Grade 'Admissions'

How would you grade Admissions?

  • A+

    Votes: 21 35.0%
  • A

    Votes: 24 40.0%
  • A-

    Votes: 11 18.3%
  • B+

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • B

    Votes: 1 1.7%
  • B-

    Votes: 2 3.3%
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    Votes: 0 0.0%
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  • D-

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This is the show that I enjoy. It reminded me of epis like Hung Out to Dry and Bad Beat.

It has good pacing, snappy banter between the gang, unexpected twists.

Adam and Sid were both so excellent that their scenes were just gems.

Danny was barely seen, but he was his cocky, snarky witty self. I know that all of the sturm und drang gives him a chance to exercise his acting chops, but it can get a bit wearing.

Flack, oh how I adore you! Thanks be to TPTB that we got to see more of you. Great one liners, poking at Mac about the tarps. That grin shows that he was doing it just to yank Macs chain. <very impish, I thought> No to mention the whole "Just stop" thing with the annoying kid.

A HUGE sigh of relief that there was no D/L angst. I am sooooo tired of that.

The big slimy slug in the pretty garden was Lindsey in interrogation. She is just soooo bad at it. I'm guessing that the writers chose her to talk to Natalie because Lindsey is the "young" female cast member. But she has no empathy at all. Whoever it was that labeled her expression the "Cold Fish Eye of Doom" was dead on. Poor Natalie, if this were real life, Lindsey's clumsy bumbling would have scarred her for life.

Kudos to Gerrard. Wow! What a performance from start to finish. Protective father, loyalty torn cop, avenging father who willingly threw away his life and career for his daughter. The only down side is that I fear that we'll never see him again. A sad loss.

OK, who out there was thinking that when Flack has daughters those poor girls will NEVER get out of the house? I have the feeling that he'll give "over protective father" a whole new meaning. :guffaw:

Again, I was struck by the fact that Mac and Flack have the most equal-to-equal relationship on the show. We don't see Mac talking like that to anyone else, not even Stella.

Quick Quiz: I think that this was the first time we've seen Flack hit anyone. He has chased bad guys. Tackled bad guys. Pulled bad guys off of fire escape ladders, fences and stairs. But when the bad guy tried to gut him like a fish, he back handed him across the room. With his gun hand no less. Ouch! That had to hurt!

There were tons of things about this epi I liked. I'm hoping the coming episodes are more like it!
this was a great episode. and scary too. hell really exist solely for people like those two and its really sad to think that people like that, or worse, really exist

the little Flack/Stella/Mac scene at the beggining was funny

I liked the hints on cab-killer case. its much more intriguing then the 333-stalker thing

I love Sid, seriously. I want him to interact with other people of the team too, Flack for example

same goes for Adam. he was one of the best parts of the episode - as usually

and last but not least - Anna. she rocked in the interogation scene, especially after the guys left. the look in her eyes - amazing

just one more thing - I dont want to hear anyone say Boom for at least a year, please!
i gave this ep an A. from start to finish it was entertaining and interesting.

- the Stella/ Mac/Flack scene was great. they really are around each other a lot and each one is starting to rub off on the other.

- Danny volunteering to answer the equation and then writing "nerd" was soo brilliant.

- Sid is hilarious he's always good for a laugh. Mac's faces around Sid are soo funny and this scene they were great haha.

- Adam is the man. he has the best funny lines and quirks about him. i loved how he was making a story up with the video he was looking at. i especially loved the part when he said "what up" when he saw the box of cameras and camera phones.

-Mac and Lindsay working together was great to see. they need to work together more often.

- Hawkes actually had a decent amount of screen time this week.... very nice.

- Lindsay/ Anna was amazing when Gerrard's daughter asked to talk to her. you can see how uncomfortable she was and she knew what the girl wanted to say. of course she had to stay and listen but by the end Lindsay seemed a little more confident and not as uncomfortable. TPTB need to make more scenes like this for Lindsay/Anna to do.

- no D/L ship drama!!! i love D/L to no end but i needed a break from these two sometimes.
I loved Mac and Sid, my favourite scene of the series so far. Sometimes the characters look a little annoyed when Sid goes to his creepy place but I loved Macs reaction here.

I thought Lindsay was great in this episode and I was glad to see her getting more screen time that had nothing to do with Danny.

I was glad not to see too much of Danny, his character is becoming seriously overused.

Great week for Hawkes though!
I imagine Gerrad already felt he had failed as a police officer for failing to protect his daughter from those SOBS. I imagine in his eyes his career was already over even before he killed the guy
^^^ i like what you said there. you can just see when it in his eyes and body language after he shot the guy that Gerrard knew in hi mind he had failed and there was no greater failing than not protecting his daughter and seeing what had happened.

after all he did to Mac i felt bad for Gerrard. that probably pissed him off a lot when Mac and the team were investigating his daughter's prom b/c of what went on last year. but by the end of the ep seeing what happened to his daughter it humbled him in some ways towards Mac. (does that make sense? right now i'm dying from a headache, my brain is all mush lol)

i also agree with you angel142= Danny is seriously overused. i love seeing Danny but sometimes even i get sick of my fave characters and i need a break from them.
I Gave it an A+ I just Looooved that episode!!

I loved the interaction with the caraters..
It seems like they have been in here and seen what the fans want :lol:
more Hawkes and no D/L And That thing about Flack spending too much time with Danny :guffaw: mm it keeps me wondering.. thihi..

And the first line between Stella, Mac and Flack,
That must be 1 of my fav. And Flacks face when Mac say that he has spent to much time with danny, price less

Adam.. Ohh He rocks. no matter what..

Sid and Mac are awsome..

I would like to se some Det.Angell..
Ive missed that pretty face of hers..
I think ive got a crush on her.. :wtf::devil:

I cant wait until tomorow to see the next episode..
superb direction by Rob Bailey (can't believe he used to direct Byker Grove. BYKER GROOOVVEE for Gawd's sake!!! heeeee) Some great camera work, acting and a smart, tight script kept me watching and i didn't even mind that Viagra-on-legs Danny Messer was mostly missing :eek:. A+
I gave it an A...would have been and A+ if Lindsay wasn't the one doing the interview with Gerrard's daughter. And I can definitly feel for Inspector Gerrard, it was not the smartest thing to do or even rational, but the anger at some scumbag who did that to his daughter is is understandable. What is a parent suppose to do especially if you know that your child will be scarred for life and that monster does not even have the slightest hint of remorse.
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I also gave this episode an "A." I was impressed with how well they were able to integrate some fun, humorous character moments into what ultimately turned out to be a sad, depressing case.

I found myself smiling more than once at the character interations and this episode was one of the best for showing the camaraderie between the team members.
- Flack/Mac/Stella and the "working together too long" comments
- Flack's "Stop...just stop" to the high school student :lol:
- the Danny/Hawkes NERD scene
- Mac and Sid
- Adam's goofiness and Mac slapping him with the file to get his attention
and probably a few more that I've forgotten.

That's quite a contrast to how horrified and sickened I felt about what happened to Natalie. And the ending was tragic on so many levels. Not only will Natalie have to deal with all the ramifications of the rape and subsequent murders, but she most likely will have to do it without her Father at her side. :(