Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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Actually it was Sofia that said "We've come a long way..." and Griss ends the 70's quote with "..Baby."

Sofia was getting voices off the clay pot that Gil took from the mental hospital in Committed.
I loved the about the bugs to the exterminator...

"Does it ever bother you that you make your living killing insects?"

It was more is expression then the line...He was playing with the guys, but he sounded so sincre...

Another one I like is to Hodges (I am not sure if this is the exact quote it is more the gist)

G: Oh by the way, if you need to talk to someone...
H: (Eagerly) Yes?
G: We have a pyschologist who comes in on Tuesdays and Fridays...

Given that Hodges had been working so hard to impress the man and suck up to him, this was a good put down

and on the flip side

G: (refering to a hair sample) You smelled it?
H: Does that disgust you?
G: No, it's the first time you ever did anything to impress me.

Grissom is not exactly your typical Hodges is slowly learning
"DEAD RINGER'(to accused)
Grissom- "Sooner or later everyone gets replaced" :mad:

Grissom-to Cath--"One thing about their precision-it narrows our focus" :cool:

Grissom-On your day off-you decide to end your life-why would you go to work :rolleyes:

Grissom to Warrick- "Clark Gable was a movie star"

Grissom to Sara--"Essentially it was death by chocolate" :D

Grissom to Greg--"Is this going to be a short story or a novel" :lol:
From last night's eppy: Werewolves

GRISSOM: Image if you had some deep dark secret . . . something that brought you tremendous shame, but instead of being able to hide it away, you had to wear it out on your skin so that the first time anyone saw you, they saw your secret.

GRISSOM: Yeah, I'm glad they're not looking at me.

GRISSOM: So rock and roll. :D
GG: It's like the Guiterman poem: Amoebas at the start were not complex but then they tore themselves apart and started sex.
First post, go me!

Grissom: I find all deviant behaviour fascinating in that... in order to understand ourselves we must understand our abberant nature.

or something like that, it's been a while since I saw that episode. I know what I'll be renting this weekend {<^_^>}
GG:Well,in my experience I found that most threesomes end up one too many.

The WTF look on Warrick's face is awesome!
Let me tell you something, You're twice the age of these kids and most of them couldn't find their ass with a map. You prey on innocent children concocting god-knows-what from god-knows-where selling Russian roulette in a bottle and you think we came all the way out here to bust you for "possession", you dumb punk? I'm gonna get you for murder.

That's what so sad, Conrad. You think of this as a career.

Yeah, hi. I-I-I'd like to get some flowers for a girl. No, no. Not flowers. A plant. A living plant. She likes vegetation. (pause) Yeah, that'd be fine. To a Sara Sidle. Deliver it at the CSI division, Las Vegas Police Department the one out on North Trop Boulevard. Yeah, you can bill me at the same place. Gil Grissom. The sentiment? Oh-oh, on the card. Yeah. Um, uh ... have it say ... have it say, uh ... "From Grissom."
GRISSOM: Stop. Heather.

LADY HEATHER: (begging) Please ...

GRISSOM: I'm saying stop.


GREG: Grissom, you know I was looking into that Pan Am heist in '65?
GRISSOM: On your own time, I hope.
GREG: It's related to our case. I just got off the phone with the FBI Lab at Quantico. Bobby Dawson sent them ballistics on the gun we found on Tim Duke.
GREG: It's a match to the gun that was used to kill a guard in the Pan Am heist. So I sent them serials on the cash we found.
GRISSOM: Also a match to the Pan Am heist?
GREG: Right-o, Daddy-O.
GRISSOM: Congratulations, Greg.


GRISSOM: You ever seen the Pyramids?
CATHERINE: Does the Luxor count? Eh, what do you think? I haven't even been to New York.
GRISSOM: I'd like to see the Pyramids one day.
CATHERINE: Keep walking, we could come upon them today.
(Grissom smiles.)
CATHERINE: So you like archeology, huh?
GRISSOM: Oh, yeah. Whenever I want to feel small.
GRISSOM: "I used to study people. Then I guess, I huh ... got bored."

Revenge Is Best Served Cold (301)

CATHERINE: "I ... write this down! I haven't had sex in 6, no 7 months!"
GRISSOM: "How can I help?"

Early Rollout (415)

GRISSOM: "I've enjoyed working with you."
CATHERINE: "Which part? The part where I got in your face, or the part where I lost evidence, or maybe you just missed me ..."
GRISSOM: "I did miss you. I missed your passion, and your tenacity. I even missed your tush!"

King Baby (515)

One of my all time favorite, though is this one from Primum Non Nocere:
"Sounds like these guys went to a fight and a hockey game broke out!"

Cracks me up.
GRISSOM: Even if all this is true, we still don't know if he killed your daughter.
LADY HEATHER: Too many coincidences.
GRISSOM: You have to stay away from him.
LADY HEATHER: You forfeited the right to give me advice some time ago. But thank you.


GRISSOM: The Orionid meteor shower. You never get a view like this in town.
BRASS: Hmm. So, uh, is this part of the investigation?
GRISSOM: No. But we're here, and it's beautiful.


GRISSOM: Palms out, please.
KARL COOPER: I know the drill.
(Grissom rolls some ink on his right hand. Karl puts his hand and palm print down on the card in front of him.)
(Grissom inks Karl's left hand. Karl looks at Grissom.)
KARL COOPER: So, tell me ... where'd I go wrong?
(Grissom looks at him.)
GRISSOM: You killed two people.
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