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  1. GTuruturu

    Danny/Lindsay #21: The future’s in the bag!

    Re: Danny/Lindsay #21: The future's in the bag! well if lurkers are delurking i guess i need to come out of the woodwork too, SO Hi All! i found talkCSI like right after Snow day actually happened, (i didn't have tv, so i had to stay late on campus to watch it online) :( i've kinda become a...
  2. GTuruturu

    Why Lindsay Must Stay!

    When Lindsay first came on the show I had absolutely no problem with her, I liked her, and still do. I found her character to be refreshing, at least at the beginning, she was different from Stella and Aiden, and that’s what I liked about her, I felt that I could relate to her. I loved her...
  3. GTuruturu

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSINY When...

    Hey all, i'm new here but i've been lurking for awhile, anyway, huge csi:ny fan, and has anyone else noticed the reuse of certain extras or guests actors? Wasn't Kendell in season 1:till death do we part, and i swear Ruben was the same kid as in season 1:recycling, you know with the sex...