Eric & Calleigh #31 - A Vote For E/C Is A Vote For Shirtless Eric!

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I'm watching Dispo Day, and I think it is so funny when Eric and Calleigh are talking about the polygraph exam and he tells her that he always feels guilty because he's Catholic. It's a cute moment between the two of them.


How great is that episode? I love it when Calleigh gets dosed with cocaine then she has to do the polygraph test.. it shouldn't be funny, but it's hilarious. But yes, that is a cute scene with Calleigh and Eric when they're in the breakroom and he says he always feels guilty.

Actually..most scenes with Calleigh and Eric in seasons 1-3 are adorable. I miss how things use to be in the older episodes. They were all happier. BUT back in the earlier seaons.. we didn't have the romance thing going on with Eric and Calleigh, and though it's taking forever for them to get together, a little romance is better than absolutely none.

That was great when she was sitting in the chair twitching talking to Horatio....saying over and over that she didn't actually take anything. :lol:
Okay, now I really want to watch this episode, and I just lent out my season 1 DVDs to someone! Bummer!

And somehow, it is not on the YouTube.
hiphugger17, I love the first pic! I don't like the make up on Em on the second one, though... And what's with the necklaces?

delkolover said:
Is it Monday yet? ;)

No, honey, unfortunately, it's not. :( ;)

Michaela Myers said:
I'm watching Dispo Day, and I think it is so funny when Eric and Calleigh are talking about the polygraph exam and he tells her that he always feels guilty because he's Catholic. It's a cute moment between the two of them.

I love that epi! Calleigh is so cute in it. It always amazes me that Emily was already over 30 when they filmed the first season. She looked so young.

JoannaRose897 said:
Actually..most scenes with Calleigh and Eric in seasons 1-3 are adorable. I miss how things use to be in the older episodes. They were all happier. BUT back in the earlier seaons.. we didn't have the romance thing going on with Eric and Calleigh, and though it's taking forever for them to get together, a little romance is better than absolutely none.

Maybe they will finally get together in the next epi and that will put a smile on Calleigh's face. And we all know that if Calleigh is happy, Eric is happy as well...
She Was cute back then, But she s ruining her face with all the botoxing, & Colligen for her lips. Look at some of the new Eppis. Some shots don't look so bad, but others look like she just got back from getting her lips done, they look to big on her face. I just thnk lt ruins her look. She doesn't need to look like Angilena.

Who knows - this photo new or old? Atop there is a date - 12/12/2004. But I don't remember that before the middle 6th seasons Adam had so short hair. This pic recently has appeared on yahoo. I dream about time when Eric will receive his hair back, even such as on a photo. Calleigh also needs his longer hair for reach out :)

About Calleigh “ruining her face with all the botoxing, & Colligen for her lips” - even if it's true, still now she looks cute. But what looks unnatural - it's shine of her eyes in some episodes.
As in To Kill A Predator

But may be, she was ill?
She Was cute back then, But she s ruining her face with all the botoxing, & Colligen for her lips. Look at some of the new Eppis. Some shots don't look so bad, but others look like she just got back from getting her lips done, they look to big on her face. I just thnk lt ruins her look. She doesn't need to look like Angilena.

Dude she is 40 yrs old....give her a break! I want to look that good at 40!!;)

And I honestly don't think she looks that bad....No one is as bad as Angelina with those frickin window sucker lips :lol:
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I'm with delkolover on this one. If I can look half that good at 40, I'll be thrilled. Nothin' wrong with a little bit of botox.
You know I forget she's 40. She doesn't look that bad with botox though the change is quite obvious. Still I think she doesn't need it anyhow. I mean she also looks really great without it.

Maybe it's to entice Eric to finally kiss her...:evil: It's those emotions she keeps so bottled down trying to break free and send him the message Calleigh is so afraid to speak out ;).
CSISDFlash - please revise your signature - you can have either a banner or text - not both. Thanks!
I'm of the mind that she looks horrible with all that botox and collagen and never needed it in the first place. Now she can barely emote. It's sad that so many young actresses feel like they need to do those things. But that's Hollywood for you. Scratch that, that's the set of CSI: Miami. Everyone there looks like they were put together badly with parts from out of commission porn stars.

As long as they give us nookie.
I still think that make up artists are not doing their best with her. Not to mention that fake tan.

I'd like to look at least as half as good when I'm 40, though (without fake tan and bad make up, of course).
I still think that make up artists are not doing their best with her. Not to mention that fake tan.

I'd like to look at least as half as good when I'm 40, though (without fake tan and bad make up, of course).

I'd have to agree with the fake tan; not that Emily looked bad, she never does, it's just that she looked a little weird. But, hey, when I'm 40 I would also love to look as good as she does.
Emily is still gorgeous, but the botox and whatever else she's doing to her face is definitely unnecesary, I mean she already looked younger than she really is. If you ask me, she looks better now than she did in the earlier seasons of CSI: Miami.
Hey there - there has been a lack of posting about Eric/Cal. Let's please get back on topic.

Also - here is a post that TBonz stated awhile ago about discussing an actors personal life.

A Stars Personal Life Discussion:
The stars tend to draw a line between the public knowledge, and their private lives, and its a line that this board expects its members to respect.
What is appropriate and what is an invasion of privacy? When a star states publicly (via interview, official website, ect) things from marriage to children, divorce to dating, Sexual origin, charities they help, their feelings on certain aspects that are happening in the world, etc, that is appropriate to discuss.
But when you dig deeper or speculate on what they have not spoken of or eluded to, that is a line that should not be crossed, because going further then what they have publicly stated is an intrusion of their privacy and not appropriate to discuss.
Let's get back on topic - ok? Thanks!
Window Suckers, Porn star parts? Come on why don't tell u the truth! No No, don't suger coat it tell us how you really feel!!! LMAOROF! I am the same age as Emely & I use to look that good until a couple of years ago when I started gaining weight. I like to say that I'm naturly fluffing out my wrinkles! Lol!
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