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  1. E

    CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

    get out you english! lol I am joking. happy st georges day to you. ;)
  2. E

    Should models fatten up?

    I am sorry but to be thinner than Marilyn Monroe, who at her largest was a UK 16 and smallest around a 12 is not unhealthy. I have a bmi of 17 and I am super healthy, I don't think it's fair to say that people who burn up their food quickly are unattractive and unhealthy.
  3. E

    The Jeff Buckley Thread **Ten Years Gone**

    Ok, I'll start. What is everyone's favourite Buckley song? Have you heard anything by his Dad, Tim? If so, what did you think?
  4. E

    The Jeff Buckley Thread **Ten Years Gone**

    It's just over a month until the 10-year anniversary of his death, and I'm still mourning. If anyone shares my infatuation, this would be a nice place to obsess about the man with the angelic voice (and face, let's be honest! I MISS YOU JEFF! :( :( :(
  5. E

    The Jeff Buckley Thread **Ten Years Gone**

    csiTV-ML-1164019-ML- Moved to Gen TV & Media
  6. E

    Becoming a Forensic

    of course, whats wrong with smoking cigarettes?! Plenty of universities do courses in forensic science, forensic art, criminology, forensic anthropology,etc, however A-Levels in Chemistry/Biology/Physics/Art etc would be necessary to get in!
  7. E

    CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

    I'll add my thank yous to the pile! The British Isles are top notch. Totally! The death toll is huge!
  8. E

    Forensic Art

    yeah, totally dead. Like way dead. ;)
  9. E

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    ^^ hugs for the thing with your dad. I have dad issues too and I hope yours get sorted out soon. Keep smiling! :)
  10. E

    CSI:New York - Who's Your OTP??

    Danny/Don of course! I love those two together. Two hot men... alone.... yum.
  11. E

    Locker Room #15: Single White Male--We Can Fix That

    ^^I hate hiatuses (or should it be hiati?) They give me nothing to do for a few months, no obsessions for a short time :(
  12. E

    Forensic Art

    I'm an Illustration student and already planning my postgraduate degree in Forensic Art, and was wondering if that's a field of interest of any other fellow Talk CSIers? Really I just want to play with skulls!
  13. E

    Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do They??

    Re: Danny/Flack #5 - Kinka-Poodles Don't Cuddle....Or Do The or maybe Flack was just looking forward to the punishment he'd get when Danny found out he'd been naughty. ;)
  14. E

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    Dear Evil Flatmates. Gah, I hate you all so much! Every single one of you! You do all your little fun things together and tell me all about it afterwards. Never beforehand because then you would have to invite me. You all made a roast dinner today and didn't ask me if I wanted any, then sat down...
  15. E

    The Football Thread #4 - It Is Not Soccer

    Still waiting for the next Northern Ireland match! 22nd August baby, we can stay top of the group! The English boys came over in the year two thousand and five, But little did they know that we had planned a wee surprise, Sir David scored the winner and Windsor Park went wild, And this is...
  16. E

    CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

    I've seen a few of the ones coming up, we can just shut our eyes, put our fingers in our ears and go 'la la la' for the Lindsay bits ;) Flack is a hottie. He's get it :D
  17. E

    CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

    I know. It's like true love it's amazing. I am nay for these horrible episodes and foul 'moments' that I just know Lindsay and Danny will have coming up. I think it's just the writers' way of keeping Don and Danny apart for a while longer to keep us interested ;)
  18. E

    CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

    Yes this CSI land is a strange one. It has Danny fall for insipid little Mary Sue Montana girls instead of his one true love, Don Flack.
  19. E

    The "If I Were in Charge of CSI:NY" Thread

    OK, if I were in charge of CSI:NY * There would be no realised romantic relationships. It takes the fun out of it when they actually get together, rendering all the little 'moments' that we geeks speculate over meaningless, with no more 'ooh they are soo in looove' etc. * Lindsay would be...
  20. E

    CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

    Yeah, I don't know, probably a few months just? I'd expect an injury like that to take a far longer time to heal though. I think they should have let that story pan out a little more, that hospital scene with him and Mac was so emotional, it would have been nice to have a little more of that...