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  1. LtKitty

    CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

    i knew it! Shake and Bake Speed! :lol: and Anni craked me up! :D Gosh, this is so fun! wiiiiiiii look i am flying! :D Geni, get me down!!! update soon!
  2. LtKitty

    Horatio/DC #11: Where Have All His Labcoats Gone? :(

    Re: Horatio/DC's Thread #11 Oh, wow new thread! *yatzee* :D and huge thanx for the pics Lucy and Speedy! DC one is sooo yummy! :p ok well then.. Congrats for our new thread!
  3. LtKitty

    Recent Purchases

    CSI Miami book Cinema tickets chips brownie coke
  4. LtKitty

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    i can't believe have i hate my latvian language teacher..i can't sit in her's lessons! someday i will blove up from anger :rolleyes: I can't believe i was such an asshole today! :lol:... i was's not in my nature.. :rolleyes:
  5. LtKitty

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    don't die, you're not the only one! ... you know, let's die together! :lol: Up: i can sleep longer tomorrow :p down: i was pissed off, i am pissed off and who knows maybe i will be pissed off till the end! :o Up: I ma listening 'Disturbed' ... feels great! :devil: down: my hands are so...
  6. LtKitty

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    day is freaky awsome, sunny with clear blue sky, but i am sitting at home and my hands are sooo cold.. :(
  7. LtKitty

    CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

    i think i figured this H mistery.. he is hameleon :D he always is actually in the same place, he is standing at the wall, covered in wall colors, and then *bam* he changes the colour and comes out! next time try to look harder on walls, maybe you will see his sunglasses, because those are not...
  8. LtKitty

    Icon Challenge #10: 24 - Jack Bauer - WINNERS UP!

    Re: Icon Challenge #10: 24 - Jack Bauer 1 14 7
  9. LtKitty

    ~ I Can't Believe It ~ #5

    i can't believe i told my dad call his new firm 'Steam' and he was ok with that! :D now our bath-house will be called 'Steam' :lol:
  10. LtKitty

    The Miami Stars Birthday Thread

    Wohaaa what a Cake! :D Happy Birthday to Emily! :)
  11. LtKitty

    Icon Challenge CSI:Miami-ch #15~ Lab Techs - Voting Up!

    Re: Icon Challenge- CSI:Miami- Challenge #2 Now Up! 1 8 3
  12. LtKitty

    Photos #4 - Please Snap 'n Share!

    Re: Photos #4 SaraSidleStokes nice hair cut and yeah, shopping is hard sport :p after huge shopping i feel like smashed tomato :D you're not the only one! :D sometimes i wish for that too..when i wanna pee and there no toilet near somewhere! :lol:
  13. LtKitty

    What's Your Birthdate?/The Happy Birthday Thread #2

    Happy Birthday again Nathalie_Emily ! Have fun today! :)
  14. LtKitty

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Happy B/D Nathalie_Emily ! :D tu tuuuu! :lol: Up: finally i can rest my butt. :p down: yesterday i had headache and head still feels like full of something.. :rolleyes: down: my hands are cold.. down: my tv is on..on cartoon network..i think i will go crazy :rolleyes: Up: CSI today
  15. LtKitty


    Same problem here! :p but i will try to be more often here! :) i can't live without my...........cookie's and brownies! :lol: j/k! ;) i can't live without this place, without you guys! i just can't.. :) Welcome everyone who is back and.. .then i will try not leave you all! :devil...
  16. LtKitty

    CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

    Oh, finally i am able to come here! :rolleyes: Gee, such a busy week ... everyday i came home and *BAM* get in bed and ZZZZZzz! :p Sunday is i can rest again, reading my fave RT! ^_^* .. and watching cartoon network! :lol: Delko is....LOL? :lol: Katie and Speed together again awwww...
  17. LtKitty

    Sunshine After The Rain ~ Weather Thread #5

    It's raining. ..and it's getting cold here.. :rolleyes: i am not that type of person..i need sun :p i think i will go sleep in winter like a bear :D
  18. LtKitty

    What's Your Birthdate?/The Happy Birthday Thread #2

    Happy, Happy Happy Kito ! ;) :D
  19. LtKitty

    Ups And Downs Of The Day #3

    Up: pretty easy day at school :) Down: it is raining.. Down: tomorrow i have test in geometry :rolleyes: Up: parents don't fight, thats good! :D Up: felt good ..smooth in english lesson :cool: :lol:
  20. LtKitty

    CSI:Miami Road Trip 6: One Question. Are We There Yet?

    wuuuhuuu i am working with Katie! :D smoooth... :cool: :lol: poor Lori, but drugs saved her! :D gosh, sounds terrible :rolleyes: whole weekends, go Speed! :devil: awww, still loves her..:( *shakes head* Katie, Katie, katie.. :p wiiiii have i loove to read this! :D bouncy, bouncy ball, i feel...