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  1. miamirocks

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    OK, so I wanted consequences for H's actions the past few years, but it's too bad it has to come when H is sticking up for his team. I actually never minded him getting a little rough when a team member was in danger (like when Speed was killed and he pushed the guy and you know he would've...
  2. miamirocks

    Calleigh & Ryan #8 - Give Me A Chance.

    Just poppin' in again. I thought of CaRWash after last night's episode. I was very much hoping that Cal would show some concern over Ryan's condition (and was kinda hopin she was at the hospital w/him since she didn't seem to be at the lab in the beginning of the episode - well, I guess that's...
  3. miamirocks

    Episode 10x03 - 'Blown Away' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    RE: Last night's episode - I agree with most of what everyone has said. 1. Tornado scene/searching for Ryan - Wonderfully done - the raw emotion was there - loved H calling out "Ryan!" Like that Eric was concerned, but he turned into his typical bully self and went all EMO on Walter (then...
  4. miamirocks

    Which Female and Male Characters are your favourite?

    Can I do this by season? Seasons 1-4: My favorite male character was Horatio. He was very empathetic, close to his team, a great leader and I loved his strong drive to do the right thing. Loved his quiet demeanor and it made the rare occasions when he did get angry seem all that more...
  5. miamirocks

    ** Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Take Two **

    Not really a spoiler, but while we're talking about David and some of the other actors, I have to say that they all look great this season! Emily's bounced back well after her pregnancy, and I think David lost some weight over the summer - he looks very good :)
  6. miamirocks

    Episode 10x03 - 'Blown Away' ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Wow! Intense promo! How can Ryan not be seriously hurt after being sucked out the window like that? :wtf: I mean, seeing Ryan go out that door - I know he survives, but how? Looks like a great ep. - superb acting in that scene. Kinda "ripped from the headlines" w/all those tornadoes that went on...
  7. miamirocks

    Episode 10x2 - 'Stiff' - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Well you know what they say - it's not easy being green...unless you're one of the really hot actors on CSI:Miami :drool: Maybe it's an early commercial/plug for the new Muppet Movie comin' out - I mean, Adam Rodriguez is gonna be on Sesame Street and Elmo & Cookie Monster did that Miami "spoof"...
  8. miamirocks

    Episode 10x2 - 'Stiff' - ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

    Hey everyone! Really liked the team interactions in tonights episode! :thumbsup: Nat and Ryan, Ryan & Walter, and the mention of Cal's dad had me going "YEA CONTINUITY!" :eek: - I thought TPTB forgot he existed. :lol: The whole thing w/the hat was great - it meant something to the plot...
  9. miamirocks

    Episode 10x01 - 'Countermeasures' ***CONTAINS SPOIILERS***

    Ditto on that one! I think anyone who watches Seasons 1-4 will hardly recognize the show and be surprised at the team dynamics and how emotionally driven and scientifically driven it was. I watch b/c I've invested in the characters since day 1, and the show, up until Season 6, never really...
  10. miamirocks

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    Wow - I couldn't have said it better myself. Whether or not you are an E/C fan you have to admit this thing has been written terribly. The fact that it's still not resolved, and we've yet to hear spoilers on this, is frustrating - I wish TPTB would stop dragging it out. At this point I just wish...
  11. miamirocks

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    That fire scene next week has me intrigued - Horatio, Eric and Cal all seem to be investigating that scene when it blows - that in and of itself is refreshing! Although it's funny that there's a pic of H just kneeling and staring at a bed in flames - way to be stoic, H! (HCrazy - glad to see...
  12. miamirocks

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    Hey - welcome back, HCrazy :p - long time, no see! I'm hoping that O'Shay storyline will be a good one to get H to look at his crazy ways the past few years - definitely missing Stetler right now. I'm tired of H always being "beyond reproach" - he's done some shady things and I wish they'd stop...
  13. miamirocks

    Episode 10x01 - 'Countermeasures' ***CONTAINS SPOIILERS***

    Wow - can I ever learn to be as concise as you? :lol: That pretty much summed up my "defense" of the team not talking to Horatio that much about his condition. ;) Personally, I just don't get why the writers spoiled such a prime opportunity to have a "team scene". We could've had one at the...
  14. miamirocks

    Episode 10x01 - 'Countermeasures' ***CONTAINS SPOIILERS***

    Well, the season premier certainly was intense - I still was kind of like :rolleyes: watching H save Nat w/that injury, but I was happy they at least made him feel like crap the whole episode - props to DC for that acting job - it was a long time coming. Also liked the scenes w/Cal and the...
  15. miamirocks

    Grade 'Indelible'

    I usually don't watch too much of CSI:NY, but I wanted to make sure I tuned in for this one (well, I watched it online... ;)) Anyhow, I'm from NY and live a couple hours drive from the city. I know some of the families who lost firefighters, EMS and WTC workers that day. Looking at the...
  16. miamirocks

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    Three reactions to this "scoop": :wtf: :shifty: :rolleyes: I'm hoping Emily was being sarcastic in that last part about "taking it slow" - they already had sex - this relationship has been there, done that & got the T-shirt. Either keep them together as a couple w/out the drama or split them...
  17. miamirocks

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    All the eps sound very interesting and team-oriented at this point, which is good :thumbsup: Not sure how to take that comment, but I will say I was super happy to read about how good David was to Emily when she was pregnant. I knew about the rumor - I think the rumor started b/c there were...
  18. miamirocks

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    Totally appreciate those comments, Mulder42 & ladyjr8! I was so excited to H and Cal in the same frame! That usually happens only once a year, :rolleyes: so I guess I'd better enjoy it now ;). I know a lot of people say (and probably rightly so) that any chemistry H and Cal had in Seasons 1-4 is...
  19. miamirocks

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    Interesting promo - looks exciting. I still think it's weird that H can dive into the water after being shot like that :rolleyes: but Nat dragging him to shore at least shows that he's been weakened a bit and just may be human after all ;). It all just seems really weird, though - Nat gettin'...
  20. miamirocks

    **Season 10 Spoiler Lab - Bienvenido a Miami!**

    Hey everyone! Hmm...this serial killer thing could either be really promising or really boring - i do feel like CSI:Miami has been there, done that, esp. w/H and Eric. I really do NOT want it to turn into the "H and Eric" show yet again. :rolleyes: Oh, and I know someone mentioned in...