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  1. D

    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread To a friend: Um so you tell me "Im coming to see you tomrrow, and i thgink i might be pregnant!" and then i see you today and im like " ahhh you *think* your effin huge! and shes your all like " i was kidding, im 8 months" i was like oh god, why did you not tell...
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: Im moving back to my mom and dads house. Down: I have to share a room with my little sister ( i love her but gahh...share a room!!! thats too much :( ) Up: My friend i havent seen in like forever is moving back. Up: She *Might* be pregnant!!!!! Up: She might come stay at my parents house (we...
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: Thursday :D Up: Week is almost over. Down: Roommate was being such a pain last night. She as like being so rude to me. Up: That night at dinner i took the oppurtunity to make her mad so i dumped my milk all over her food cause she wouldnt stop being rude. Up: I then after dinner hid under...
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    Your Parents are annyoying when........

    I find my mom annoying when she purposly tries to embarass me. I especially hate it when we are out in public!!!
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    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread Because i am home alone at the moment, and my roommate would get mad, im just gonna tell this to anyone who feels like reading this: Ok so, I think i might move. Because as much as i love my apartment :rolleyes: and the fact that its small, crappy, ugly, strict...
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    The Official Pets thread

    Oh my gosh!! Jacquie all those kitties are soo adorable. I want them all. So it turns out that the apartment building i live in is changing the "rules" or whatever so i might have to get rid of my dog *cries* becasue apparently he is too big, and will damage the proprty :( im so angry...Where...
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: Last night i laughed myself silly because my roomate Adrienne came home drunk :rolleyes: and she came and sat down on my bed and started laughing, and proceeded to tell me that all she does is hurt everyone and feels so bad... and then started to cry and then fell of my bed started laughing...
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Down: I might have offended a friend :( Down: Other friend is getting extremely md at me over it. Down: Im smad ( sad and mad )
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    The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

    To _____: Um, why re we even doing this! I feel like im in grade school again. Why do you alwyas assume such idiotic things, i make a statement and you freak out. I say somthing about how i dont like something or that something is bugging me and you instantly have additude. Its really starting...
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    Imaginary Friends

    I never really had one eitther. But from when i was 4 until when i was like 9 i had a little stuffed cat named boots and i like talked to her and i wastched tv and movies with hr. I did like everything with her. I was obsessed. Until i lost her, then i cryed for like ever.
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: Ive been playing nintendo for hours :) I love nintendo! Down: Some people...
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    Let's Talk Gay

    Ok AshleyWillows i'll admit i dont know your sister but when my brother told my little sister that he was gay she was 10 and she was perefectly fine. The thing is with kids is that they are really sunderstanding and your sister will most likely love you no matter what. I hope that helped even a...
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Down: It took me and Levon like 2 hours just to build a tent. Down: The indside of the tent was really small. Up: I had soo much fun. Down: I think i might be getting sick, and such perfect timing, its spring break! :( :( :(
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    I Can't Believe It #6

    I cant believe that i was just watching a trailer for the movie dead silence on the internet and it made me scream, and almost fall out of my chair. I cant believe that i started reading a harry potter book and then 30 pages in i realized that i never read the one before it, i thought to myself...
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    Let's Talk Gay

    Ok. So i have only ever posted in this thread once before and ive always kinda been scared to post here because im striaght. But The thing i hate is the stereotypes. They annoy me so much. Like people just assume that my brother (who is gay) prances around in a dress, when in fact he is just a...
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: I'm finally off for spring break!!! Up: Today i flew to Lethbridge to see levon and Allie. Down: When i got there i realized that Allie is going to victoria. Up: Me and levon are gonna house camp (Its where me and levon set up a tent in her basement and then we live in the tent for the night...
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    I Can't Believe It #6

    i cant believe that when I walked into the room to go one the computer Adrienne(my roommate) was like "Get out!!" and i was like "Umm nop i neeed the computer" and then she started freaking out and was like "Omg you are such a B.... like swriously what is your *insert swear here* problem, i...
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: I just realized that me and levon have spring break at the same time!! Up: One more day until spring break! Down: Im in a huge fight with Adrienne (my roommate)
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    I Can't Believe It #6

    I cant believe that me and my little sister are almost the same height! I cant believe that my older brother is going to be gone for my entire break so i dont even get to see him!
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    Ups And Downs For The Day #5

    Up: Only 2 more days until my break! Up: I bought mini wheats for the first time and they atually taste good! Down: I have class soon :(