one of the best songs ever and yet i cant seem to place wat movie that was in. help me. anyways eric can have his lifesaving moments too. it cant always be speed or horatio.
after reading nine whole threads my eyes feel like they are going to fall out of my head. can u really go blind from staring at the computer screen? i think i heard that somewhere. :confused:
YAY i only hav like 10 pages left so i would like to officially thank all u people at TalkCSI for keeping me occupied for the last month and a half. wat in the world am i gonna do when i get done. oh well. i'll cross that bridge when i get to it. :)
Re: Eddie Drool Thread #4 - Blue Eyes & Fugly Ties
in tonight's episode Flack is wearing the fugliest tie! it doesnt match the shirt even a little bit even though the shirt is white.
Re: Who would you want to save you life?
lets see i think don, danny, nicky, greggo, eric, and ryan would all form some kind of A Team kind of thing to save me. they can decide amongst themselves about who gives me mouth to mouth.