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  1. B

    Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketeers**

    Mac was only jealous, because Hawkes and Flack get all the Danny-action. He just wanted to cop a feel - and the little demonstration was the perfect cover-up. :devil: But I'm sure Flackie and Teh Pimp Doctor don't get jealous over other men 'playing' with Danny - 'cause Danny knows who his...
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    What's Your Birthdate?/The Happy Birthday Thread #2

    Happy Birthday, Shane! Hope you have a good one!
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    Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketeers**

    I come bearing gifts! :D It seems likes there's not a single screencap with all three guys out there, so I hijacked a photoshoot pic and - quite shamelessly - cut Aiden out. Mission accomplished, pic scaled down. :devil: Heh. Credit goes to Bluegirl who posted the original pic in the...
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    Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketeers**

    :D OMG! I love it! *shakes head* Hawkes surprises me. He always seems a bit on the shy side, yet there's this wild side to him. Rawwr!! Can you imagine the smug look on Flack's face as their Pimp Daddy tells him how to punish the Kinka-Poodle? I bet he enjoys every minute of making Danny...
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    The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

    I really, really hope there's some following up on that scene. I've only read the transcript (damn comp!) and I really want him to kick some butt. As I've said, it's no good keeping your emotions all bottled up. *sigh* If only the writers thought the same way...
  6. B

    Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketeers**

    :eek: Whoa. How badly corrupted am I if I can actually imagine that...*shakes head* :D It's hilarious, though. All I can say is: Come over to the dark side, Luke, eh Faylinn! Me wonders what kinds of things Danny would do to please his Daddy. Wouldn't want to bring the cane on, now, would he?
  7. B

    Why Lindsay Must Go

    She could always replace the GCSM-thingy (me and science don't mix!) and stand in the corner. ;) Or step in as one of those holder-thingies (again, me and science) where people put the test tubes they're using. But really, a spell in the lab might do her good. Labtechs still get a sufficient...
  8. B

    Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketeers**

    I'm sure Danny will be glad to work in the lab for a while, where he doesn't have to sit down. ;) The rides to the crime scenes must be torture! *cough* Unless both Hawkes and Flack ravish him in the car before they get out. Poor Danny. :devil: It's just a question of time until he ends up in...
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    Hawkes/Danny/Flack Threesome Thread **The Three Musketeers**

    Hooray! for the new thread. I hope the robospanker comes with re-chargeable batteries... :devil: *runs off, looking for screencaps*
  10. B

    The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

    Tough one. I think he could do with being a bit of an emotional wreck - there's just so much happening, first Aiden, then Flack. Better let those emotions out than keeping them in. (And he's just so cute when he gets all emotional. Ahemm.) Yet, I'm not sure we'll get that. He's had his...
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    The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

    Hasn't Fred become somewhat sneakier lately? You talk about a perfectly normal thing, like extra body-parts - and he's nowhere to be seen. But as soon as you mention what you might DO with said body-parts - e.g. censored, he just pops up. See?! Sneaky Fred. Deep tissue massage, eh? :devil...
  12. B

    The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

    My, you dirty, dirty, dirty minded people. Oh, who am I kidding, this feels like home to me. Maybe even better... An extra hand is always a plus, but the second mouth might be a bit freakish. But as they say, it's not the quantity it's the quality that counts. :devil: Except when it comes to...
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    Crazy Caption Contest

    ^Heh! Danny: Honestly, I found it this way!
  14. B

    The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

    Heh. Bunnies are really warm, yet rather small. We might even fit into dry suits. :D *wink, wink* I've still got my hopes on the DVDs - deleted shower scenes, ripping shirts, all the goodies we've been denied over the season. A girl can dream...
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    The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

    Ah, the possibilities of a dry suit! Forget about the shower! I demand a scene where the zipper of the suit (does a dry suit have azipper anyway?) gets stuck and he has to get cut OUT of the suit, à la Nick the week before. Sure enough, the scissors cut through his shirt and underpants as well...
  16. B

    Crazy Caption Contest

    Eddie: "Not the face. I checked my contract and it says so in paragraph 12b. Not. The. Face!" Not the best, but it kept bugging me
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    Why Lindsay Must Go

    Dude, that sooo defies the concept of the show: introducing new characters without exploring them. Can't you see the drift? First, Hawkes leaves the morgue to become a CSI - getting less and less screentime and fading into the background. Next one, Lindsay, all the way from Montana to, well...
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    The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

    Ah, the joys of multitasking! Drying his tears, undressing him, making sure the webcam works... Danny: *sniffles* Wait a minute? Is that a camera over there? Bunny: What? Oh, it's broken. It might point at us, but it doesn't record anymore. Danny: *still sniffling* Why is the red light on...
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    The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

    I have the feeling men are pretty rare in the locker room... Though I have to say, there aren't that many altogether. At least it seems that way. Naughty thoughts? In here? *feigns innocence* Have you read the last thread? :devil:
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    The Locker Room #12 - Real Men Cry

    *waves at Comte* My, what a rare creature around here! :D I think Carmine in the nude is the most, er, innocent mental image we have around here... :devil: