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  1. L

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    I hate to get away from the dirty, but I have a cute little thing to share for those who haven't seen it yet. Head on over to for the This Week in Baseball clip that aired a few months ago. Yes, I couldn't believe it myself, but it's there. It's cute...
  2. L

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    They were taken hostage or something. I can't quite remember now--it's been awhile since I watched it. I do remember though, that he was quite pissed in that scene. He's got the pissed off look for anything down pretty good. :lol:
  3. L

    Favourite Season

    Season One by a freakin' landslide. I'll still sit down and watch the S1 DVD's when I'm bored and I love them all the same as the first time I ever saw them. Hush, Tanglewood, etc., all still really great episodes after 498548 times watched.
  4. L

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    :lol: I almost wrote the word you're talking about when I typed it out earlier.
  5. L

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    Wow. This is THE dirtest LR yet. :lol: Good to come home to. :D And that Verizon picture--that's totally a sock.
  6. L

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    :lol: Good thing I keep up on my gossip rags, or these little beauties would have slipped by unnoticed, which would have been a damn shame.
  7. L

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    Blurb from OK! Magazine: CSI:NY's Carmine Giovinazzo and Hill Harper lip-synching to every hip-hop song at the Ford Escape Hybrid and Sapporo Breweries party at Avalon in LA. Isn't that sweet? Pictures from Getty Images: If they don't show...
  8. L

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    Wow. 15,000 posts? I think I've been here for each Locker Room, starting at #1. I live a very sad existence. :(
  9. L

    A Thank You From Peter Lenkov

    Hopefully that poster gets framed! It's far too pretty not to, really. The pictures of it that were floating around did NOT do it any justice. It is beautiful!
  10. L

    A Thank You From Peter Lenkov

    Well, that goes without saying. :lol: On a totally serious note though, really, we do appreciate hearing back from you in such a timely and courteous manner.
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    A Thank You From Peter Lenkov

    What a man, what a mighty good man. WE aren't the ones that rock, you do for constantly and consistently giving us what we want to see. Thank you for everything and taking the time to write us a little thank you. It's good to see that our efforts ARE appreciated. Now, what do we think about a...
  12. L

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    Yay! I was hoping you'd post that picture of me at Kung Pao Kitty! :D I need to put that on the Myspace. :lol:
  13. L

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    :lol: I can't wait to see what comes after that purchase. :eek:
  14. L

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    Actually, now that I think about it, I know where she is. She said something about having to stay with her sister who is internetless for a few days after the trip. She's probably had a few convulsions by now. :lol:
  15. L

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    :lol: That one was classy. Fay comes out of the bathroom and is like, "Uh. There's a penis drawing on the wall behind the toilet." :lol: Where is she anyway? :confused:
  16. L

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    Posting pictures is such a chore.:rolleyes: By the way, for some reason, my camera says they were taken in June instead of July for some reason that is unknown to me. Here we go anyway: Hollywood baby: Our fearless leaders on the L: Santa Monica Beach: Toes in the sand If this one is a...
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    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    :lol: Did nobody make that sound clip? :( That was hysterical. I was so disappointed with her. :(
  18. L

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    Just in case you guys couldn't tell, I will most likely never live down the hike or airport stories. Just like Carmine will never hear the end of "Flack is pretty cute sometimes!", I will never hear the end of elderly Asians and chihuahuas making it up the hill before I did. :lol: Wait. I said...
  19. L

    NY Forum Trip To LA #2

    I think all of us that went should do a favorite things/quotes post. It'll be good for a laugh or two. :lol: -Kristine on how to get to Griffith Park: "I can't go that way! Henrietta says I can't take that road." -Deb's rebuttal: "People who just arrived in this country made it here with no...