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  1. xxmaybe

    CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

    I didn't miss that bit either, I think I just chose to ignore it. I can't warm to Lindsay - one minute I like her and the next she's winding me up (a debate that I'm sure has been done to death already, but moving on...) Though I enjoyed it, things around the Big Apple certainly need to pick...
  2. xxmaybe

    CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

    My little commentary on this weeks episode, missed it last night as I was out, thank god for reruns on Sunday nights… I find it a bit strange that Lindsay and Danny would be left to work a crime scene that large without either Stella or Mac leading the investigation. Though it’s interesting...
  3. xxmaybe

    Crossover episode in UK

    Definitely! It's what makes Grissom! The scene between him and Jack going back and forth in his office was so good because the pair just batted off the other perfectly! But boy, Grissom can sure run when it wants to! I can only hope the rest of the episodes keep up the standard, apart from...
  4. xxmaybe

    Crossover episode in UK

    That was one of the first episodes of CSI that I have really enjoyed from start to finish for a long time! It was almost like the 'old' Grissom was back! The tension between him and Jack was great, and the pair played so well off one another. Though it wasn't strange seeing Jack on CSI, it's...
  5. xxmaybe

    CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

    I'm looking forward to it - there's actually been some good write ups in the papers today about tonights episode. I like this concept of trying to find a killer online - whether they pull it off is another thing, but I'm keeping an open mind. Does anyone know if there is there a B plot...
  6. xxmaybe

    CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

    Coolio, thanks for that! :) Hmm... sounds interesting, but I'm not too sure on the premise - but I won't past judgment until 10pm Saturday lol. True, it would get pretty dull fast if they mentioned it in every episode. But as you say, after the bloody shirt you'd think there'd be some mention...
  7. xxmaybe

    How many non-US peeps here?

    Well worth the wait :D
  8. xxmaybe

    CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

    I can only hope next weeks episode is better, anyone know the synopsis? I'm surprised there were no mentions of Mac's 333 calls - especially after they've been mentioned in every episode so far.
  9. xxmaybe

    CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

    What a sucky way to write Peyton out - or am I jumping the gun and this is supposed to mislead us? Especially given the conversation he had earlier in the episode with Stella about relationships. I'm staying spoiler free, but has anyone got any theories? I quite enjoyed her character, she...
  10. xxmaybe

    CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

    8pm onwards on Five US I believe :)
  11. xxmaybe

    How many non-US peeps here?

    I actually refused to watch NY at first, took me a long time to accept it (lol, look at me like it was some illegitment child or something) - I can't remember what the turning point was, but before I knew it I'd gone out and bought season one and two on DVD and locked myself away with them one...
  12. xxmaybe

    How many non-US peeps here?

    A while back I would have argued with you on that one, and said Vegas was the best out of the three. But in the past year or so my opinions have dramatically shifted and NY is coming out on top. I don't know whether it's because it's the 'youngest' one and storylines/characters are still...
  13. xxmaybe

    CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

    Haven't really heard that much about Saturday's episode. I've given up on the TV mags after they described the season opener as "Mac returns from holiday". But I have heard there's a brief reference by Mr.Flack to Doctor Who which got me a little excited, quite sad really lol I think, if I...
  14. xxmaybe

    The Warm Welcome Thread

    Yay :) thanks for the warm welcome guys! I can breathe a sigh of relief, finally people who understand my love for all things CSI and can see what I can see in our very own (wishful thinking here!) Detective Flack!
  15. xxmaybe

    How many non-US peeps here?

    He he, hi again! :D *claps* yay! I'm beyond excited to be moving! And the added CSI bonus is icing on the cake! I'll be in my element, I've no patience when waiting for new seasons to start! I've been to Toronto three times now and everyone was lovely! So I can only expect good things of...
  16. xxmaybe

    CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

    I've got to stay spoiler free, otherwise I get far too impatient and can't wait for the episode to be shown! Plus I like the suspense and surprise far too much. I was a huge Buffy & Angel fan back in the day and thought I'd check out some spoilers - ruined the whole series at the time for me :(...
  17. xxmaybe

    Is There Another Game Out For The DS???

    Not that I've heard of - it would be great if they continued branching out and brought more games out! Dark Motives was certainly very addictive and I found it hard to put down!
  18. xxmaybe

    What's better C.S.I. / C.S.I. NY or C.S.I. Miami

    You know what, a while back it would have been CSI by a long run! But New York has just been getting better and better and is coming out on top! While Miami, sadly, has sunk in my estimates - I just don't enjoy it anymore :( even Horatio isn't doing it for me with the sunglasses of justice!
  19. xxmaybe

    How many non-US peeps here?

    Why thankyou for having me :D Don't worry, you never know what's around the corner! :) I never thought I'd go to Canada, let alone move there! I'm just thankful CSI is back on in tne UK, not fair we have to wait so long for each season! Then there's the painful wait for the DVD releases - all I...
  20. xxmaybe

    How many non-US peeps here?

    I'm from the UK, though I'm moving to Canada soon! I hope by time I move I'll be up to date with all things CSI as I know with the writers strike I'm going to be waiting a long time for the DVD's to be out!