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  1. WhosLaughingNow

    Super Summer Showdown Version 2.0 part 3

    #1 - I hope I did this right :p -move only 2 people at a time -only 3 posts per day Dr Peyton Driscoll Horatio Caine Jake Berkley Mandy Webster SAFETY ZONE Ryan Wolfe Nick Stokes Detective Sam Vega Greg Sanders Eric Delko David Phillips David Hodges Adam Ross Bobby Dawson Sofia Curtis...
  2. WhosLaughingNow

    Survivor? We Call It Camping ~ Canadian Thread #5

    I'm excited in a few of weeks I have some family coming up from the states, so I'm going to the Toronto zoo with a couple of people so I don't have to spend as much time with my crazy family :p In general I have gone to most the touristy attractions. My friends and I actually pretended to be...
  3. WhosLaughingNow

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    See here's the thing that I always wonder. What do people on the show think of her? Like REALLY what does everyone there think. I mean honestly if they didn't see something in her I'm sure they would have gotten rid of her a long time ago. There's no way they would keep an actor that is...
  4. WhosLaughingNow

    Hell's Kitchen

    I just started watching this show not that long ago and now I'm ga-ga for it and Chef Ramsay :p. I was actually happy to see Christina win, and I think Petrozza will have lots of amazing things ahead of him despite the fact that he didn't win. I was happy to see them both in the finale because...
  5. WhosLaughingNow

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    I bring some more goodies! :D (None of these have been posted) <insert witty comment> He's watching you..... Carmine clearly in deep if not meditative thoughts.
  6. WhosLaughingNow

    Adam/AJ #2: The X-Factor - Must. Fight. Crime!

    This has already been posted before by Kimmy but I thought I would post it again sans watermark, in all it's fabulous full size glory!!! :lol:
  7. WhosLaughingNow

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    I saw this and I just had to post it. Solid proof(From the good people at Get Fuzzy) that Lindsay does not in fact rock... Sorry "Linds", turns out you're just full of yourself.
  8. WhosLaughingNow

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    Woot! loving' the photos everyone! And I would just like to point out. In the last few photos, the guys combined have like 3 buttons done up in total :lol: Scandalous:devil:.
  9. WhosLaughingNow

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    Or when they say things like "This is hard" and then storm off (Because we all know how the saying goes. When the going gets tough, run away from your problems like you ass is on fire:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:) Oh wait... This has actually happened!!!
  10. WhosLaughingNow

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    I completely agree with you. Sometimes people go and blame the writers(witch can be the case sometimes) But they never seem to remember that the actor kind of guides them along too and influences what they write. That gave me an idea. As my friend likes to suggest as an alternate to death...
  11. WhosLaughingNow

    Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

    Well I know how many of us are Usher fans!(well ok not me:lol:). Anyways here's a bit on an interview with him (To read the whole thing you must buy the magazine). Oh and by the way did I mention that Hill is the one interviewing him??? Yeah, just in case you were interested :p...
  12. WhosLaughingNow

    CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

    I would just like to say that I personally don't mind if the show has some drama in it IF it is written and executed well. Yes, I know it's a show about forensics, and yes that should be the principal focus. But I think you also need to keep in mind that CSI NY is the third of three CSI shows...
  13. WhosLaughingNow

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    Well now, let's not blame the school for it's unfortunate student, or get violent. Having done theatre programs I know there will always be those students in perfectly good programs that leave you thinking "what the...?". And there will also always be students with oodles of money. Also you...
  14. WhosLaughingNow

    Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

    She may have known how to use it. I just think the boys were a tad confused with the whole "Where's the reservoir?" deal :wtf::lol:.
  15. WhosLaughingNow

    Survivor? We Call It Camping ~ Canadian Thread #5

    HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!!!! :D I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go out and celebrate my best friends birthday tonight. I'll pretend all the fireworks are for her :p
  16. WhosLaughingNow

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    1) No,no,no... no,no. Back away from the comedy. You ain't no Tina Fey:lol:... seriously though, she's not:wtf:. 2) I actually understand the whole "you don’t realize what you give off". Sometimes as an actor you do surprise yourself in what you can do (despite the fact that I don't think she...
  17. WhosLaughingNow

    What did YOU learn today?

    Today I learned that it is in fact possible for a man to walk around for an entire week, in 5 inch platform stilettos, for an entire week without injuring himself :p. And to top it off pull it off better than any woman I know :lol:.
  18. WhosLaughingNow

    Why Lindsay Must Go (Part 3)

    In all honesty the age thing doesn't bother me that much (For Lindsay of the other cast members for that matter). Mainly because CSI NY isn't the first show to do the whole casting someone older for someone who's younger, nor is it the last. It's kind of annoying but I've gotten past that for...
  19. WhosLaughingNow


    Those who try and drive aren't so much annoying as complete and utter morons.
  20. WhosLaughingNow

    Carmine-What is Cessau?

    So, a while ago there was some debate as to whether or not it was Carmine in some of the t-shirt pictures on Ceesau's website. Well anyways if you thought it was him, you were indeed correct, and you win nothing!!!!!!!!! :D