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Anyone read The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks.

What a book. What a twist!!! This dude is totally twisted.
"Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris. It's freaking hilarious! :lol: I totally recommend it.
I read that before. I agree- so funny!!

Just finished bawling my eyes out at the end of "The Time Traveller's Wife". Such a good book!

Now I'm on the hunt for something new to read....
I just finished From Russia with Love. But before I'm reading Live and Let Die, I'm first reading Charmed - Between Worlds (it was a released a little while ago here).
I've heard good things about the Time traveller's Wife - one of my friends recently read it and said she couldn't put it down! The Wasp Factory I have heard of also - I know Iain Banks is supposed to be a great author, though I've never actually read any of his stuff before.
I'm half-way thru The Last Precinct by Patricia Cromwell. It's so good, reminds me of CSI:Miami here and there.

Next on my list will be Angels & Demons by Dan Brown and The Chronicles of Narnia.
The novel of the movie, Doom. I just got it the other day. it is absolutly awesome. It really tells a lot about the movie that wasn't said.
My english class is almost done TO Kill A Mockingbird, we're at the trial, it's so interesting now!!! I wanna know what happens, but we're not allowed to read on!
i remember when i had to read that book. it was ok but we just finished reading Camus' "The Stranger" talk about messed up books. it was really interesting though it makes you want to like be apart of it so you can just punch this guy in the face haha. but it's really good. since we finished that im moving on to "Nothing Feels Good (Punk Rock, Teenagers, and Emo) by Andy Greenwald. it's basically him bashing the term "emo" it's interesting though
I read To Kill a Mockingbird... that was really good. and I don't really like reading. I do, but reading for school is really boring. they choose the worst books.
Ummm... I can't remember the author, but its a book called "Blowfly" (I believe...) and its got the character (forensic pathologist) Kay Scarpetta in it.

Good book.

(I've just got a bad memory... :))
yippi, i got two of the last csi books i missed yesterday! "cold burn" and "grave matters"....which shall i read next? xD hehe
I just finished reading MOAB IS MY WASHPOT by Stephen Fry, weird title I know , but still a good book. Now i'm reading THE SURGEON by Tess Gerritts along with every bokk in the "Jeeves Series" by P.G. Wodehouse. These are the greatest books of all time! I love them all!
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