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  1. WhosLaughingNow

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    haha yes I read it... F*** count = 16 :p And for some reason, I really don't mind.
  2. WhosLaughingNow

    The photos of the day!

    Haha Ok I wasn't referring to the edges either but I get whet you mean now, sorry. Clearly there is something wrong with my head :lol:
  3. WhosLaughingNow

    The photos of the day!

    wolfesgamergirl just so you know I see in the corner where the x-ray is lost but the other part that looks lost actually looks that way. For some reason it's a lot darker. I don't know why... maybe it's my face :p
  4. WhosLaughingNow

    The photos of the day!

    Amy777 + I like how the bee still stands out from the flower despite it being the same color. - The flower is a bit cut off at the bottom. My better side :p
  5. WhosLaughingNow

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    I don't agree with the Anna isn't playing a mother thing. She could have put herself in the position of what if something happened to her own child to make it easier for her to portray sadness and grief. Point I'm trying to get at is if you're using say method acting it's all about using your...
  6. WhosLaughingNow

    Happy Birthday, Stars of CSI:NY!

    Happy Birthday to Gary! Hope he has a great year :D
  7. WhosLaughingNow

    The photos of the day!

    Gaelen + I like how the duck just pops out at you. - Maybe you could have made it so behind the duck was a tad lighter because it's hard to make out what it's in front of. Mine for today. Because painting trees clearly wasn't enough for me.
  8. WhosLaughingNow

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    I hope I did this quote thing right. Anyways someone (I can't remember who sorry:() suggested last time WLMG #3- Chemistry -It's ok if you don't have it in reference to a quote said by Anna herself. Anyways like privatename was saying before about how there are others deserving of a kick ass...
  9. WhosLaughingNow

    The photos of the day!

    future_cop +I like how the effect makes the picture feel trippy. -The right hand bottom corner where it's not white is a little distracting. I like to think of this as my Tower of Cleanliness . I <3 Purelle.
  10. WhosLaughingNow

    The photos of the day!

    future_cop + I like how the silhouette stands out against the blue. The picture itself actually reminded me of a Warhol piece. -The trees and the horizontal lines are a bit distracting. Mine for today. And no, it's not lipstick.
  11. WhosLaughingNow

    Why Lindsay REALLY Must Go (Pt. 2)

    The way I look at it is if Lindsay had never shown up (or any new girl for that matter) It probably would have meant that Aiden would have still been there. Therefor Danny would have been fine :p... he also has Flack either way.
  12. WhosLaughingNow

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    I think that one of the hands is his (not the one with the tattoo though). The hand looks like his, and the cuff that's on it you see him wearing in a lot of the pictures. Also the destroyed T shirt is being modeled by 2 different people. The first one in the smaller picture is much larger...
  13. WhosLaughingNow

    Carmine-What is Cessau?

    I think I'm gonna get the T-shirt. BUT I'm going to give it to my friend and let her have a go at it and make it into something more girly. Give her scissors, thread and a sewing machine and she can work miracles like none other :lol: :D.
  14. WhosLaughingNow

    Adam/AJ #2: The X-Factor - Must. Fight. Crime!

    I decided to scan this for those of you who don't get the magazine. Also because I'm a nice person.
  15. WhosLaughingNow

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    ^makeup artist can do wonders to hide things like that.
  16. WhosLaughingNow

    The Gender Poll ~ Which are you?

    Yet another uterus over here :lol:
  17. WhosLaughingNow

    Carmine-What is Cessau?

    ^From their mayspace. They have a whole butt load of pics and other stuff up on their site :) Yay, they are open!!! :beer:
  18. WhosLaughingNow

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    This random but does his front tooth in this picture looked chipped? I thought I was seeing things but after he said he chipped a tooth in the magazine I don't think I'm seeing things anymore. Ok and here are the scans from the magazine for people who can't get their hands on it.
  19. WhosLaughingNow

    Hot Actors, Singers & Athletes Picture Thread.

    Clooney, Clooney, Clooney... and having him hold a kitten doesn't hurt either:drool:
  20. WhosLaughingNow

    The photos of the day!

    Gaelen + I really like the shadow that the shape made on the ground (Charlie's Angels right :p) Neat idea! - The shadow itself is a bit uneven, especially near the bottom. This is one from when I was in Europe.