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  1. M

    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    Re: Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom *spoilers* I really like Max, too! I'm definitely hoping they bring him back this season, he and Brennan have such wonderful chemistry. They really made a fine choice bringing Ryan O'Neal in for that role. :thumbsup:
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    Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

    I agree re: the romantic relationships, they tend to overshadow the drama and crimes, which is Not why I tune into crime dramas! :scream: And IMO, the CSI writers, as an entire franchise, don't write romance very well. I think they stunk it up in a Huge Way on the Vegas CSI (which I don't even...
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    CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

    These new spoilers make me even more anxious for the new season to begin! Some Flack and Hawkes drama (it's about F'ing time! :wtf: ), Stella and Mac storylines, Sid danger, Angell is back and so is our fave little lab munchkin Adam, and now it sounds like the demise of D/L, which will, as...
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    Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom

    Re: Bones #2: The Jeffersonian Breakroom *spoilers* Overall I thought the eppie was okay, but like some of you, I felt like it fell short of my expectations. The writing did feel forced, and the breakup of Hodgela was Blink! And You Missed It, which was pretty dumb, IMO. I thought it was pretty...
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    Gary#5 "Houston...We Have A Hottie!"

    New Gary Thread, wooo hoo!!! :thumbsup: And I know I'll get a giggle every time I see the title! :lol: Nice piccies, ladies!
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    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    "Houston, We Have a Hottie..." I love it!! :guffaw: Perfect title!
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    Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

    I couldn't agree more! I actually enjoyed the Peyton/Mac relationship, I thought it was tastefully done overall, and very realistic - they weren't always a perfect couple, both made missteps along the way, but it never went all angsty or overboard. But the writers really ticked me off when they...
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    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Great pix once again, ladies! Much Thanks! :drool: And Fruitbat, I know what you mean about "Imposter"... any reason to drool over that movie is a good enough reason for me! And I love the pix of Gary with glasses, and with stubble, he looks so good in both! Loving the new promo, some nice Mac...
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    Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

    Gary is looking absolutely incredible!edible in all of the photos I've seen of him recently...hurry up and bring on the new season, already!! :drool: I was so bummed, last night's eppy was pre-empted here for the Democratic convention... :( More important than CSI NY, I know, but geez, can't...
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    CSI: NY Picture Thread #4: Ready for Your Close Up?

    Awesome new pics, thanks for posting them, Shane! :thumbsup: Gary and Melina both look great, as usual. Can't wait for the new season! :)
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    Petersen, Fox, Dourdan Leave, Larry Fishburne In *No Spoilers* Closed

    Re: Petersen Leaving! Larry Fishburne Joins Cast! *No Spoilers* I totally agree! I think the fact that LF hasn't seen the show is a great thing, it brings him in as a fresh set of eyes with no preconceived notions - exactly as his actual character is going to feel. I think it will actually...
  12. M

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Welcome to the thread, Asprine! We're always happy to welcome a new Gary Fan! And of course, I'm loving your ani!! :thumbsup: Those pics of Gary in his casual golf get-up are awesome! The neck...:drool: And I love the pic of he and his wife. You have to love a guy who still holds his wife's...
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    Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

    Great Wish-List, MacsLady! :thumbsup: I would like to see: 1. The return of Reed, and more quality interaction between he and Mac. And please writers, don't turn Reed into just another "CSI Brat" like we've seen on the Vegas and Miami shows. I'll give Reed a pass on his attitude during the...
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    Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

    AlienMonkey, Welcome to the Mac Madness! Post often, and I hope you have fun here! :thumbsup:
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    Mac #6: Unbuttoned...

    MacsLady, I just saw that today, too... it indeed looks like we will most definitely be getting some Wet!Mac, this season! :drool: Bless the writers' hearts, they must have read our pleas! :lol: Oh, and... awesome piccies, as usual! Love the captions! :thumbsup:
  16. M

    What's one thing you wish hadn't happened in CSI?

    *nodding head vigorously in agreement* Yes, that's what I'm talking about! And supposedly by that time he had already been secretly having an affair with Subordinate Sara, but he stands there and shakes the verbal finger of "Shame on You!" at Catherine? Definitely one of the things that I feel...
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    CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

    Thanks for the new spoilers, Fay! I'm happy to hear Angell finally get mentioned in spoilers too, I was getting worried we wouldn't see her this season. Very glad to hear that she'll be back! :thumbsup:
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    What's one thing you wish hadn't happened in CSI?

    1. Grissom throwing his morals and integrity out the window to sleep with an emotionally fragile subordinate - meanwhile, pompously pontificating to his remaining team about watching their morals and behavior and how they affect the lab, blah blah. I started hating him a bit, I think, at the end...
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    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Once again, thanks to all the kind enablers, for the luscious Gary piccies! :drool: I've heard his voiceover in adverts too, even if I'm half asleep in front of the boob tube, hearing his voice in the commercials always makes me sit up wide awake and take notice! There's simply no mistaking...
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    CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

    I agree, I think Adam is best in the lab. Much as I understand Greg deserved the "promotion" of sorts on Vegas to move into CSI (even though as Grissom pointed out, it meant a pay cut), it kind of spoiled his character for me, a bit. But Vegas had alot of other fun labrats that kind of took up...