Who is your fav cath/sara/sofie? Take the poll!!

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Re: who is youe fav cath/sara/sofie? take the poll

Keep shipper discussion in shipper forum please this has nothing to do with couples. ;) Thank-You.
Re: who is youe fav cath/sara/sofie? take the poll

Although I like all 3 of these characters, I chose Sara :) She is sweet, smart, sensitive and beautiful. I like the way she cares and feels for people, and gives so much to her job :)

Though as I said, I like Cath and Sophia too - I just also think I see some of myself in Sara, and identify with her in more situations than any of the other two.
Re: who is youe fav cath/sara/sofie? take the poll

*comes in*
*looks at poll*

Sara's winning
*chuckles* - oy vey, and I honestly voted just once!!
Re: who is youe fav cath/sara/sofie? take the poll

Catherine all the way if Sara didnt moan as much then maybe i would like her a little more. As for Sofia i just dont think she fits in.
Re: who is youe fav cath/sara/sofie? take the poll

Definitely Sofia. I'm one of the few people that love that there's a strong female homicide detective and so proud of it when I see my girl still on there in spite of all this bashing. I fail to see the need for her to 'bring something' to the show aside from the fact that there's a representation for the small number of women that become homicide detectives. Go Sofia!!!

Catherine is a VERY close second. This woman is a goddess plain and simple.

Sara...ah geez, I'm kind of longing for the days when she was a complete mystery and not this imitation with the (dun dun dun!) oh so dark past that she must dwell on forever AND-of course-the unrequited love for Grissom
Re: who is youe fav cath/sara/sofie? take the poll

I like Cath and Sara both(almost the same)...but I have to go with Cath...she's just so full of life, and unlike Sara, if she want's something, GOES AFTER IT...*Thinks of Warrick* Ok, scratch that...Did I confuse you? I just confused myself! :confused: Oh well, anyways...I really don't care for Sofia, nothing personal...just never liked her :(
Re: who is youe fav cath/sara/sofie? take the poll

catherine is definitly my faverite, she is so gusty and vibrant. she definitly brings a spark to the show. sara although she is not my fav character, csi would not be the same without her, i like the conflicts between the two. there both great actors and deserve MORE awards..hint hint :p
Re: who is youe fav cath/sara/sofie? take the poll

Sara's #1 in my book. She's smart and witty and opinionated and, well just plain beautiful.

For the last few seasons Cath woulda been last on my list, but as curtainonfloor mentioned, she's changed this season, and I'm finding her very likable. Confident, smart and not nearly so abrasive and dramatic as in the last few seasons, so she's #2.

Last is the Spork, err, Sofia. I just don't really think she has much of a place in the show and her accent rubs me the wrong way. I like her better since ABRTI 1&2, but she's still my least fave of the females.
Re: who is youe fav cath/sara/sofie? take the poll

I voted for Sara because I am a huge Geek fan and I love Sara so much. I think Cath is alright but I can't stand Sofia at all.
Re: who is youe fav cath/sara/sofie? take the poll

I voted for Sara because I like her the best but I like them all, honestly. They all have good qualities and they all have flaws but they are also all strong women.
Re: who is youe fav cath/sara/sofie? take the poll

I voted Sara. I just like her character the best.

Felt like bumping this thread up :)
Re: who is youe fav cath/sara/sofie? take the poll

Yay Sara's totally in the lead. :p I voted for Sara obviously, as much as I love Sofia, we don't know her as well, so yeah, Sara. :)
And...well Catherine's Catherine, do I need to explain. :rolleyes:

Thanks for bumping the thread. ;)
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