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  1. S

    RPGs : Auditions and Suggestions

    Alright thanks!
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    RPGs : Auditions and Suggestions

    For future notice what are you supposed to audition with? Since I missed my chance for this RP (I really really really wanted Lindsey), when is the next one happening?
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    Yobling RP

    Brenda still stood there, waiting patiently for Catherine to get off the phone.
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    "Double-Cross" Discussion **SPOILERS**

    :/ It was ok. It just doesn't seem to excite me as much as it used to.
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    Real Beauty

    Put see swimming is a sport, and that feels different then exercising to you right? To me exercise is just working out to get your body a certain way. Sports like soccer for example does that, but it also is so so much fun and a great connection with other people. It's a game and working out...
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    Real Beauty

    I agree! Which is why I devote myself to sports. They are amazing...a natural high. When you score that winning goal or basket or whatever you feel on top of the world and what's have a team of friends that are sharing that feeling with you.
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    Grey's Anatomy

    Hey I have that same Ipod too! hehe
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    Grey's Anatomy

    I don't know, I actually don't think Mark is that good looking. But I also don't agree he is a jerk, it's just who he is. The writers/prouducers agree! (check out their podcast to know what I am talking about)
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    Cross row stokes Christian anger

    I do not think this is a religous issue, more of a dress code issue as has been said before. If they start banning people the Cross and not some other form of necklace or something else, that is when it gets difficult.
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    Real Beauty

    I agree Heart there is a choice to make between being so desperate to be thin that you will starve yourself and being healthy and beautifullly a normal weight. If you are concerned about how you look, look into a natural weight loss program!
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    Real Beauty

    Aw Heart I am so sorry. I wish I could do more to make you feel better but I know it is out of my hands. Are you getting help?
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    Real Beauty

    I am really glad so many people have looked at that ad and thought about this! That's all we really need, awareness, a big wake up call that shouts EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL, DON'T LET THE MEDIA TRICK YOU! :D
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    Real Beauty

    The Dove Campaign keeps coming up with new ads and ideas to get this "beauty" thing back on track. Check this out! **By the way: I am in no way advertising for Dove or trying to make you buy their products. I just like their ideas in these commercials and the campaign they are trying to...
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    Grey's Anatomy

    ^ Amen! ^
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    Real Beauty

    Exactly! People should look natural. I for one, believe that people who are naturally beautiful are so much more gorgeous then the fake, blonde hair, big boobed pretty that so many models seem to have. I'm not overweight, I've always been really tiny but it's not because I don't eat. I LOVE...
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    Real Beauty

    Thanks for the thoughful responses everyone! I agree, our "role models" are doing the same things we are trying to avoid! The goal is to focus on people who are naturally pretty and support more things then just make up. Jorja Fox for example, she stands up for animal, women and Gay and...
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    Real Beauty

    It makes me sad that no one responded to this...apparently others aren't as upset by the media's image of beautiful as I am?
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    Grey's Anatomy

    I don't really like McSteamy as much as others, he is a jerk for one, and for another I don't really think he is that hot! I love Izzie and George and Derek...awww
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    Yobling RP

    Brenda just stood there, arms wrapped around her fragile self, staring blankly out at the world. She listened to Catherine talking on the phone, her voice sounded full and happy. Maybe she was talking to her friends. That's what it sounded like to Brenda. I wish I had friends Brenda thought...
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    Real Beauty

    Today in our society people forget what real beauty is like. Being confident in yourself, being a normal weight, being healthy and happy...instead we focus only on having perfect skin, being 2 pounds and having the "right" clothes. I think that people should change that, and realize what it...