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  1. carminelove15

    Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

    I cant wait till the baby is born:):) I wonder how they are going to play out Lindsay going into labor, beacuse this is the first Csi baby?
  2. carminelove15

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    I really hope that CBS starts giving us some good D/L story lines outsides of the baby. I love the baby story line dont get me wrong, but like everyone keeps saying they need to do more with lindsay. I wonder if there going to do with lindsay when she is in labor or somthing??
  3. carminelove15

    Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

    A vist from a ex boyfriend would be a great episdoe:) I want the writers to do more with lindsay cause there is so much about her we dont know and dont get to see. As much as I like the other characters It gets old when its always Mac or Stella. The other Csi shows does alittle something with...
  4. carminelove15

    I wish they would flash back to...

    ~I would like to see an episode where we see a flash back to how the charaters came to work at the NY crime Lab? I think that would make a cool episode:)
  5. carminelove15

    Supernatural #3 - No Chick Flick Moments

    Hi Im carminelove15 new to this thread Supernatural is a really good show:) Its somthing you dont see on tv everyday!!! Sam and Dean= HOT!!!
  6. carminelove15

    Welcome to General TV & Media! Please introduce yourself!

    Hey Im new to the General TV & Media:) Im carminelove15 I love tv:) Csi, Csi Ny, Csi miami, criminal minds( pretty much anything on CBS I think that the writers are doing a good job with the shows this year!!
  7. carminelove15

    The Last Ten Songs You Listened To #5

    Celine Dion~ Its all coming back to me now Lady GaGa~Poker Face James Morrison~ Please Dont Stop the rain Kelly Clarkson~ Dont let me Stop you Kelly Clarkson~ Long Shot Miley Cyrus~ The Climb Alexz Johnson~ How strong Do you think I am Alexz Johnson~ Golden ALexz johnson~ 24 Hours SafetySuit~...
  8. carminelove15

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    I love your list CSI Cupcake, I think that after that she has the baby I want her to have a good story line where she is in a bad situation, and also show us how Danny will react to Lindsay being in danger. I wonder if she is going to keep the name Monroe or change it to Messer??
  9. carminelove15

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    I agree:) The Technology that Csi Ny uses is just one of really cool differences between Csi Ny and the other CSI shows.
  10. carminelove15

    You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

    You know you watch way to much csi ny when... ~You know evey name of each episode from seasons 1-5. ~When you start talking along with the tv. ~ Your friends start thinking you crazy cause thats all you can talk about.
  11. carminelove15

    Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

    I know, but you would expect them to talk about her becasue its not like the last time she went to Montana. I think it is nice that they are mentioning her this time. I cant wait till she is back then the show will be back to normal.
  12. carminelove15

    Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

    Thanks Brinchen:)
  13. carminelove15

    Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

    Does anyone one know if anna/lindsay is back in the episode Yahrzeit?
  14. carminelove15

    CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

    Next weeks episode looks good!
  15. carminelove15

    Danny/Lindsay #23: Because it is a big deal to us!

    Im Carminelove15 Im new to this thread. I love danny and Lindsay been a fan from day one. Im so shocked at how many people dislike lindsay:( I love her. I hope that after the baby coms that lindsay will get some good story lines.
  16. carminelove15

    Anna/Lindsay #6: Baby on Board!

    I Think that Anna/lindsay is awsome. I really just hope that after lindsay gives birth that they give her a great story line. For the past few season lindsay has been just been there a part from the baby stroy line she has not had any other good story lines. I would like to see her get into a...