Worst Movies Ever

Howard the Duck
Street Fighter
From Justin to Kelly
Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot
The Adventures of Pluto Nash
The Master of Disguise
Who's Your Caddy?

And I'm probably the only person that can't stand the movie, Titanic!
More that stink....

Critter's....1,2,3. "I mean little creature's coming up from the toilet, from space eating people.

The Stuff...."It was this white yogurt, that space aliens had left, to destroy earth, and people ate it, while it turned them into zombies before melting into puddles of goo".

Wax Work: the original, the one before the remake, we won't even go there, for I didn't think anything could be worse then the original.

Swept Away: I fell asleep fifteen minutes into it, not only the actors sucked, the movie was boring, and I'm sorry, Madonna needs to stick to singing. :lol:
1)High School Musical- Just no.
2)All the Final Destination movies- They creep me out big time.
3)Snakes on a Plane- In reality the snakes would have died once they were in the air. Hello, they are cold blooded. The whole thing was just stupid.
4)The village- Started out ok then it just nosedived.
5)Monty Python's The Meaning of Life- Now I love Monty Python but I really didn't like this movie as a whole. They had quite a few bits that would have made great sketches but together is was kind of eh.
I can tell you which movies are the worst.

1. Pulp Fiction, that was a stupid movie, my dad and I watch in the theater long time ago.

2. Sci-fi, don't watch the dumb movies, are The Return of the Living Dead, 7 and 8, that was so dumb and you can laugh at them when the dead one said, 'I want your brain.'

3. Between Friday the Thirteen and Freddy Kruger, they scared me, but they look phony.

4. The remake of Fog (it was great movie.) But they could do pounding one time, not too many time, it was annoyed. The old one is better. They always said the old one is better then the remake. Don't get me wrong, The Fog is good, but the old Fog is better.
Gonna add some more:

- Cheech and Chong's Nice Dreams
- Spiderman 2
- Batman and Robin
- Rollerball * the remake *
- The Scorpion King
Worst movie, hm.. defintely "I am legend", very bad movie with Will Smith, too stupid, 2 hours..., "Hitch" too, again with Will Smith :D Both bad movies.
The invasion. Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig are really cool but it sucked.

Another Titanic hater here!

High School Musical *shudders*

The Lady killers remake with Tom Hanks. Yuk!
Back again :rolleyes:

And I too can't stand High School Musical, just not the musical type I guess.

- Hairspray
- 1408
- Mr. Brooks
- The Bride of Chucky/ Seed of Chucky
- Epic Movie, finally saw that one and all I have to say is :confused:
- The Matrix, just realized how stupid all of those movies were
- Scream 2 and 3
- The Omen Remake and surprisingly I'm a Liev Schreiber fan
- This Boy's Life, The Quick and the Dead Romeo and Juliet, The Man in the Iron Mask, The Beach, Gangs of New York, Catch Me If You Can :rolleyes: And it's not a coiencedence that I don't like Leonardo DiCaprio movies, I happen to like What's Eating Gilbert Grape. But only because Johnny Depp's in it :D
I'm just gonna have to agree with everyone on the Matrix thing... Although everyone I know enjoyed Lord Of The Rings all three movies...I started ache...literally! I just couldn't watch it.. Harry Potter just makes me roll on the floor and laugh.. New York Taxi with queen latifah was shamelessly lame..come on.. the original French "Taxi" could never be copied... Armaggedon sucked for me too.. I wonder if Bruce Willis got a part in one of the CSI shows... hmmm... Gigli - this movie took the concept of "lame" to whole different level... I pretty much hate all Van Damme movies.. the SAW series.. just bleah! War of the Worlds, someone already said The Village and I feel the urge to agree with that person.. Great Expectations with Ethan Hawke - come on ppl, don't do a modern version after a classic, it's bound to suck - I know it's not a movie but I really hate Smallville...I have no good motive though..I just hate it :D Titanic...I almost died too (of laughter) in the end when Leo Di Caprio (in Romanian "caprio" is similar to "capra" which means "goat" so the name is funny :D) sunk down and drowned..or he was already dead.. don't quite remember... Da Vinci's code.. the character played by Tom Hanks knew anything about everything, that really bugged me.. and many many more which I cannot remember right now (my brain blocked after thinking about so many crappy movies :D)
Hard2Handle said:
- Hairspray

Just out of curiosity, which one? The original non-musical version or the Zac Efron musical version which was based on the Broadway musical, which was based on the original non musical?
Has anyone ever sat all the way through "The Postman"? I gave up after about 1hr 20mins. I'd only been watching because an actor I like is in it (Chip Esten) and it's possibly the worst movie I've ever tried to watch.

I could add Reindeer Games too, I hate to because Gary Sinise is in it, and I've loved everything else he's done, but that was just... ugh. That's 99 minutes I'll never get back.
Vanilla Sky. They shouldn't have made the remake, Open your eyes was just fine, and Tom Cruise made the character unbelievable.

Also there was a movie with John Travolta about the aliens or something like that I really couln't find the gusts to finish. I think it had something to do with the Scienciology religion :confused:
Any of the Bring It On sequals..none of them are as good at the first one. Why they keep making them I'll never know, but they get progressively more annoying with each set of actors.
It seems that us Dio Girls/CSI Fans have something in common lol.

Cloverfeild- piece of C*ap.


If you saw Cloverfield didn't you have to follow some internet thing for about Six months? I heard that was true

Mr Beans Holiday-Not funny.

Casper, A spirited beginning-I hated all the Casper things. But this was the worst.

Madam Bovary-Zzzzz. Most boringest film. EVER!