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  1. FieldMouse

    1v1 Challenges Th.#4 - Challenge #39 - Now Open!

    Re: 1v1 Challenges Th.#4 - Challenge #37 - voting! A 1 B 2 C 1 D 1 E 2 F 2 G 1
  2. FieldMouse

    Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

    Just wanted to post a quick reminder about double posting rules because some people are newer and might not realize: You can find the above, and other board rules in the CSI Miami Forum Info & Help Thread. :)
  3. FieldMouse

    Quiz Thread #5

    Heart Words - 12/22 Elemental Symbols Films - 9/20 Countries in the Olympics - 38/83
  4. FieldMouse

    Quiz Thread #5

    TV show by crime solving duo: 17/36 Double quiz: 16/28 - Sporcle top 10: 54/100 - (really should have gotten more of the body parts :rolleyes:)
  5. FieldMouse

    The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

    Dear L, Why after all of 6 minutes after M sent an email to me (cc'ing you) asking me how to respond to V's question, did you forward said email to my manager asking her the same question (without including me or M)? Thus prompting said notorious micromanager to forward to me asking me to...
  6. FieldMouse

    Quiz Thread #5

    Square number: 9/25 Immigrant origin by state: 101/152 Add a "C": 4/16 :rolleyes:
  7. FieldMouse

    Quiz Thread #5

    Beginning and ending with 'M' - 13/17 Minute Math - 36/50 Triple homophones - 8/25
  8. FieldMouse

    Quiz Thread #5

    Missing Middle Names: 28/30 1941: 11/22 X-Cellent Answers: 12/20
  9. FieldMouse

    Episode 8x14 - "In the Wind" - **CONTAINS SPOILERS**

    (Futon Critic) CSI: MIAMI Air Date: Monday, February 01, 2010 Time Slot: 10:00 PM-11:00 PM EST on CBS Episode Title: (#814) "In The Wind" THE CSIs HAVE 24 HOURS TO FIND OUT IF A MAN ON DEATH ROW IS TRULY GUILTY, AND ERIC DELKO RETURNS TO WORK THE CASE, ON "CSI: MIAMI," MONDAY, FEB. 1...
  10. FieldMouse

    Ryan/Jon #25 - Wolfe's Den

    Well I do have the new ones from this season still, and there are probably some backed up on my external HD, but I still have to find them so don't fret Yoshi. ;) eta..and yes those do make it much better! I especially like the gun!porn. ;)
  11. FieldMouse

    Ryan/Jon #25 - Wolfe's Den

    I'm gonna agree. From the board rules: I know she wasn't really being attacked, but some of the things said were kind of borderline insulting. She might not be on the board now, but what if she has been, or is lurking, or does show up? Anyway, I return you to our regularly scheduled...
  12. FieldMouse

    Emily/Calleigh#12: -'Une très jolie petite blonde''

    kala79, I think it's fine, but if you ever do want to change your post, you can edit it for up to about 24 hours after it's posted. So if you want to go back and change something (and I usually end up doing just that :lol:), you can edit it. :)
  13. FieldMouse

    Emily/Calleigh#12: -'Une très jolie petite blonde''

    This would be considered copyright infringement, and discussion of downloading/copying is not permitted on the board. Please refer to the rules listed in the CSI Miami Forum and Help Guide.
  14. FieldMouse

    Jesse/Eddie #1 - 'Today's My Last Day...'

    Any spoilers posted outside of the spoiler thread must be put in a spoiler box. Also, per the spoiler thread rules listed here:
  15. FieldMouse

    Quiz Thread #5

    Headlines from 2000: 17/29 Notable Dead from 2009: 14/42 A - Z then 'ee': 9/26
  16. FieldMouse

    Ryan/Jon #25 - Wolfe's Den

    Divadee87, CBS has the episodes up on their site for a while after the episode airs, but it's only available to view in the US. Looks like that episode is still available to view. :)
  17. FieldMouse

    **Spoiler Lab** S8 - Check Out What's On The Horizon!

    Spoiler reminder: Before posting spoilers, please refer to the RULES for posting them. They're located in the 1st post of the spoiler thread.
  18. FieldMouse

    Quiz Thread #5

    Mexican born: 17/22 Famous sixsomes: 44/72 (I really need to study up on my sciences!) Worst traffic cities: 16/20
  19. FieldMouse

    Quiz Thread #5

    Reworded Christmas Songs: 18/35 Elements: 5/118 (I'm happy I got that many :lol: ) O-less states: 18/23
  20. FieldMouse

    Signature Banner Challenge #20 - Miami: No Screencaps - Results!

    Re: Alternating Banner Challenge #15 - General - Ladies' Choice - Now Intermediate: 03 01 06 Advanced: 01 04 07