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  1. C

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    Oh guys, guess what?? Yes guys you must guess!!! ... I made another DuCaine manip... but Calleigh's kinda missing the top of her head... *casually looks around whisling* Yes... so ill give y'all the link... and if anyone would like to request a manip... please tell me, as im am soooo board *Hits...
  2. C

    CSI: DuCaine

    Ok i'll remember that EmeraldEyes06... ummm can you please pm me the missing scene from the last story plze??? I sooooooooooo hop that Calleigh catches Jake cheating... i could only imagine what she'd do to him *taps Calleigh on the shoulder and hints towards her gun locker* :devil: hahaha, i...
  3. C

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    Hahahahaha thank you EmeraldEyes06!!! lol everytime i look at them they make me all warm and fuzzy inside... especially the "black snake" i found in my new TV Week mag today... It was about "Miami's Hot New Couple"... Eric and Calleigh... :mad: *shoots self in head and falls to the floor dead*...
  4. C

    Photo Manipulation Fun ~ Thread #2

    ok guys... i have a manip i made a few days ago... and Hcrazy said that i should put it up here... so here's the first one... number 2...
  5. C

    DuCaine Fan Fic...

    HAHAHA thnk you"!!! i have no idea how to end it... but im working on a ficlet and a vid using the song Running Away by Midnight Hour... It going to be something like this... Calleigh is Running Away from everything because she's hurting inside... but she doesn't want to leave Horatio, but she...
  6. C

    CSI: DuCaine

    OMG... that was just way too sweet... ooohhhh would like to read the scene that you left out!! CalleighCaine07 aka Horsie Girl
  7. C

    CSI: DuCaine

    :eek: :eek: :eek: OMG!!! LOL hahahaha *laugh turns evil* hehehe :devil: that was good!!! lol i can hear the Hummer squeeking from over here in Australia!!! lol :lol:
  8. C

    CSI: DuCaine

    :lol: hahahaha that was soooo much better than the scene outa TWW... hahaha... ooohhhh i'm deffinantly in for the Hummer scene!!! lol PM it to me! :eek: hahaha loved it!
  9. C

    My DuCaine Wedding Manips!!!

    Ok i have no idea how to put up pictures on here as i am a new ppl on this site... can some one help!!!
  10. C

    DuCaine Fan Fic...

    Her last moments still haunt him to this day, but the memories that he holds sacred are the one’s that only they shared together. Not even those memories can wipe away her last moments. Guilt kicks in and I start to see It seemed to him that those 5 minutes passed in slow motion, not in the blur...
  11. C

    Emily/Calleigh #10 : 'A Perfect 10'

    oooohhh a BMW 335i Convertible they are sooo hot!!! lol But yet again... a Hummer H2/H3!!