer post, but as now I'm still sad an angry at the writers. And not just for Adam/Stella.
  3. symbeline

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

    Thanks Messers_fan and pelnoir I shouldn't have read spoilers or watched the promos. This is a big mistake, I'm extremely disappointed. I hope this turns out to be less damaging for the show than I expect :(
  4. symbeline

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

    Please tell me that's not true :eek:
  5. symbeline

    Happy 6th Season Premiere Day! *light spoilers from promos*

    I don't remember being so anxious for a premiere since The X-Files days, and that's probably because I'm nervous to see if some of the spoilers will really happen. And by nervous I mean I will throw something at the screen if they do happen :lol:
  6. symbeline

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

    My head is spinning after reading so many posts. I hope this makes some sense. 1. Adam/Stella: No.Freaking.Way *breathes* :scream: I don't believe it for a second, promos are meant to be misleading and pique viewer's curiosity, and that's what I'm seeing here. Agreed, those are exactly my...
  7. symbeline

    Am I a freak??

    Nooooo, you are not :lol: I love Sid, my boyfriend loves him too, my mother loves his glasses and my brother would like to be like him when he grows up. My father doesn't have an opinion because he doesn't watch the show, but he'd probably love Sid too. Sid is awesome and I love his smile. He...
  8. symbeline

    CSI: Miami-'Out Of Time'

    I've recently discovered that I can comment your reviews so here I am ;) Good as always, Kristine. I loved to see old H&Calleigh back. They were the reason I started watching the show and the actors really did a good job bringing their spirit back. If only they could continue to be that way...
  9. symbeline

    8x01 - 'Out of Time' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Yes, agreed, but since we saw why Calleigh, Eric and Speed all ended up in H's team, I was hoping to have a little more background on Natalia. She's a character I don't usually care about and that's because she is so underused. It's a really a shame, I think Eva could handle a lot more material...
  10. symbeline

    8x01 - 'Out of Time' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    I liked it more than I thought and I was surprised to see that Eric and H knew each other before Calleigh started at the lab. I guess the hospital scene makes more sense now, but it still feels strange that Horatio thinks that Eric is the only thing he has left, when he has two families...
  11. symbeline

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

    Agreed. I don't want season 4 Lindsay back. That's what I'm afraid will happen if the writers don't try to change the character to show that she has grown over the years. I know most of her fans thought her behaviour was justified in season 4 and will probably defend her again if she reacts the...
  12. symbeline

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

    Thanks for the info. I'm glad he's ok and back to twittering :)
  13. symbeline

    Least Favorite Episode of Season Five?

    "Grounds for deception". It was laughably bad. The whole Greek storyline was weak and full of clichés and the resolution was even worse. I mean, how many Greek clichés can you cram into an episode? :confused: I've seen better tv movies --the episode just felt as if the writers had used...
  14. symbeline

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

    I'm also a little bit wary about this storyline and I'm prepared for the worst --it could easily lead to many "poor Lindsay, she's too good for this, Danny is pushing her away again" scenarios-- but I know that Carmine will do his usual magic and I have a lot of faith in him so whatever it is...
  15. symbeline

    CSI:NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Start Spreading the News!

    Is Stella dressed for a fancy dinner or what? :lol::lol:
  16. symbeline

    The Cliffhanger Poll *SPOILERS for the FINALE*

    I voted Danny because I want the writers to rethink the route they were heading this season and make him interesting and well, Danny, again. But of course, this would mean more DL drama and I don't know if I'll be able to go through Anna's emoting scenes again. The problem with choosing Hawkes...
  17. symbeline

    Episode 7x25 "Seeing Red" - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    It took me almost 15 minutes to recover from the shock :eek: Yes, he can actually cry, or at least try to :lol: It was weird and fun at the same time and that was probably the most entertaining thing in the finale. The episode was too slow until the last part and then it seemed a little bit...
  18. symbeline

    Season 6 Wishlist

    1. Bring back Julia Ormond, but not as a love interest to Mac. She was a solid character on her own. 2. Bring back Kristen Dalton (Quinn), but not as a love interest to Mac. Another good character without having to link her to a man. 3. I know a lot of people love Mac/Stella and while I...
  19. symbeline

    Should Flack Be Disciplined; Will He

    I expected Danny to say something like 'he was a threat, he tried to shoot you' when Don was in the stairs. But I have no doubt he'll cover for Flack if IAB decides to investigate. And like other posters have said, I doubt they'll try to figure out what really happened and will go with Flack's...
  20. symbeline


    Mac is the reason I stopped watching CSI:NY after a dozen of episodes of Season 1. I tolerated him in the pilot and even in the second crossover, but everytime I thought about reprising the show, I remembered how frustrated I was with this character and eventually gave up until very recently...