Season 6 Wishlist

*pops head in*

Well, all in all, for me Season 5 has been a disappointment. The finale was good, but it's not going to erase all the other mishaps during the season. My expectations from season 6 are not that great, but I have a few things I'd like to see happening (or being mentioned on the screen)

- Give poor Hawkes a storyline! It's long overdue. Give Hill something to work on, he's going to do an awesome job with it. Just give him something that doesn't involve 5 minutes of evidence processing and the obligatory babble.

- Minimize DL. No more baby in the lab. It's not even in the same zip code as cute

- Flack: I'd like to see for more than one episode the repercussions Angell's death had on him. This could be a potential goldmine if exploited properly. I'm not holding my breath for them to show that Flack suffered consequences for shooting that guy. I'm willing to bet good money that's not going to happen.

- It's useless but, like others said: what about Louie? No.. not Louie Anderson. Louie Messer. Rings any bell?

- Less Danny. Yes. As much as I loved the character, that isn't the Danny I knew and it's best to tone him down. The occasional glimpses of old Danny are not enough to bring back the interesting character he once was.

- Adam! I loved that they pursuied the storyline of his father being a bully and Adam showing the signs of child abuse at maturity. He's the only character they didn't manage to destroy and was consistent throughout the show.

- Sid. He's awesome. Please do not be touching him. Just like Adam. Stay clear.

- Mac. Less Super!Mac and make him the way hee used to be in S1 and S2.
1. Please dont kill no one.
2. More Adam and Sid - they are so cute)
3. More Reed, but, please, not Ella!!
4. Kiss in the rain for Smac:p
1) Smacked (the kiss under the rain is perfect, Gala :D )
2) Stella-episodes
3)Mac episodes
4) Relatives coming back (Reed, Sam)
5)More Hawkes and Adam-episodes
6) More Don and Sid-Episodes
7) Don mourning Angell

Seriously, i was very against the baby storyline but it didn't bother me to have Lucy in the lab ONCE.Now if there is a repetition, THAT would bother the h*ll out of me

Also we don't need to know Danny and Lindsay sex life

And we can have a Danny episode without the eternal DL melodramma. That would be cool. Old Danny back
!) Reed, Louie and Sam back.
2) Flack mourning Angell, and seeing how this affects his work.
3) Mac storylines, especially emotionally-based ones.
4) A Stella storyline that doesn't involve psychos/violent types. Something connected to her past, maybe.
5) Adam storyline/arc.
6) A decent Hawkes storyline/arc.
7) Don storyline/arc, not necessairlily to do with Angell. I'd love to see Sam back like I said before and also maybe learn about/meet his dad.
8) Stella/Mac episodes/scenes, I'd love a Smacked kiss, but not sure the writers are ready for that yet.
9) Keep 'softer Mac' but don't make it so he gets too close to psychos. I don't want him to go back to the way he was in s1/s2, and I actually like that he's not been as strict with his team (Stella and Danny) as he would have been in s1/s2. But there are better ways to show 'softer' Mac - i.e. his relationship with Reed, Stella and Don are good ways to show his softer side. I'd like to see him reaching out to non-psycho relatives of victims the way he did back in s1/s2 though. More of the relaxed/smiling Mac we saw in s5, while keeping his boss/pissy side and showing us that too. Less Righteous!Mac please.
10) No more love interests except for Hawkes, who deserves one. Leave Mac and Stella single and unattached (except maybe to each other :devil:) please.
11) More Sinclair/Mac stuff, their relationship is interesting, and Sinclair isn't the traditional CSI bad guy either. I'd be interested to learn what happened to Gerrard too.
12) As well as doing 'action/in danger' storylines for the characters, do emotionally-based ones too that really give the actors a chance to shine.
13) Episodes where the whole team come together to solve a case/take down a bad guy and it's not all focused on one character. (Though those episodes are good too!)
14) No more random changes of characters' backgrounds. Age changes I tend to tolerate (read 'ignore') but please don't make radical changes like having Danny come from a family of cops.
15) More diversity in the cases - like in Communication Breakdown or Yahrzeit but spread out over different episodes.
16) Have people be killed off in 'normal' ways, stabbing, shooting, etc - the weird and wonderful deaths are good every once in a while, but can get annoying when too frequent.
Please, God, no Lucy has been kidnapped stories.


I know. I probably just willed it to happen. :eek::brickwall:

Please, God, no Lucy has been kidnapped stories.


When i first heard that monroe was pregnant first thing came to mind was ... baby = kidnap = Danny (heavy) drama. gawdness...

my wish list
1. No baby kidnap drama
2. more danny and flack together
3. outdoor actions(running/chasing, gun shooting, anything physical) for stella and Lindsay.
4. No more Chelsea Univ please, holy macaroni there are a lot of Univ in NYC!
1. Please dont kill no one.
2. More Adam and Sid - they are so cute)
3. More Reed, but, please, not Ella!!
4. Kiss in the rain for Smac:p

I knew someone was missing. Will the whole Ella thing have been conveniently forgotten about next season, or will psycho-blond be back? Ooh, maybe it was her who shot at them in the finale. Or not.

They need to use Sid much, much more. He's awesome.
^Maybe she'll start dating Reed. :lol:

Oh, and definitely no baby kidnap drama, please! I want focus to be on how Danny's coping with being a dad.
Oh, and ideally I'd like for no one to die, I love my NY CSIs. Lindsay's my least favourite so I guess if I had to pick one of them to go, I'd pick her. But I do still enjoy her scenes with Mac and Stella, I guess I'd miss those.

Ella now inhabits the Black Hole of Continuity, along with Louie, Jane, the various M.E's assistants from s1 and s2, Dr Giles, and that flash drive.
I haven't thought a lot about it yet, but for now:

1. A decent resolution to the cliffhanger. I'd like to see Danny be the one who got shot, because the character needs a reboot. Aside from when he first got the news Lindsay was pregnant in "The Box" and his recklessness in "Point of No Return," he's become a lot less interesting and dynamic this season. And I agree completely with the person above who said the overprotective father thing is a cliche.

2. Lucy Messer should never be kidnapped, aged five years or more in a season, become a problem child or in some other way adversely affect the show. Of all the series, NY has handled "children" (I'm thinking of Reed Garrett) in the most complex, realistic way so far--let's not ruin that track record.

3. Follow up for Flack. How is the loss of Angell going to change him? I'd like to see Danny be a real friend to him next season.

4. A love interest for Sheldon!

5. More Adam and Sid. Can you tell the supporting characters are my favorites? Mac and Stella are fine, but in many ways they're not the most interesting characters on the show. They're the heroes--not as much room for grey areas with them.

That's all I can think of so far at this early hour in the morning!
-I want to see Sam back! I think she is great and I love the storyline with her and Don.
-I want to see Flack still being upset over Angell's death (I loved Flangell :()
-More Flack storylines of any kind (This season was better about focusing on Flack but I want him to have even more in the next season)
-More Danny/Flack friendship scenes (anyone else pissed Flack wasn't at the Danny/Lindsey wedding?)
-Danny/Lindsey/baby scenes (I think it would be cute to see Danny with a baby lol)
-Maybe finally introducing Flack's dad! (I want to see Flack Sr. so bad, I think that would be a great storyline for Flack!)
1. Please, Please a great Fiesta Strory...I would love to see Flack/Stella
2. Sam (Flacks Sister) should come back, to comfort her brother...
3. Angell Flashbacks
4. To see the emotional side on Flack...
5. I hope nobody gets killed....
  1. No-one dies (well, none of the regulars anyway)
  2. Some cute baby scenes that are realistic. No more hanging from her daddy while he's processing. I must admit although babies are not my thing, the fact that I do have a coupla ovaries that refuse to give up on me forces me to want (shamefully :shifty:) to see Danny holding his baby in one arm and juggling the diaper bag in the other, on his way to or from daycare/work
  3. I like overprotective daddy but not OTT overprotective daddy - I'd like that sorted please
  4. Shake up the characters a bit. Put them in situations they're not used to. Have Stella, Lindsay and Hawkes in a dangerous situation where they need to use their wits and weapons to get out
  5. Seeing as we've been promised D/L struggling with the parental juggling then please make it realistic and two sided. Don't just have Lindsay throwing a strop and Danny picking up after her.
  6. Sam Flack
  7. More family stuff for the supporting characters
  8. Flack's grief
  9. Hawkes romancing
There's probably more but that'll do for now. :)
1. Bring back Julia Ormond, but not as a love interest to Mac. She was a solid character on her own.

2. Bring back Kristen Dalton (Quinn), but not as a love interest to Mac. Another good character without having to link her to a man.

3. I know a lot of people love Mac/Stella and while I wouldn't mind these two together, please, NOT SO SOON. There's already one relationship and it's dividing the fans, so I don't think it'll be wiser to introduce another one before the D/L gets somewhere. Having a baby out of the blue was bad enough and I hope the writers do some damage control and tone down the D/L nonsense next season. Even if you like the ship, the writing is so inconsistent that it makes you think if there's a final purpose at all. It'd be nice if they try to fix the D/L part before venturing into another relationship or it would be overkill.

4. Baby clichés, like overprotecting fathers and daughters who are not allowed around men until they are 30. Ugh, I hate them. That's bad and lazy writing.
1. Bring back Julia Ormond, but not as a love interest to Mac. She was a solid character on her own.

I didnt like her character. I dont know why but when it seemed she might have become Mac's love interest i was totally against the idea. Though she didnt kinda vanish... Was she meant to like keep an eye on the lab or something.

2. Bring back Kristen Dalton (Quinn), but not as a love interest to Mac. Another good character without having to link her to a man.

I liked Quinn... Now her, I dont mind as Mac's love intrest... that would be cool... I'd like to see her back =D

I'm gonna jump on the Sam bandwagon and say I would LOVE to see her again next season =D
And while I'm at it the Reed bandwagon and say PLEASE bring Reed back... I really liked him he was so cool! and Kyle Gallner rocks
And one more bandwagon, no baby drama.. please... Actually no real family drama please... least not from the DL perspective... I'm not a big fan to be honest...

What I would like to see is a Sid story line... I think they dont use Sid as much as they should. Like Sid in Point of No Return was really cool... I think Robert Joy is really good actor and they dont use his acting ablities to what they are. It's a bit of a pity that...

I would love to see more Adam but as much as I am a Adam fan it doesnt have to be a huge story line maybe an episode or two but i think they should still use him more in each episode...

Oh and as much as I LOVE Mac and Stella jsut can we limit their center stageness in MOST of the episode... It jsut kindda feels that they take a lot of the lime light and anything that happens has to do with them... I think the other characters should have more episodes on them too...

One thing I've mentioned before was that season 4 was a very Mac season with the whole 333 case and season 5 was a very Stella season with the whole Diakos thing so I'm hoping next season will be a little more centered around another character...

Hawkes. Needs. A. Girlfriend... Even Hill thinks so! But yeah, in general there needs to be more Hawkes.

I would like to see the intoriduction of a new character but why would they kill off Angell jsut to bring a new character in? Maybe eventually a new character could be intorudced...

I think that's it... I hope next season will be good... I've noticed that most of the season are REALLY good but they start off brilliant and kindda go down a little untill they reach good or okay... We need a season they stays GOOD and BRILLIANT the whole way through =D