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  1. P

    The Last Film You Saw? Thread 2.

    I'm watching Gothika right now. So far, I find it has a good story-line!
  2. P

    It's just a chick thing [Girl Talk!]

    Haha me too! I have low cut allstars in black and I wrote Pink Floyd on my right shoe. I love them :D.
  3. P

    How old are You?

    And i'll be 19 in january, I feel old :p.
  4. P

    Season 1 DVD

    Indeed! They already have those here in The Netherlands, just by the supermarket :D.
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    CSI - Built to Kill Song

    Waiting on the world to change by John Mayer, gotta love that song <3!
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    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 Thank you! I really want to see the film!
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    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 It really really does sounds awesome :eek:! And MissRoosFox , tell me how WTC was :D. The cinema in Schagen opens this month, so I hope they have WTC there too!
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    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 Welcome :)
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    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 Aahw it was fun to make 'lampionnen' at school :D.
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    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 Milk and sugar :p. At noon (is that correct, it sounds weird ;p) I drink coffee, to stay awake at school, also with milk and sugar :lol:.
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    They don't do anything about it here in The Netherlands, so I don't know what I'm missing ;p.
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    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 Haha I eat appelstroop for breakfast everyday (on bread ofcourse ;p) and a cup of tea! ^,^
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    Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

    Indeed! I didn't even needed my sweater on my way to school :).
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    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 Good luck Nathalie_Emily :D!
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    CSI: Holland #3 - with Orange Flavour

    Re: CSI: Holland #3 The sun isn't shining anymore :(.
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    Let's Talk about the Weather - #4

    It's really nice at the moment! About 24 °C and a nice breeze.
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    Season 7 Pictures *Possible Spoilers*

    Hahaha jordan I love your banner :D.
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    new season!

    Yeah, you're lucky, here in The Netherlands it could take a while before they'll air season 7 :(.
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    I Can't Believe It #4

    I can't believe I haven't got any homework...yet :p.
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    I Can't Believe It #4

    I can't believe how tired I am I can't believe the weather is so nice