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  1. Sara's Girl

    Are you In or Out of your Shipper Closet?

    Oh, I totally agree with this ^^ I feel like people will judge me and think I'm a bit sad if I tell them that I enjoy nothing more than spending an evening reading/writing fics and rewatching favourite epis. I have just today completed my vegas dvd collection *happy sigh* That said, my...
  2. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    Wouldn't it just? Think of all that screentime our boys would have if it was just them and Brass running the place? :thumbsup: Though of course a lot of crimes would go unsolved with less than half a team but still...sacrifices must be made. Heh. Re Nick getting promoted, I think that Greg...
  3. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    Sure, here it is: I always seem to write Catherine in somewhere because I see her as kind of comforting, mother figure and could be quite tough on them as well if they need their backsides kicking into gear. She's fun to write...
  4. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    Oh god, I've only been gone a day and there is so much to read. Great, but I feel I'm missing out :( I'm writing something and it seems to have taken over my life so I need to get it finished so that I can do other things, I'm just absorbed at the moment. Since everyone is pimping their fics, if...
  5. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    This is true. I know what you're saying, I can only only apologise for being an insufferable optimist :lol: It's sad that it's so uncommon, I don't know what's sadder, that writers are so afraid of gay relationships or that it's probably true that a significant proportion of audiences actually...
  6. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    I do too! Nick with the long hair is my favourite. After Greg with the long hair, obviously, that goes without saying. Dizzney - gutted! I like your new banner too but *sigh* if you're retiring the old one I most certainly volunteer to give it a new home :) Waste not want not, etc. I'm glad...
  7. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    I wholeheartedly agree with this, Dizzney, Greggo is in charge! Think he could wrap Nick around his little finger (figuratively of course ;) ) And may I say, I have been admiring your banner, or rather I have been sitting here watching it go around instead of typing my reply. Ah, lovely lovely...
  8. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    Thanks! I may have to just go back and watch that now, there is something hot about them having similar hairstyles, though that may just be me. Katlynn - I'm 22. I'd be interested to know the average age of Love shippers too. Just out of curiosity. ETA - Indeed, 6.18, The Unusual Suspect, 32...
  9. Sara's Girl

    Are you In or Out of your Shipper Closet?

    This is so weird because I was just sitting here thinking of trying to explain to my mum that I ship, and how I would do that. She's always asking what I do on the computer. We share a house at the moment and in the evening she knits and I sit on here and write fics. I don't let anyone that...
  10. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick?greg slash fans #19

    Re: The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #19 Not at all, Wojo, thanks for providing! Yey for Fort #19 :thumbsup: and how sad is it that I am excited to be posting on the first page of the shiny new Fort? Oh well, I don't care anyway. You make me laugh Katlynn! I agree, there's just no way...
  11. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    I have to agree, I see him as quite possessive as well (though not in controlling way, just 'hey, that's mine!') No sharing. lol. Though the idea does amuse me, I think I would find it all a bit weird if someone else was introduced to their relationship. Each to their own though eh ;) I love...
  12. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Couldn't agree more, there is no way we should give up on our ship because Nick might be going out with some woman. There are so many possibilities of why they are introducing this (if, indeed, they are) and to my mind, it's not over till it's over *sings a little bit* :p Anyway, i certainly...
  13. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Damn, this thread is moving quickly today, we'll be onto Fort #19 before we know it! I have forgotten who said what so please forgive vagueness but I will say the following before I stop making sense completely. Nick should stay away from female rude bits for the good of everyone concerned...
  14. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Thank you for this, I will now be trying to use the phrase 'smell the gay coffee' in a real conversation this week. I don't think anyone's going to jump off a cliff (I sincerely hope not)..for me it's just so frustrating how much TPTB mess with us. It may well mean...
  15. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Hey, suckerforasmile, I am loving your optimism! :thumbsup: There is always a chance, I will keep on believing that. They just cannot keep the subtext out of our Nick/Greg scenes. Because it's Love, obviously *duh* There are so many ways that, if this is true, it can end well. Liking all the...
  16. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    Hey QOTU, yes, not to nag, but you really must update your fics! Only cos I'm enjoying your work and also because WMTDB is rapidly becoming overrun with my own ramblings lately :lol: Here is the test I took. It's good because it shows not only which character you are most like but how much you...
  17. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    It seems you're a little angry, Lynn, though I may be wrong? :lol: Seriously though, Nooooooooooooooooooo! :scream: I kind of wish I hadn't looked at that, Wojo, but it's best to be prepared for these things so that I don't shout so much at my tv screen when I actually see it...
  18. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    I agree, I think they would agree that variety is healthy :p (and yes, that would make them both switch) I also like to think that though Nicky is clearly physically stronger, Greg doesn't have to do much to make him all submissive-like. I do like dominant Greg (and so does Nick...heh :devil: )...
  19. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    I second this ^^^ ! Happy birthday too, Sorry I missed that :( You need to get your mother told, Greggo Obsessed! Show her the undeniable evidence of the Love. I have just been been intrigued enough to take a CSI personality test, and came out 90% Greg. Which made me rather happy (oh dear)...
  20. Sara's Girl

    The Fort for Nick/Greg Slash Fans #18

    First things first, Greg's weird hairdo is from either S1 or S2 (the only ones I don't have on DVD at the moment so I can't check which, sorry). I think it's cute when they almost have the same haircut, isn't that some kind of subconscious sign of attraction? I'm feeling hopeful for the boys...