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    Patricia Cornwell

    My friend read them out of order :lol: She read, like, Blowfly first or something then went to Postmortem, then bought Trace and got spoiled. Lmao. I'm so glad I'm reading them in order.
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    Patricia Cornwell

    Oh my GOD, yes they are. Patricia Cornwell has such a way with words - her descriptions are so unique yet so perfect. I can see everything perfectly in my head.
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    Patricia Cornwell

    The books are amaziiiiiiiiiiing. I'm reading them in order, so I've read: Postmortem Body of Evidence All That Remains Cruel and Unusual The Body Farm From Potter's Field Cause of Death Unnatural Exposure Point of Origin Black Notice The Last Precinct Holy crap! I didn't realize there were so...
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    In response to the post Baba just posted, that's where gaydar comes in. Does that really exist?! I'm so curious, because I've gotten weird notions where I, like, see someone and immediately think they're gay or lesbian. Is that just wishful thinking or is there actually something that lets other...
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    I'm more into guys, but it's a specific mindset. To me, guys (ideally) are hard with angles, while girls are soft with curves. Get what I mean? I can't apply what I like about a guy to a girl and vice versa. Overall I'm more into guys, but not completely, thank God.
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    For me, figuring out my sexuality wasn't scary because it just...happened. I don't remember the exact events, 'cause it was 3 or 4 years ago (the middle of 8th grade) and I don't remember freaking out or anything. I just realized I (really really really) like one of my guy friends :lol:
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    Say NO to Homophobia

    :lol: Birkenstocks being too lesbianish? Now that's funny, seeing as those and all the other identical clogs are so damn popular. I guess just about every girl in my school's a lesbian! That must make me a lesbian, too! I'm a bi guy who has clogs from American Eagle that are identical to...
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    They should have left in AT LEAST "Goodbye Love." It's now my favorite song, especially the second four minutes.
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    Nope, "Goodbye Love" is not "Halloween."
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    My favorite song is the last 4 (movie, deleted scene) minutes of "Goodbye Love." Other than that? "Another Day," "Finale B," "Out Tonight," "La Vie Boheme," the list goes on...
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    Good luck! Tickets are probably sold out by now O_o
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    I'm seeing the Rent tour when it comes to Washington DC in MAY! SO EXCITED!
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    What are you wearing right now???

    A red tee from Abercrombie & Fitch that's all kind of faded/destroyed looking and says "A Fitch" with a 12 on the front and the back; Hollister jeans; red Hollister flip flops because color coordination is FUN.
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    What are you wearing right now???

    Green tee that says Hollister in yellow, socks, jeans from Abercrombie & Fitch, and - my favorite part - navy seagull-print Hollister boxers. :D
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    Eurovision Song Contest 2006

    Yup, I read that too. Go us. Uh, go Norway. If I was in Europe I'd watch.
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    Ups and Downs for the Day

    Up: Smashing glass in my forensic science class for a glass analysis lab :D That was all kinds of fun :D Down: Spending all afternoon doing homework
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    What are you wearing right now???

    Destroyed Hollister jeans and a plain red tee. The shirt's not hot enough so I'll be sure to change it when I go out later.
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    Who has a LiveJournal?

    Me too.
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    Who has a LiveJournal?

    I have one but it's friends only - I can be very selective sometimes - and anyone who does friend me will find tons of posts containing obsessive fanboying over Jake Gyllenhaal and copious amounts of slash for CSI, WAT, and other shows. So there's a reason mine is FO, and I don't friend just anyone.
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    Archie Kao Hopes His Role On 'CSI' Continues To Grow

    Ugh. I hope he doesn't appear on the credits. It's crowded enough as it is.