How Much is Gas Where you Live?

Of course it seems to be going again since I am going on vacation tomorrow :rolleyes: It is back up to $3.89 and it was aroud $3.70 last week.
I got it at $3.74 today, but about a block away it was $3.89. :wtf: I hope that doesn't mean they're all raising their prices today.
I filled the 26 gallon tank on my truck for $3.56 a gallon. It was nice getting out of a fill-up for less than a Ben Franklin. :) Oh, I'm currently in Iowa and getting ready to go to Texas. I shall post gas reports from the road.
I filled up today at $1.28 a liter. Not too bad considering it's been as high as $1.35

Gaseous_Anomaly enjoy your road trip :)
Just filled up at $3.52 a gallon in Emporia, Kansas. Again I was happy to get by with paying less then $100. I was able to get 485 miles out of that last tank. :)
We spent two weeks in England and petrol is cheaper over there than here in Holland so before we got into the Eurotunnel, we made sure that our tank was filled up :)

We paid 1.12 british pounds so that's about $ 2.09 per litre
So I hate gas prices and how they go up and down.

Yesterday I spent the day at a theme park with my friend and before we passed a gas station where it was $3.89 a gallon and I decided to fill up later... Bad choice. After we left, the gas was $4.08 thankfully I didn't need to fill up lol
Just a gentle reminder to please put more than 3 words in a post. We wouldn't want to close this thread down because of spamming now :)
Around 60 pesos in the Philippines. :(

What do you use as a unit of measure in the Philippines? Liters, Gallons? Also, what is the Exchange rate between Pesos and Dollars?

I know around here, it's still about $3.80 per gallon, but that's on the Indiana side of the Border.