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  1. Shytownmofo

    Season 12 Spoiler Lab Discussion Part 2

    Jesus. Why are you making Catherine out to be some sort of whore just because she sleeps with someone? She hits it off with someone in a similar career field, they have some chemistry, they take it to the next level. No big deal. It's not like it's someone she met on a case, or someone she works...
  2. Shytownmofo

    Baseball 2011 Season

    Re: Baseball 2010 Season Hey, I'm just glad that the Yankees and Red Sox aren't involved in any manner. I like NL ball a little better, but there's something about Nolan Ryan and the Rangers; especially with not having even been out of the first round of the playoffs before. Either way it...
  3. Shytownmofo

    McCullouch Promises That 'It Gets Better'

    Swear to god, we need more actors like Gerald McCullouch. He's out and proud, and willing to stand up for what he thinks is right and does it in such a cool way. Kudos to Gerald for taking a stand.
  4. Shytownmofo

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    Note to self. You are a frickin' Idjit. That stop sign was there for a reason. Now You've likely totalled your car, as well as did some damage to the other dude's car. Smooth move, ex lax. For Sure.
  5. Shytownmofo

    The Closer

    I just love the new season. I absolutely adore the interplay between Brenda Leigh and Chief Pope over the promotion thing. It's pretty clear that she doesn't give a rat's arse about becoming chief, she just put her name in because Captain Raydor wanted ther to. Oh, and BTW, I know exactly...
  6. Shytownmofo

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    To the cashier at the grocery store: I'm really, really sorry that I didn't have $.02 in change. I know you had to be SO put out about that, especially because the cash register will make change for you. :wtf: Way to have a sucky attitude. :rolleyes: The thing is, I don't carry change like...
  7. Shytownmofo

    Domestic Abuse/Violence

    I have to say I agree more with *lisasimpson* et al. Domestic Abuse is so much more than physical abuse; and oftentimes it starts so innocuously. It may simply be something like one of a couple being overly posessive and controlling, not allowing the other to do something, or getting upset...
  8. Shytownmofo

    What Books Are You Reading?-#3

    Re: What Are You Reading?-#3 Takeshi Kovacs, Baby. I'm on Broken Angels. Good so far....
  9. Shytownmofo

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    To the mother who gave her son a nosebleed, I will get you, Bitch. There is no excuse to make a ten year old's nose bleed. And then to have a cavalier attitude about it?! :censored::censored::censored::censored: You will be so scared to say boo to a goose around those kids, it won't be funny...
  10. Shytownmofo

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    To my oh so charming work: Please, Please PLEASE do not give my PERSONAL cell number out to anyone, including DCS case managers. I try to keep that number private for a reason. If one of my clients gets that number and calls me, swear to GOD I will not be responsible for what I do. BTW, to...
  11. Shytownmofo

    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Part 2

    Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par Ah, NO. Captions for prerecorded programs are transcribed using the show's script. (taken from Here: Sometimes I've noticed on TV things are different...
  12. Shytownmofo

    Things that annoy you

    Well, I'm terrified of anything with more than four legs. I had a bad experience when I was a child involving cockaroaches, so the quickest way to get me to scream like a little girl is to have a bug crawl on me. As far as other things go that annoy me, the biggest pet peeve of mine is...
  13. Shytownmofo

    What's your sign

    Libra. And I am the consummate Libra. Been looking for balance all my life. I love pretty things, am creative when I want to be, can't stand conflict, and with the right people, I can talk all day and all night about nothing whatsoever. I absolutely love animals, in particular dogs and cats...
  14. Shytownmofo

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    To my goddam job: Give me my Fucking CELL PHONE! I can't do my job without it! /as an aside, it's unproffessional people like you who hide in your office with the door locked and act put out when someone askes you to do your damn job that's the reason why get annoyed and have a tendency to...
  15. Shytownmofo

    Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Part 2

    Re: Debate/Dislike a Ship Thread -- CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, Par Nope. He calls Greg "Doll." I watch with the Closed Captions on, mainly because it's easier to get the technical terms. At the 12:24 mark, the caption clearly says "Thanks, doll." Also, the way Nick patted him on the...
  16. Shytownmofo

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    Ahh, Killer, another Chitown area native. I'm actually just a mile or so over the Indiana border, in East Chicago, which is just west of Gary. However, All my life I've claimed Chicago, 'cause we get all the Chitown TV and Radio, and all the attitudes are very Chicago. I always get mad when...
  17. Shytownmofo

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    Note to self: It's called BALANCE. You might want to try it sometime. It can't be all work, it can't be all other responsibilities. Also, You may want to try communicating when you have an obligation and something comes up, 'cause right now the only thing you're excelling at is pissing...
  18. Shytownmofo

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    They ARE more like a cult. Most of the members are actually members of the leader, Fred Phelps' family, either his kids or sons in law. They say that America is too "sinful" because we're so "Liberal" on things like Homosexuality and women's rights etc., and that Soldiers dying, as well as...
  19. Shytownmofo

    Criminal Minds #3: Beware The Office Of Unfettered Omniscience

    Yeah, I agree that Cooley was they guy who got Emily pregnant. You notice in the beginning of Demonlology that she really didn't want him to hug her, saying she was wet, They hadn't seen each other in ages, then he apologized for not being there for her in Rome. In other news: I'm so...
  20. Shytownmofo

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    To the job market: Please open up. I've been looking for months and months and months, and nothing has materialized. To the place that I applied to, got interviews and essentially got offered a job: Please call me back like you promised to set up Orientation. I'd like to work, kthanxbai...