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  1. S

    Worst Movies Ever

    (American) Ring Two was a horrible letdown! I loved the first one and had high hopes for the sequel but it...sucked sucked sucked.
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    Worst Movies Ever

    BOOGEYMAN. I can't believe I spent money on that crapfest. Some cheap thrills, yes, but NOTHING IS EXPLAINED. He randomly goes into closets and appears in other places. We don't know where the abducted people go. He randomly goes back in time. The whole movie makes you go "WTF?!?!?!?" SO. BAD.
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    Anyone on Myspace?

    I prefer Xanga and LJ more because I think they're easier to customize and work with. LJ is my absolute favorite. I like the communities (becausr you get to post in them!) and it e-mails you each and every comment! I just work better with Xanga and LJ lol. The only downside to LJ is that you...
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    Anyone on Myspace?

    I have a myspace but I *really* don't like it. I prefer Xanga, and then I prefer LiveJournal to Xanga :p
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    Happy Birthday!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAZZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Szmanda's One Man Show Heads To New York

    OMG. Why don't I live in NY?!
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    What kind of cell phone do you have??

    I've had my phone for a year and I just now set up the voicemail. TEEHEE!
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    Worst Movies Ever

    Someone said The Others. I loved that movie :( I liked Napoleon Dynamite until I watched it for my 3rd time at 3 am...then I hated it...
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    Worst Movies Ever

    I loved the original "Ring" but "Ring Two" was SO BAD.
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    "Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

    Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers*** They hardly showed Greg at all. There's something wrong there. I loved Nick's dream at the end, with Doc Robbins and David :lol: At first I was like WTF?!?! then I started laughing.
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    "Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

    Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers*** I am pretty damn sure the team is being reunited! They've gotta be. Besides, Ecklie talking about needing more money in the lab - that can be achieved by cutting the swing shift.
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    "Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

    Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers*** Greg needed more emotion. Hmph. It was very good except for the lack of emotion from Grissom's shift. Oh, and I wish there were NO COMMERCIALS. I think it's the best CSI ep so far.
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    "Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

    Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers*** Greg's hair is fine. Could be better, but not gross. That episode was just :eek:
  14. S

    Poetry, Anyone?

    All the other poems you all have posted are great! I WROTE ANOTHER ONE! Problem is, I don't know which prompt to use it for, cuz it matches with two of them... "The Wall" The Wall “Climb over the wall,” they told me “You’ve gotta stop staring at it,” they said, “Just go.” But the wall is...
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    Without A Trace *May Contain Spoilers*

    Re: Without A Trace I SECOND THAT!
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    Poetry, Anyone?

    I've written a bunch of poetry lately because we had to do it for English, so I thought I'd share! If anyone else has poetry they've written or would like to talk about poems they like, then go right ahead! We were given 10 prompts; I've done 7 of them. Prompt 1: This was a marginal poem...
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    Without A Trace *May Contain Spoilers*

    Re: Without A Trace I didn't totally pay attention to last night's ep so it really confused me. Then Viv and Danny were shot and I was like WTF IS GOING ON?!?!?!? I thought "Are they ending the show or something?!"
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    What kind of cell phone do you have??

    I have a Samsung 427. It's shiny and silver and a flip phone and it glows BLUE. I love it. View 1 View 2 My ringtone is Britney Spears - Shadow :lol: I HATE THE VIBRATE ON MY PHONE. It's SO weak! I like never feel it.
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    What's Your Desktop Wallpaper?

    Ooh. That's really pretty!
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    The Simpsons

    Re: Anyone like THE SIMPSONS??? *watches it* It's the ep where Lisa does hockey. Haven't seen thse in a whiiile.