William/Grissom: The Hottness of Lucky #13

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Billy is featured in the EW Weekly Magazine and it's talking about his departure, and some other tid-bits


Courtesy of WPAP~
Thanks for sharing! I have kept up religiously with the Dublin Carol reviews...The fans who have met him are SO lucky and I'm so thrilled his play is doing so well :) Congrats, Billy! We looove you :)

PS- sorry if this has been announced/posted : http://news.billypetersen.com/

If any of ya'll did the Fan Project, which was sending letters from fans to Billy (they were collected by WPAP and printed, put into a binder and sent to be delivered to Billy in Chicago), they were successfully delivered! I was VERY happy to find that out..I re-wrote that letter at least three or four times before sending it. Courtesy the wonderful people at WPAP!!
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At my store, and other Wal-Marts in the area, "Fear" is in the $5 dollar bin, along with "Manhunter."

OMG your kidding? "Manhunter? wow that's pretty cheap and go for it:bolian: I've still got the old VHS version:rolleyes: And here's some news about Billy and his play, and guess who was in the audience to see him? Jorja, I heard she'd be there, and wa-la she was on Dec. 6, and a fan got to chat with her in the ladies room line:alienblush: It's so awsome that he's such good friends with his co-stars in real life. I'll bet the rest of them will show up to see him as well:)

scroll down to the bottom to read about her attending his play!

Courtesy of WPAP:thumbsup:
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At my store, and other Wal-Marts in the area, "Fear" is in the $5 dollar bin, along with "Manhunter."

I have seen parts of Fear, but never seen Manhunter. Is it any good? Also, I am very, very unhappy because of the "dreaded departure," as I like to call it. I am so unhappy that I may quit watching CSI altogether, but I just don't know. I'm going to have to see.
Your not alone GrissomLivesOn we will all miss him with every breath of our hearts, but an upbeat note, he's remaining ex. producer and Carol Mendolsohn has promised he'll return for the 200th ep. when William Freidkin directs it. and BTW a big welcome to you,
you've got great taste
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