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  1. carolina

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    we were asking for more Lindsays demonstration at Annas thread. maybe she could do some on/with Danny. especially if they will require body contact :) I wouldnt mind declaration of love but what I would really like to see is the two of them outside work and some nice not work-related gesture...
  2. carolina

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    I saw In Bruges yesterday. mostly because of Colin Farrell who did a wonderful job. I love the Irish accent. and Brandan Gleeson (it took me 2 hours to realize wherefrom I know him - Mad-Eye Moody :) ) and Ralph Fiennes were great too. its not exactly my kinda movie but I enjoyed it. it has...
  3. carolina

    Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

    talking about knives I would like to see her throw one. not necessary at someone but at something. maybe as a part of a demonstration. just to show that our girl is quite dangerous when she sets her mind to it :) and I love that scene too. Mac is always more likable when he gets all menthory...
  4. carolina

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    I got the impression that they got scared somehow and tried to ride two horses with one ass. and it backfired pretty badly. because they were sending so many confussing signals that at the end I think they themselves had no idea what was going on. hopefully they use the summer to think long and...
  5. carolina

    Celebrity Crushes

    Mathew Gray Gubler. he is so adorkable I used to have a huge crush on Colin Farrell. and Matt Damon too. and if I was a little older I would make Cliff Richard marry me :lol:
  6. carolina

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    new thread *throws confetti in the air* I love that pic. I cant get enough of it. and while I think Lindsay is one lucky girl. I hope SSMM knows what a treasure he is holding in his arms. LOL yeah, they are a little unreliable in this regard. as for the whole were they/werent they...
  7. carolina

    Your Favorite CSI Line From any 3 Shows

    CSI NY - 3.19 - Daze of Wine and Roaches Lindsay: I mean, isn't the cockroach kind of the unofficial mascot of New York? Danny: Very funny, take it easy there, Montana (love the way he says her name here) Danny: And then he gets...screwed to death Flack: 6.5 Mess, a little shaky on the...
  8. carolina

    what has been the best csi ny episodeyou have seen

    every time there is a talk about the best CSI NY episode the first thing on my mind is Daze of Wine and Roaches it had two pretty weird and twisted cases it had funny!Flack it had some really sweet Adam moments it had a lot of awesome DL interaction and banter aside from the cases there was no...
  9. carolina

    Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

    yeah she seems to be in some form of need/want of a father figure. in a way that she appreciate the affection or help or praise or whatever from men she admires. that is definitely a question that needs to be answeared. her realtionship with her parents
  10. carolina

    Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

    Im not very fond of CP but thats mainly becuase of the Danny drama, I liked the Laughing Larry case. and agree, we definitely need more Flack & Lindsay scenes. I think they have some things in common and it would be interesting to explre it. I would also like to see some reaction from Flack to...
  11. carolina

    Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let go

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let we can pretend they have been apart all summer. and then for 2 or 3 episodes on-screen where they mention that they talked a lot about what they want, need and feel. and after that the banter and flirting can start again...
  12. carolina

    Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let go

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let have we decided on a name for the new thread yet? they should really make the 100th episode interesting. though I would prefer a funny interesting to drama-interesting. I wouldnt mind seeing Danny Boy jealous but if they...
  13. carolina

    Who's More Damaged- Danny or Lindsay?

    Supermen that is true but to be honest I cant really imagine her asking Mac to carry her over the roof. can you? I mean he is her boss and all that jazz. and Danny still could have declined saying he has a lot of work on his own. Im not saying she wasnt interested (I havent seen any of it on...
  14. carolina

    Who's More Damaged- Danny or Lindsay?

    she was a part of the reason he was in pain (and guilt). he completly disregarded everything else. it might have been seen as a knight-in-the-shinning-armour thing of him but in reality he just put a lot of people in a very difficult position. he didnt even care enough to call to work with some...
  15. carolina

    Who's More Damaged- Danny or Lindsay?

    it is an interesting question but the answer depends on the way you understand the word demaged. if it should mean hurt, then its Danny hands down. he is continuosly showered with heartache. I wonder whether he already reached his breaking point or they have something more brutal in store for...
  16. carolina

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    I have just seen Camp Rock and it didnt. rock I mean. it was lacking in so many places. or maybe Im just too old for it. but it had its funny moments. those unfortunately couldnt save the movie
  17. carolina

    Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let go

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let Im not reading the spoilers. its enough that the weather is rubbish around here I dont need TPTBs mind games too to spoil my summer as for the new thread name, Im for Because it IS a big deal to us! during the scene in...
  18. carolina

    Review The Last Film You Saw ~ Thread 3

    Penelope I love it. it was sweet, but not too much and had a great cast. there was certain Britishness about it I enjoyed a lot. I was looking forward to it and though it surprised me it was a very pleasant surprise
  19. carolina

    Anna/Lindsay #5: She Rocks!

    yeah, you definitely wont catch them listening to me :confused: I have a feeling like they tend to abandon the good story lines they created for her and instead follow the rather annoying ones. I dont mind the Montana references but they come at totally strange places. and I want Danny to...
  20. carolina

    Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let go

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #22: I've fallen in love with you...and I can't let yeah, DL defies the time-spaces continuum. while our love birds completly ignore (personal) space, TPTB bends time to their will :rolleyes: love the Good, Bad & Ugly reference. it so fits. lets just hope S5 doesnt turn...