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  1. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    O Dutch, you're absolutely right! I totally forgot to say when the party will start! :D Since it's weekend I think it's gonna have to be saturday afternoon: we can go BBQ!!! And bring some pj's with you, 'cause it'll be a sleepover! Who's gonna bring the loveliest couple ever?? ETA: Liff, I...
  2. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Hi guys! I just cleaned my house - you know, the one in Gutterville-, the music is on and the only thing we need right now is some D/L loving buddies! Everyone just needs to bring some drinks and little snacks and we're partying! :D O, Gutterville must be the greatest place to live!
  3. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    *Jen runs into this thread, hugging buddy Liff so he's having a bit of sticky sauce as well and throws some M&M's* Dutch, that was a great thought of you! :D I can so see the picture of Danny wrestling with tentpoles and Lindsay patiently waiting next to him. Just when Danny's ready to go home...
  4. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Hi guys! I came back yesterday and I had a great time! A few weeks away is good to clear ones mind. :cool: There's just one thing I have to share with you: my husband is such a trouble-maker. Let me explain. The last time we went camping, he forgot to pack the poles of our tent... :eek: So we...
  5. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Thanks guys, for thinking of me. You're all very sweet! *hugs everyone back* Those pictures cheer me up, definitely! I hope I have time to check on you tomorrow. But otherwise: see you in three weeks time! I'm going to Austria, camping! Don't post too much, otherwise I have to read too much...
  6. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    O Mercy, I'm afraid this all won't be happening.... :( I lost the baby this weekend... :( That's why I wasn't around here for so long. I went to the hospital today, and luckily everything's is fine now. So at least I get to go on vacation wednesday-evening. I am looking forward to that, 'cause I...
  7. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    That party's great! Dutch, I do believe you're seeing double....TWO GOATS??? You must have drank to many of your own mixtures :D I'm glad to see that everyone agrees with me: Danny and Lindsay must have talked to each other after SooH. And it's not like it didn't happen 'cause we didn't see it...
  8. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    I was hanging out in the spoiler-thread - had a discussion with someone about D/L - and I was wondering: do you think Lindsay talked with Danny about her past right after the Montana-trial? Or did she just say nothing about her behavior and went on with Danny without giving an explanation why...
  9. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Have you made one for pregnant women? It's possible that Lindsay will need one as well! :p Sounds great! I'm in!
  10. J

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    No offense, but I think you're forgetting they were together right after the trial and probably the hours after that as well. Don't you think they talked about what happened to Lindsay? They certainly didn't do anything else at that time, 'cause there was no relationship until Snow Day. I do...
  11. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    *Jen enters the greatest party ever, places her giraffe next to Stuffy's goat and brings some bitterballen!!!!!* Awesome party, this is! Liff, I missed that part of The Ride-In, but I brought the giraffe just so you can see if it's the same one. Are Danny and Lindsay in yet? Dutch, where did...
  12. J

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    Well, I don't see Lindsay expected Danny to be there. Danny was just there 'cause he wanted to be. Lindsay didn't tell him to come, he just did. But hey, maybe I missed something. Well, if their relationship doesn't go through, TPTB must spend some time letting the viewers know why it didn't...
  13. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Hehe :devil:! You made a great map of Gutterville, Liff! I saw I'm on No. 1 Pool Street, like that! I have a corner house with free views over the Danny/Lindsay mansion. There were so many posts to read in my little free time a have left these days (little boy doesn't sleep that long anymore...
  14. J

    More CSI:NY Spoilers: Start Spreading the News!

    Top, I agree when you say TPTB have led Danny and Lindsay into a SERIOUS relationship together. It's way too far out if they handle Danny and Lindsay as a one night stand. Besides, I can't imagine Danny seeing it as such when he's waited for Lindsay SO LONG. That would indicate Danny is...
  15. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Liff, I'm proud of my supername, especially since I know you had a hell of a time typing it :tongue Dutch, your drawing looks great! About the Gutterville thing: I think I'm entitled to a place in the poolstreet, since my last name is pronounced exactly the same way. :lol:
  16. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Me too! Who knows a place that's available? Rad and I can share one, and then we'll have the most amazing parties! I can make M&M cakes! Well, my daughter can....:D
  17. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about ;) BTW: how long did it take for you to come up with that supername for me? :p Danny imposing james bond would be fun. Maybe TPTB read this suggestion and make a little funne scene about it next season!
  18. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Liff, that's absolutely hilarious, but I can totally see Danny do that! Can you imagine his face as Lindsay walks in on his search? :lol: Until now, I haven't seen or read a HP book/film....I know, I'm hopeless... :( I have to be in the right mood, but that mood stil hasn't got to me. And I'm...
  19. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    :lol: *Jen hugs all her pals here in the greatest thread* I'm so glad I'm still not suffering from morning sickness :) The last time I was so sick, I saw green! Still no spoilers about the loviest couple ever? I'm so curious what'll happen to them in S4! Dutch, you're avvie and banner are...
  20. J

    Danny/Lindsay #18: A Benjamin Says "I Do"!

    Hey guys! Did you miss me? :D I was so busy this weekend (I painted my doors), and then finally the sun came and we decided we'd go to the pool. Great way of ending a day! I can't believe we're already on page 2 of the new thread! I completely missed the last page of the old one. Well, you...