Search results

  1. H_Miami_fan

    Other Fandom FanArt #4-Showcase & Requests

    lot's of lovely art in here :) Dethiggins: very nice coloring, aswell as cropping and use of text, nice job. Axelsonfire: really cool Kingdom Hearts stuff. A_C: Amazing icons, love the coloring. Mari: Love the choice of text on that duck one :lol:, and the coloring is awsome. Mind if I snag it...
  2. H_Miami_fan

    Picture Game #3!

    Power Trip?
  3. H_Miami_fan

    Signature Banners #7: Showcase, Links and Requests

    nicksarafan2: Gave your request a try :) Animated banner S_W: love the first and third banner :) two I made for fun:
  4. H_Miami_fan

    CSI Miami Icon Challenge #50 - Happiness is in the Air - Voting!

    Re: CSI Miami Icon Challenge #46: Ryan - Voting! Beg: 09 08 Int: 06 01 04 Adv: 16 20 01 120x120: 04 02 140x140: 05 04 07
  5. H_Miami_fan

    Misc Summer Fan Art Gift Exchange

    I got some amazing stuff from egeria. Totally love it Thank you so much :) There are some more stuff at photobucket if anyones intressted.
  6. H_Miami_fan

    Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Winners Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge #52 - American Idol:Season 8 ~ Voting Up!! 100x100: 05 10 06 140x140: 01
  7. H_Miami_fan

    1vs1 Challenges Th.#3 Challenge #35 - Results

    Re: 1vs1 Challenges Th.#3 Challenge #30 - Now Up! A: 2 B: 2 C: 1 D: 2 E: 1 F: 2 G: 2 H: 1 I: 2 J: 2 K: 2 L: 1 M: 2 N: 2 O: 1
  8. H_Miami_fan

    CSI: Miami Icons #7 - Showcase, Links and Requests

    GNRF: Very nice Ryan icon ;) Mari: You're coloring's fabulous. They're all great, but the first Speed one stands out, very nice color and placement of text :thumbsup: egeria: Lovely Ryan icons. Nice color and choice of caps :) I've got a smaller bunch I made a while back. Natalia...
  9. H_Miami_fan

    Misc LIMS #1: ' Challenge 12-Marilyn Monroe-Results

    Re: Misc LIMS #1: Challenge1 "Supernatural Up" Least: 03. too blurry. 04. Also too blurry and the text is a bit distracting. Best: 06. Love the color, crop and use of texture. 20. The coloring is just amazing.
  10. H_Miami_fan

    The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions *updated 10-05

    well then there is nothing wrong at all. You don't have to load the brushes, just click on the name of the pack that you wanna use and they'll show up in the box on the left. :)
  11. H_Miami_fan

    The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions *updated 10-05

    Could you screencap that (the brush menu)? It's way easier to determine what might be the problem that way.
  12. H_Miami_fan

    The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions *updated 10-05

    okay...hmmm. With loading do you mean switching between the different packs or that they aren't among the brushes at all?
  13. H_Miami_fan

    The Fan Art Forum Guide - Rules/Tuts./Questions *updated 10-05

    GNRFan and happyharper, did you place the downloaded files in the brushes folder? If not, just find the photoshop folder which contains all the program files, find a folder named "present" and in that folder there are even more folders of which one is named "Brushes". Just open it and place the...
  14. H_Miami_fan

    Misc Summer Fan Art Gift Exchange

    I'm in! Actors/actresses: Jessica Biel Tom Hanks Jessica Alba Music: Green Day Dead by April Renegade five Lady Gaga Other: anything that has to do with history, currently hooked on greek and roman mythology. Stocks with landscapes works fine to.
  15. H_Miami_fan

    Summer Fan Art Gift Exchange

    Count me in :) Fave show's miami. I like all the characters...though I do have a weak spot for H.
  16. H_Miami_fan


    Re: Talk LIMS #7: Challenge 10 - Voting! Least: 05. looks very plain like nothing has been done with it. Text is oddly placed. 04. A tad blurry and it's oversaturated. best: 01 nice colorand crop, text is well placed. 03. love the whole composition of this icon. Nice color, crop and placing of...
  17. H_Miami_fan

    [T2] CSI Icon Challenge - Textures - Results!

    Re: [T2] CSI Icon Challenge - b&w w/ a pop of color~ Voting! Beg: 05 02 Int: 21 04 01 Adv: 05 03 17 140: 08 15 06
  18. H_Miami_fan

    CSI: NY Icon Chal.Thr. 3 - Ch.#43: Sheldon Hawkes - Results!

    Re: CSI: NY Icon Chal.Thr. 3 - Ch.#37: S5 Finale ~ Voting! Beg/Int: 04 06 22 Adv: 08 01 02 140: 07 04 08
  19. H_Miami_fan

    Signature Banner Challenge #20 - Miami: No Screencaps - Results!

    Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #8-Miami: Head ~ Voting! beg: 01 09 03 Adv: 05 01 11
  20. H_Miami_fan

    CSI Miami Icon Challenge #50 - Happiness is in the Air - Voting!

    Re: CSI Miami Icon Challenge #45: Natalia - Voting! Beg: 06 11 07 Adv: 16 12 14 120: 06 09 01 140: 09 04 10