The Fort for Nick/Greg slash fans #20

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If they wanted to give Nick or Greg a love interest, they should have done it LONG ago.

Waiting and waiting only gives us more reason to assume that they only long for each other. :)

It seems kind of the pathetic of the show if they all of a sudden decided to give one of the boys a personal life. Especially when they've overwhelmingly hid it these past 8 years. :rolleyes:

I forgot about that scene where Greg was talking to the shrink. My slashy mind does drift over to something about Nick... Although, my canon mind thinks he's still having trouble with his beating and the aftermath of it.
I agree, twins, why wait eight years to give someone a relationship? Especially Greg ... we've only seen flings (in my opinion) from him. Nothing concrete. All the waiting, as you said, just makes it seem like they are longing for each other (which they are!), if they aren't already in a relationship (which they are! Well, at least I think so, anyways). I honestly hope they don't try to give them any hetero relationships this season ... GSR was enough for a while, in my opinion.

I don't really know if Greg was talking to the shrink about Nick. I'm still undecided, but maybe he was lamenting the fact that he didn't really get to know Warrick very well? The other CSI's were pretty close with him, but I'm not sure if Greg was. I could definitely see him being afraid of where his relationship with Nick is going if he can't get the Texan to talk about anything. Poor Greg--he, like me, is waiting for a complete breakdown from Nicky.
It was just my opinion. 8 years doesnt really mean much to the writers (if the ratings droop spice it up with a bit of romance). Gil & Sara only got together in season 4 or was it season 5. And Warrick & cath only really started in season 5. It would actually make a great angst fic if Nick & Cath got together and then Nick realises his mistake and gets back together with Greg. People in mourning look for comfort in strange places.
I'll get the off-topic out the way first: but new ship. Cath/Riley? Very interesting. And potentially very hot. I like the idea very much MsCandyCorn and whoever agreed. I very much like it:devil::drool: they both appear to be quite similar in their personalities, the sarcasm etc, would be great to see.

Anyway back on topic. I can see how Riley and Greg are going to get on really well, and, as many have already said, as long as TPTB don't change their minds and try and pair them up, I think I'll really like their friendship. And I'll also add my name to people who'd love to see Riley question Greg about his relationship with our Nicky. That'd be a really sweet scene, as it could start out somewhat teasing, until she understands the depth of their feelings.

I also think, with regards to Catherine, TPTB won't try to pair her with one of our guys. This will probably come straight back in my face in next weeks ep or something!!!! But I think that if she were to have been romantically involved with a main (male;)) character, it would have been Warrick. I think that the Cath/Nick idea was scrapped. (I hope for the sake of the Love)

I'd loved for Greg to have been talking to the shrink about Nick. Maybe, because of how confidential she is, he said he missed Warrick, but was more worried about Nick, and was gettnig her advice on how best to help him.
If they wanted to give Nick or Greg a love interest, they should have done it LONG ago.

Waiting and waiting only gives us more reason to assume that they only long for each other. :)

Exactly! :thumbsup:

See? This is why I've always wanted that they made Nick/Greg canon. That would (mostly) put an end to all this speculation season after season....Otherwise, we are getting worried everytime the boys are standing next to a woman (Sara, Cath, Sofia, Riley, a random waitress....) :rolleyes:

Cath. Yes, they scrapped the Cath/Nick thing long time ago. The CSI producers said that "it didn't feel right". And it's obvious that it still doesn't feel right.

Let's not forget that in "For Warrick", they made Yobling (sort of) canon; Cath had Warrick's key and Sara only said "I'm sorry" to Cath as she knew that she had feelings for Warrick and acknowledge them. Cath and Warrick were really hot together, they did HAVE great romantic/sexual chemistry. Nick and Cath....not so much. ;)

Let's see. The writers have already paired up Cath (among many others like that club owner and the lawyer played by Marg's husband, yes, the list is long :lol:) with Grissom, Eddie, Warrick...Nick would be the third member of the team, lol. I don't think that the writers would go there..... And who would be the next? Who's left? Archie? Hodges? Ecklie? Brass?

Do you know what would be really hot? Cath and Riley. Or Sofia and Riley. That would be HOT! :devil: To me, Lauren Lee Smith will always be the lesbian sous chef from "The L Word".
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If they wanted to give Nick or Greg a love interest, they should have done it LONG ago.

Waiting and waiting only gives us more reason to assume that they only long for each other. :)

Exactly! :thumbsup:

See? This is why I've always wanted that they made Nick/Greg canon. That would (mostly) put an end to all this speculation season after season....Otherwise, we are getting worried everytime the boys are standing next to a woman (Sara, Cath, Sofia, Riley, a random waitress....) :rolleyes:

^^ True that. I love the idea of them longing for each other all these years. But I do like to think they have been together since the second season. I would freakin flip out at this point if they made them a canon. mainly cause we all have been waiting for it for so long but also worried cause all canons on the show are doomed pretty much.Also I was thinking about how much we obsess about the boys with various females. Why do we do this so much. We know what the boys have is true why do we worry so much. Never fear the LOVE will prevail.

As for Greggo talking to the shrink, kinda has me worried. Like twins mentioned it may have something to do with him getting beaten up in season seven. Maybe repressed emotions about that and Warrick death in a similar situation is bringing them back up. Or we also have the idea of him worried bout Nicky's lack of emotion on the death of his best friend. Hes a very emotional person maybe he just needs to get some stuff off his chest to help him along.

P.S. Glad you all agree that Riley and Cath would make a hot couple. :)
Riley/Cath?? Hm...:devil:

As I said before, I'm liking Riley. I would love to see her in a friendship with either boy. They would ruin the character for me if they decided anything beyond that.

It's not like I think TPTB owe us or anything, but they gave GSR, GSR and ruined Sara. I think it would be interesting of them to hook up someone in the lab (someone accurate!), and have it actually work out.

Maybe Nick will get promoted and they're afraid they'll have to move Greg to swing because they'll think Nick will give him special treatment or something...
It'll still be nice to see little moments, though. Just little things like little smiles, or maybe either Nick or Greg making reference to having each others keys, or even Riley having a little smile on her face when she's watching Nick and Greg talk. Little moments like would be brilliant.

Anyway, been reading "In Extremis" and found yet another quote that is rather interesting if taken out of context (like the one in my sig). Hope you like this one. I certainly sniggered because my mind is permanently in the gutter:

When Grissom finally got to the garage, he found Greg on his knees in front of the truck grill, facing what now looked like a porcupine array of dowels, and Nick setting up a digital camera on a tripod. (p158)

Now, I'm not sure about the rest of you, but when I read that all I saw was "Greg on his knees" and "Nick setting up a digital camera". Oh dear, lol. Also, my copy of "Headhunter" arrived today and flicking through that it would appear that Nick and Greg are working together.

Oh, and Twins, being a Torchwood fan I'm sure you'll understand where my mind went when I read Nick saying the following in "Headhunter.

"Ready for Greg and me to get to work?" (p312)

For those who don't know Torchwood, in the episode "Adrift" Jack asks Ianto to come back into a room with him because they had "work to do" which was... well, Jack already had his shirt back off before Ianto had finished talking to Gwen. :lol:
Just a quick note - I know you are really not discussing Cath & Riley - but perhaps it is time to set up a thread for them and move the discussion of them out of here? Thanks!
Are there any new Nick/Greg Halloween fics ? Please point the way if you know where they are. I am sure Nick & Greg have their own version of trick or treat.
Ahh, I've missed way way wayy to much... So im out of the loop.

Yes its good to see the evidence of their love in picture forms, especially in the last episode of seven eight... That defo is the look of love.
I scrolled down, and yeah I agree (on a good day), that if they was gonna make them a couple, surly it would've been when Greg got beaten up?

Sometimes I think that they just wont make them a couple. There is evidence for and against it, but TPTB keep us the fans sweet by tempting us with looks of love..

I sooo need to see the episode!!! I cant really talk about it otherwise.

Greg talking to a shrink? Frustration?... Clearly its cause Nick is in denial and thats probably why he sees Warrick??
Maybe Nick will get promoted and they're afraid they'll have to move Greg to swing because they'll think Nick will give him special treatment or something...

^^ Thats true. I mean that did happen to Grss and Sara. But technically Cath would be the first one to move to a supervisor position before Nicky. Maybe if the both get moved to supervisor positions Cath could just do Greggo's evaluations and such so there would be no issues. Personally I don't think Nicky would like supervisor position as much as Cath would. It would mean more time behind a desk then out in the field for him. His hero complex may get in the way of that, wanting to be in the action saving people. I just don't see Nicky as the paper work kinda guy so much. Although Nicky having his own office would open up alot of work nooky options for the boys. :devil:
Here's something that I've been starting to wonder since my book posts appear to be going ignored: do you view what happens in the books to be canon, or only the show? Some of the books have some good moments of The Love, some of them making rather good quotes *points to sig*. Also, there is the games. Do you remember Nick's mention of wearing women's underwear in one of the games?

So, books and games don't count and just the eps? Like I said, books stuff is going ignored...
Here's something that I've been starting to wonder since my book posts appear to be going ignored: do you view what happens in the books to be canon, or only the show? Some of the books have some good moments of The Love, some of them making rather good quotes *points to sig*. Also, there is the games. Do you remember Nick's mention of wearing women's underwear in one of the games?

So, books and games don't count and just the eps? Like I said, books stuff is going ignored...

^^ Sorry about that, Clarrisini. I do happen to think that books and games are quite informative about what the episodes leave out. For example, the game that has Nick talking about a gay bar that he can identify from the matches they have ... yeah. Nothin' weird about that all, nope. All straight guys could do that.

I think that a lot of authors put things into their books that aren't out of character, but maybe, just possibly, they put in some subtext because they see it too? I dunno. I wouldn't call the episode discussion more important the book subtext, but like the game, they aren't relative, sort of. I guess the episodes are a bit more important because it's official. But it does show that there are more people who see Nick and Greg's interactions as common place and (dare I say it) more than friendly?

Subtext is awesome. Long live subtext.
*still drooling over the Janto making out scene from "Adrift".....Thanks for the reminder.

That's a very interesting question, Clarrisani. Are the CSI books and games canon? They should be, IMO. We know that in shows like Torchwood, books ARE CANON, even Captain Jack's diaries are canon (and we know that he can't stop talking about Ianto....)
Maybe I'm wrong here but I think that the fact that Greg doesn't like wearing guns was first mentioned in one of the CSI novels. Have the books good moments of The Love? Because I love your signature. I haven't read any CSI book yet but maybe I should start now...*here's hoping that the CSI writers are watching "Torchwood" and there isn't the same censorship in the CSI novels than in the show*

my_last_chance said: "For Example, the game that has Nick talking about a gay bar that he can identify from the matches they have...yeah, Nothin' weird about that all, nope. All straight guys could do that"

Oh, could you know? :devil: On that game, Nick finds some matches and he says something like:

"hmm...a book of matches from a gay bar. A very high class one...or so I've heard"

LOL. Nick not only knows that the matches are from a gay bar. He ALSO knows that it's a very high class one! :guffaw:. Poor Nicky..he's so deep in the closet! Hopefully, his cute boyfriend will help him to come out....

And you are right, Clarrisani, other moment from the games that also implies that Nick is gay, it's when he finds some women's underwear and he wonders if they'd fit him.....Could this hint on the game be considered canon? Well, in this scene from "Gum Drops", they say that Nick "has a radiant feminine energy...." Why would they say something like that? ;)

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